Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I found a way to end this thread with a video clip starring TOS as Col. Troutman and BABAganoush and John J. Rambo.




golden ticket member
I've had my birth cert. in a safe all my adult life and can produce it along with marriage cert., passport and other stuff. I had my kids birth certificates, but once they were adults, I gave them theirs to take care of. Doesn't anybody keep papers anymore??


golden ticket member
Just thought I'd get back to you....My daughter in Hawaii e-mailed and said my grandson's birth cert. looks just like Obama's, only different names, of course.


Well-Known Member
Just thought I'd get back to you....My daughter in Hawaii e-mailed and said my grandson's birth cert. looks just like Obama's, only different names, of course.

So I guess since your grandson was born in Kenya too, he can't be President either!

Opps, almost forgot, BABA make a note to yourself for about 40 years from now as your services may be needed again!


golden ticket member
It's OOPS !! And my grandson was born at the hospital near Kapolei (Honolulu county)....forget the name of it.
We don't need a president who's fluent in "pigeon english", so he won't be running.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In an awkward twist of reporting, Shepard Smith distanced FOX news from the birthers by saying that the "whole concept" of his birth in another country was from CRAZYLAND! He also added that for those about to jump on his school records, papers and such should just leave that in CRAZYLAND!

One word describes this.... BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!


(p.s. is that a word?)


Staff member
In an awkward twist of reporting, Shepard Smith distanced FOX news from the birthers by saying that the "whole concept" of his birth in another country was from CRAZYLAND! He also added that for those about to jump on his school records, papers and such should just leave that in CRAZYLAND!

One word describes this.... BAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA!


(p.s. is that a word?)

As much a word as "opps".:happy-very:


Strength through joy
so when is bhos going to release the real BC?

  • MikeDothan
  • I have Adobe Illustrator and this document has lots of layers. I scan documents to PDF all the time and have never had one layer like this.
  • It's called OCR. You scan in a document and the software attempts to recognize text. Thats why some text is in some layers, and some in others, and some text ends up in the background because the software is not perfect. Some of the layers even contain almost nothing, but maybe a few pixels.

    fivestarguy66 22 seconds ago
  • can someone explain to me what it means if the birth certificate is layered? i have no clue what the significance of this is. i am assuming its a forgery but how can one tell that from the pdf being layered?

    aaron19840904 44 seconds ago
  • TH I S D O C U M E N T I S A friend O R G E R Y
    This document will never hold up in any legal case or court action.
    If this was a scan of an actual document it would not be layered.
    More questions than answers from this - sorry Obama
    Try again - vote me up !!!!!

    Channel58 45 seconds ago
  • This absolutely proves that Obungles is a liar of epic proportions. You cannot make layers out of a single scan unless you ADD them and save with layers.! He blew it, now he needs to be removed as the fraud he is!

    You guys are a bunch of amateurs. I have spent the last 23 years of my life analyzing PDF's for the CIA, FBI, Pentagon and 17 military and government agencies throughout the world. I am a certified Adobe PDF Crime Scene Investigator certified in PDF Analysis from versions 2. thru 9 and I know what I speak of. This PDF is a certified forgery. CRC and SSL keys do not match the original specifications. Further analysis indicates layering are suspicious, specifically the blacklines i.e. (blackbox)



Strength through joy
The Obama Nativity fable exposed

Posted on April 15, 2011 by nobarack08

Is there any photographic evidence that Stanley Ann Dunham was pregnant during the time between the fall of 1960 and the summer of 1961?
No, there is no evidence that Stanley Ann was pregnant, but there is photographic evidence suggesting she was not pregnant.
I submit the following photographs as evidence.
Here is a photograph of Stanley Ann reportedly taken by Frank Marshall Davis. Unfortunately you will have to go to ........... to view these photos.