Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Interesting how you have to use my sentence structure for your response. You make it so easy...and its fun spooling you up. :bigsmile2:Is that from years of training to be a Right Wing stooge? Is that like you being a Left Wing kool-aid drinker? Really, most of you on the lunatic fringe are simply useful idiots for the GOP elite. No its really your kind that are total idiots for drinking the Obama Kool-aid and asking for more....yummy...drink more...its so gooooooood!!! They set the trap, you take the bait, and then spread the poison among the rest of the herd. Simply amazing, and you don't even realize it. I set the take the bait....just like a good wind up toy.:hypnosis:

And "The Messiah" kicked some evil ass this weekend, (good for Barry...his nads finally dropped) a task that the limp-wristed, dumb cowpoke (from Maine) with the phony Texas drawl couldn't quite manage.[/QUOTE]

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Where is ALL the press coverage surrounding ORLY TAINZ big day in court yesterday???? NOT a single news outlet covered that story. Your idol, ALAN KEYES hired this dope as his spokesperson (besides you) and she has run across this country spreading everything from "forged birth certificates" to forged residency documents relating to OBAMA and his family.

Why NO traction to her case??? Why is she being left in the cold?? WHY wont the biggest buffoon in right wing television (GLEN BECK) embrace her conspiracy story??

Why is it, that only YOU seem to have bought into the hoax and surrender your time, efforts, energy and "I know" MONEY to this cause and yet, not one RIGHT wing leader, house representative, senate representative, FBI representative, NSA representative, CIA representative or any legal scholar taken up this case with you??

ORLY TAINZ, a russian immigrant who claims to be a dentist was the best person ALAN KEYES could find to promote his cause??

If the proof was sooooooo in plain view as you seem to claim, why hasnt the house taken up Impeachment proceedings?? Why hasnt the senate taken action to review this "plain view" information YOU keep supplying this board and call for hearings and bring forth ALAN KEYES and ORLY TAINZ???

This is the biggest conspiracy yet.

Why do you think this isnt the case??? Let me explain it for you, cause' I dont believe you will figure it out. ITS FAKE. The idea is simple, float a story first. Then make it all about exploiting the story, in the process make a few million bucks and keep the suckers on the hook for more money as time passes. Keep them fresh with investigations and documents. Provide the visual stimulation that keeps the sucker coming back for more and then, play on the internal racial bias of those persons.

You should be asking why the house and senate wont take up this cause, and not waste your time telling us all about watermarks and adobe lines.

If the truth is soooo plain, then why are you being ignored by both parties and the entire jurisprudence system in america?

You call liberals/democrats "kool-aid drinkers", but at least "we" are not on a B.S.- I.V. as you seem to be.

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Strength through joy

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]BORN IN THE USA?[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Why does Obama have 2 different birth doctors?

[/FONT] [FONT=Palatino, Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]Buffalo News, Snopes, Hawaii disagree on attending physician


Read more: Why does Obama have 2 different birth doctors?


Strength through joy
gee whiz TOS, don't you get it yet ?
bhos had a better news story for Monday morning to redirect everyone away from the court hearing.
I heard that he tried to take all the credit for whacking some foreigner. To bad his boys couldn't get their stories straight, they kinda mucked it all up.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
gee whiz TOS, don't you get it yet ?
bhos had a better news story for Monday morning to redirect everyone away from the court hearing.
I heard that he tried to take all the credit for whacking some foreigner. To bad his boys couldn't get their stories straight, they kinda mucked it all up.

Answer my challenge BABA... Why hasnt anyone in congress started impeachment hearings based on the "truth" that you have obviously discovered through ORLY TAINZ? Try answering all the questions I poised to you...

I got five bucks you cant.

Interesting how you have to use my sentence structure for your response. Is that from years of training to be a Right Wing stooge? Really, most of you on the lunatic fringe are simply useful idiots for the GOP elite. They set the trap, you take the bait, and then spread the poison among the rest of the herd. Simply amazing, and you don't even realize it.

And "The Messiah" kicked some evil ass this weekend, a task that the limp-wristed, dumb cowpoke (from Maine) with the phony Texas drawl couldn't quite manage.
The reason he dissects your sentence structure is simple. He is making sure you can figure out what part of your post he is responding too. Other wise, you will disingenuously ignore the parts you can't find responses for in you leftist manual.


Strength through joy
Answer my challenge BABA... Why hasnt anyone in congress started impeachment hearings based on the "truth" that you have obviously discovered through ORLY TAINZ? Try answering all the questions I poised to you...

I got five bucks you cant.

I don't know anyone named Orly Tainz ?
I could sure use that $5 to donate to Code Pink.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't know anyone named Orly Tainz ?
I could sure use that $5 to donate to Code Pink.


Indeed you do know ORLY TAINZ, you use all her "information" when you copy and past it to this thread. You yourself placed ALAN KEYES website on this thread in the begining and ALAN KEYES personally hired ORLY TAINZ to represent him in this quest. So, to say you dont "know" ORLY TAINZ is disengenuous at best.

I asked you some serious questons about the legitimacy of your quest. If you want to be taken serious and you thought you could change some minds by this thread, then answer all the questions I asked. Here they are again if in case you missed them, YOu can even use my sentences to "demonstrate what part of my post you are addressing" aka TRIPS point.

Where is ALL the press coverage surrounding ORLY TAINZ big day in court yesterday???? NOT a single news outlet covered that story. Your idol, ALAN KEYES hired this dope as his spokesperson (besides you) and she has run across this country spreading everything from "forged birth certificates" to forged residency documents relating to OBAMA and his family.

Why NO traction to her case??? Why is she being left in the cold?? WHY wont the biggest buffoon in right wing television (GLEN BECK) embrace her conspiracy story??

