Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


Staff member
He said it was a waste and he had more inportant things to, all his broken campaign promises are because of this distraction? Tunnel Vision!!
You think he lost a moment's sleep on this? All it did was make Trump, Baba, and the rest of you look silly. By the way, Trumps given alot of money to democrats in the past. Think maybe he was a plant this time? (Now that's how conspiracy theories get started!:happy-very:)


golden ticket member
I think Trump is just around to plug his show and bring up subjects like the birth issue and to do some plain talking about today's problems with the gas prices, the world's opinion of USA and other issues. Then after May 22nd when Apprentice is over then he will announce that he's NOT running and he will have someone in mind to endorse by then.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This issue has proven to be a complete waste of time for the "birther" movement, Babaganoush and everyone else who supported this effort. I agree with our president, this "sideshow driven by carnival barkers" has been nothing more than a distraction to the larger issues of governing our country,

I hope the embarrassment this causes Donald Chump, Babaganioush, the Tea Party, Alan Keyes is enough to shut them all up. I hope the millions of dollars that was donated to this cause and the GOP is returned to the people who donated it for cheating them in a rouse.

Once and for all, what the "average" american knew is known by all. The president gave the birthers, Chump and unfortunately, Babaganoush just enough rope to hang themselves.

This should close this issue for the birthers and the GOP and its time to close shop, take down the rediculous websites and move on to bigger issues. As for brown cafe, it should close the longest running thread in current events and lock it down.

THis case is closed and there is nothing further to add to the debate. Obama wins.



Strength through joy
question....why were two different typewriters used to complete this document. The address is different,, it is much sharper , look closely at the "K" in Kansas for comparison.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lock this thread down before he completely loses his mind for all to see.

Baba, you gave it all your heart and effort, you dedicated two years of your life to pursuing the issue. You belived all you heard from Alan Keyes and all the others that followed. You probably donated some of your earnings to help those mentioned pay for their investigations. But now its time to let it go. You thought you were supporting something real, something tangible because they made it important to you, but it turns out they wasted your time and your life. GIve it up. ASk for this thread to be locked down and save yourself further embarrassment. The issue is over.

As to your question. Let me explain it to you. IN 1961, the typewriters were not very reliable. If you look at each line in the certificate, you will see that the first letter of almost every typed line "raises" the first letter slightly and because there is a ribbon involved, part of the typeface doesnt strike the ribbon causing a distortion. This was acceptable at the time because there was nothing better out there. Give it a rest, there was not a second typewriter involved. Please, Im beggin you now, let it go.

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Für Meno :)
You just found out he was born in 1961, and is 50 years of age ?

Where have you been ?
Oooooppps, yeah, forgot, in your little dreamworld of yours...


golden ticket member
There's people that watch that crap and send all their money to him.

Growing up, our local was Rev. Rex Humbard and the Cathedral of Tomorrow.