Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Strength through joy
Time to get this thread back on topic.
I will give you the unpleasant punch line upfront: There is sufficient evidence to reasonably conclude that Barack Obama is probably not a U.S. citizen, therefore constitutionally ineligible to be president of the United States.
The fact that he has been serving in that office would then be not only the most audacious hoax in world history — at least since the Trojan Horse. It also creates a constitutional crisis of the first magnitude that will take decades to straighten out.
Some tidbits and apparent facts suggest, weakly, that the person now known as "Barack Obama" is a natural-born citizen. (If George W. Bush or any other politician had used as many aliases as B.H. Obama has, he would have been laughed out of politics in short order. Need we even suggest the basis for the double standard, enforced primarily by a compliant media?)
If B.H. Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen, those who flack for him should be able to do better than the unpersuasive defense they have offered.
More specifically damning, haven't you noticed how Obama apologists rarely offer a substantive argument for his citizenship at all, but instead use personal attack, invective, sophistry, demagogy and ridicule? The bottom line: If you believe that the artist formerly known as Barry Soetoro really is a natural U.S. citizen, prove it. If the subject of the controversy cannot, others are not likely to be able to either.
The conclusion: Barack Obama's covered-up background is very likely sufficient to disqualify him from the presidency, perhaps or perhaps not constitutionally through noncitizenship, or more practically because of multiple acts of fraud and deceit over legal name and multiple citizenships. Full public knowledge would surely induce prompt impeachment or electoral pariah status, that is.


Squeaky Wheel
Whether the world is 6000 or 75000 or 40 billion years old, to say that this unlikely occurrence is the most audacious hoax in world history is placing a little too much importance on this country's 230 year history. IMO.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Heres a simple solution to your quest. Its really easy to figure out and even you could handle the job.

The one thing you need to prove to show the world that OBama was born in Kenya is a record of his mother being there at the same time of the date of his birth. If you can show the world her passport that has her in kenya on the date of his birth then there you go. If you can show a hospital record in kenya with his mothers name on it on the day he was born, presto, case closed. If you can show an airline ticket with his mothers name on it in the same week as he was born, then you will expose the lie.

If you could show something that disputes all the official records that have his mother in a hawaiian hospital on the day he was born, then I would say you have a case. But unfortunately, when you started this thread back in 11/08, you are no closer to your quest than the day you wasted your time in creating it.

All you have to do is place his mother in kenya. Can you do that?



Staff member
Thanks for the sermon Reverend. Maybe you're the one I slam the door on every weekend while you try and shove your salvation down my throat. No thanks.

Well! That's the first time it's been called my "salvation", but no matter. Open wide! And you better not spit! (See? Sinner all the way! But as they say, "I learned about God from people who drank coffee, smoked cigarettes, and told dirty jokes." Go figure.)
They are also "Hypochristians". The Left doesn't lay clain to religious righteousness. That's the Right's territory.
You need to go down Home depot and get yourself a pack of those assorted paint brushes, your wearing out that very broad one you have been using.


golden ticket member
Within a half hour, B.O. is suppose to address the birth cert. issue.
It's probably going to be a COLB as has been presented in the past.

I've e-mailed my daughter in Hawaii to see if my grandson has an
actual certificate or a COLB. It's 3:30 AM. there so I won't hear back for awhile.
Well, it's released !
Ok dummies, go sink in your heads now !
Why would you say that to your pals over there on the left?

I'm glad he posted his COLB, he could of saved a lot of time if he had done that long ago. Now, why won't he unseal his other records that are open to the public eye for everyone else?


Staff member
Why would you say that to your pals over there on the left?

I'm glad he posted his COLB, he could of saved a lot of time if he had done that long ago. Now, why won't he unseal his other records that are open to the public eye for everyone else?

Who's time could he have saved? Yours? Why should he care? He knew what he had. Didn't waste his time.


golden ticket member
Who's time could he have saved? Yours? Why should he care? He knew what he had. Didn't waste his time.
He said it was a waste and he had more inportant things to, all his broken campaign promises are because of this distraction? Tunnel Vision!!