Why is it, that only YOU seem to have bought into the hoax and surrender your time, efforts, energy and "I know" MONEY to this cause and yet, not one RIGHT wing leader, house representative, senate representative, FBI representative, NSA representative, CIA representative or any legal scholar taken up this case with you??

ORLY TAINZ, a russian immigrant who claims to be a dentist was the best person ALAN KEYES could find to promote his cause??

If the proof was sooooooo in plain view as you seem to claim, why hasnt the house taken up Impeachment proceedings?? Why hasnt the senate taken action to review this "plain view" information YOU keep supplying this board and call for hearings and bring forth ALAN KEYES and ORLY TAINZ???

Ok, here they are. convince us.



Strength through joy
Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

World's Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site
the argument before the 9th Circuit court of Appeals

I represent Ambassador Alan Keyes, 10 state representatives and 30 members of the military. I have 40 clients with different standing and more hearings and motions and decisions, as I was an attorney on the case the whole time. Unfotunately a dirty trick was played in relation to time to speak during the oral argument.
If you read all of Kreep’s and Berg’s arguments until now, they argued, that Natural born is one born in the country. I was arguing that it is a combination of birth and citizenship of parents. Also, none of the attorneys dared to touch the issue of social secuity fraud. I am the only one, who raised it in my pleadings. Again, if arguendo the BC is correct, there is still SSN fraud, which would not only remove Obama from office, but will have him in prison.
I filed a motion with the court of Appeals asking for the maximum time, which is 20 minutes for the defendant and 20 for the plaintiffs. The court of appeals granted maximum time and stated that we need to divide it equally between 2 cases and the case with the lower numerical number goes first. Kreep’s appeal started with 09-, my started with 10-, so he was first. He was supposed to talk for 10 minutes and stop and let me speak for 10 minutes. Instead Kreep did something totally creepy: he spoke for 18 minute and said that he wants the remaining 2 minutes for rebuttal. He clearly saw that the clock was set for 20 minutes, which was supposed to be divided. Luckily, as I stepped to the lectern, I noticed that the clock showed 2 minutes left and argued and demanded my full 10 minutes, but what Kreep did, was a really dirty trick.
We will have to wait and see, what the court will decide. Keep in mind, it is 9th circuit, most liberal in the country and we are talking about a liberal president.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Dr. Orly Taitz Esquire

Defend Our Freedoms Foundation

World's Leading Obama Eligibility Challenge Web Site
the argument before the 9th Circuit court of Appeals

I represent Ambassador Alan Keyes, 10 state representatives and 30 members of the military. I have 40 clients with different standing and more hearings and motions and decisions, as I was an attorney on the case the whole time. Unfotunately a dirty trick was played in relation to time to speak during the oral argument.
If you read all of Kreep’s and Berg’s arguments until now, they argued, that Natural born is one born in the country. I was arguing that it is a combination of birth and citizenship of parents. Also, none of the attorneys dared to touch the issue of social secuity fraud. I am the only one, who raised it in my pleadings. Again, if arguendo the BC is correct, there is still SSN fraud, which would not only remove Obama from office, but will have him in prison.
I filed a motion with the court of Appeals asking for the maximum time, which is 20 minutes for the defendant and 20 for the plaintiffs. The court of appeals granted maximum time and stated that we need to divide it equally between 2 cases and the case with the lower numerical number goes first. Kreep’s appeal started with 09-, my started with 10-, so he was first. He was supposed to talk for 10 minutes and stop and let me speak for 10 minutes. Instead Kreep did something totally creepy: he spoke for 18 minute and said that he wants the remaining 2 minutes for rebuttal. He clearly saw that the clock was set for 20 minutes, which was supposed to be divided. Luckily, as I stepped to the lectern, I noticed that the clock showed 2 minutes left and argued and demanded my full 10 minutes, but what Kreep did, was a really dirty trick.
We will have to wait and see, what the court will decide. Keep in mind, it is 9th circuit, most liberal in the country and we are talking about a liberal president.


Again, the nonsense continues. A dentist making a case to the 9th circuit court of appeals. I really enjoyed the "legal speak" she uses. Its tough sometimes to understand lawyers and in this case, I think this statement really demonstrates that.

Orly Tainz:
"Instead Kreep did something totally creepy: he spoke for 18 minute..."

I think the only thing totally creepy is that she is allowed to spread falesehoods around the country taking peoples money..



Strength through joy
allowed to spread falesehoods around the country taking peoples money , just like all the campaigning of bhos.
I recall he more than once said that jobs was is #1 priority , so how did this happen.............[FONT=ARIAL,VERDANA,HELVETICA][SIZE=+7]1 IN 7 ON FOOD STAMPS![/SIZE][/FONT]


Strength through joy
ah, another fool with BDS.
Just in case you haven't noticed he left office over two years ago, some totally inexperience new guy has the job and all the problems related with it.


Well-Known Member
If I might make a suggestion: both of you could save a lot of aggravation by putting half the effort you spend in proving the other one wrong into a second job.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Its exactly "street theatre"....

You see, anytime you question a right wing zealot, they have NO answers. Talking points, talking points or misdirections. If you challenge any right winger to answer or validate a claim, they use misdirection or name calling to avoid having to directly answering the question.

Its the Bill Orielly tactic. Just interupt and avoid the facts from coming out. In this case, after 2 years of postings and documents, I ask some pointed questions and this is the response.



Lue C Fur

Evil member
You see, anytime you question a Left wing zealot, they have NO answers. Talking points, talking points or misdirections. If you challenge any Left winger to answer or validate a claim, they use misdirection or name calling to avoid having to directly answering the question.

And the same can be said for the Left so i fixed it for you.:wink2: