Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate


golden ticket member
I didn't have time to catch up on all the posts yet, buy somebody e-mailed this to me while I was gone.............

Hm-m ... maybe this ain't over.


Thank you, Mr President for releasing your long form birth certificate proving you are Native born to this country. Unfortunately it is also Primae facia evidence that your father was BHO Sr., not a US citizen as required by the Constitution.
You were a dual citizen at the time of your birth. Your father was Kenyan/UK and you were born in Hawaii, so you had dual UK/US citizenship at birth. The Constitution requires the President be Natural born meaning a singular allegiance to the US at birth, distinguished from Native born, meaning born in the country. A Dual citizen by definition has a dual allegiance, which is expressly forbidden by the Constitution in the unique requirement for the Office of the President.
Are we supposed to start ignoring the Constitution now? I didn’t get the memo, which parts do we ignore, or is it all of it?

Please note that nowhere on the “birth certificate” does any certification or authentication appear. Obviosly, the document is uncertified, since it is

Why did the President spend so much money fighting this instead of releasing the information early in his candidacy? Also why not release the university & financial aid information. If there is nothing to hide, please quit spending time & money on these issues so we can get to the real needs of the country.

You are absolutely correct!

Obama is NOT a “Natural Born” U.S. Citizen. Also, please note that this new, so-called “Certificate of Live Birth”, STILL lists his father’s RACE as “African”.

African is NOT a Race…It’s a Continent. In 1961, the state of Hawaii did not use the word/term “African” as a race designation. They used the word/term, “Negro or Black”.

If African is a RACE designation – then why isn’t his mother’s race “North American”.

Another obvious issue with this document is the numerical sequence,Obama born Aug 4,1961 reg # 61 10641
Susan Nordyke,born Aug 5,1961 at the same hospital,reg #
61 10637.also,documents are signed by a different”local registrar”AND,box 7c says Honolulu,Hawaii on Obama’s cert.
box 7c on Nordyke’s cert says,Honolulu,Oahu
I think the ink is still wet.

You are exactly right. Acording to the Constitution obummer can not qualify to be pres because he has at best dual citizenship.
I wonder about this document shown, whether it is for real. In 1961 I believe the document would have shown him obama to be NEGRO not AFRICAN.

THIS IS AMAZING!!! “Political Correctness” can NOW be PROJECTED BACKWARDS IN TIME!!!!! Obviously, by some “miracle of graphic manipulation” the word “Negro” has become “African!” Obama and the Liberal-Obsessive fools who elected him can NOW claim that he has “magical powers” as WELL as the ability to COMPLETELY IGNORE THE US CONSTITUTION!!!

You hit the nail on the head! It has been reported over the last couple years Obama’s mother was 16 years old and not 18 as this paper shows; I see NO seal or signature from any county or state record indicating it is legit; finally, why was Obama named Barack II? If indeed Barack Sr had a son, he would be Barack Jr. If Barack Sr’s sister named her son Barack after her brother, he would be Barack II.

According to The Laws of Nations by Vittal, a natural born citizen is one who was born to TWO American parents on American soil. By his own admission, Obama’s father was a Kenyan subject and that makes him a DUAL citizen at best which you correctly point out is forbidden under our Constitution. To finally drive a nail into the whole eligibility issue once and for all, I would like to see Obama’s old passport records. Does it show he was of Kenyan, Indonesian or American citizenship? Maybe that will be the next $2 million Obama will spend hiding those records.

One last thing – Obama put on his campaign website a forgery of a “Certificate of Live Birth” as proof he was an American citizen knowing it was a fraud. He may try to laugh and ridicule people who are not satisfied he’s eligibile, but he planted the seeds of distrust himself.

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e to catch up since I was gone, but someone e-mailed this to me......


Engorged Member
I didn't have time to catch up on all the posts yet, buy somebody e-mailed this to me while I was gone.............

Hm-m ... maybe this ain't over.

There is never a shortage of morons, so it's not over.


Thank you, Mr President for releasing your long form birth certificate proving you are Native born to this country. Unfortunately it is also Primae facia evidence that your father was BHO Sr., not a US citizen as required by the Constitution.
You were a dual citizen at the time of your birth. Your father was Kenyan/UK and you were born in Hawaii, so you had dual UK/US citizenship at birth. The Constitution requires the President be Natural born meaning a singular allegiance to the US at birth, distinguished from Native born, meaning born in the country. A Dual citizen by definition has a dual allegiance, which is expressly forbidden by the Constitution in the unique requirement for the Office of the President.
Are we supposed to start ignoring the Constitution now? I didn’t get the memo, which parts do we ignore, or is it all of it?

Please note that nowhere on the “birth certificate” does any certification or authentication appear. Obviosly, the document is uncertified, since it is

Why did the President spend so much money fighting this instead of releasing the information early in his candidacy? Also why not release the university & financial aid information. If there is nothing to hide, please quit spending time & money on these issues so we can get to the real needs of the country.

You are absolutely correct!

Obama is NOT a “Natural Born” U.S. Citizen. Also, please note that this new, so-called “Certificate of Live Birth”, STILL lists his father’s RACE as “African”.

African is NOT a Race…It’s a Continent. In 1961, the state of Hawaii did not use the word/term “African” as a race designation. They used the word/term, “Negro or Black”.

If African is a RACE designation – then why isn’t his mother’s race “North American”.

Another obvious issue with this document is the numerical sequence,Obama born Aug 4,1961 reg # 61 10641
Susan Nordyke,born Aug 5,1961 at the same hospital,reg #
61 10637.also,documents are signed by a different”local registrar”AND,box 7c says Honolulu,Hawaii on Obama’s cert.
box 7c on Nordyke’s cert says,Honolulu,Oahu
I think the ink is still wet.

You are exactly right. Acording to the Constitution obummer can not qualify to be pres because he has at best dual citizenship.
I wonder about this document shown, whether it is for real. In 1961 I believe the document would have shown him obama to be NEGRO not AFRICAN.

THIS IS AMAZING!!! “Political Correctness” can NOW be PROJECTED BACKWARDS IN TIME!!!!! Obviously, by some “miracle of graphic manipulation” the word “Negro” has become “African!” Obama and the Liberal-Obsessive fools who elected him can NOW claim that he has “magical powers” as WELL as the ability to COMPLETELY IGNORE THE US CONSTITUTION!!!

You hit the nail on the head! It has been reported over the last couple years Obama’s mother was 16 years old and not 18 as this paper shows; I see NO seal or signature from any county or state record indicating it is legit; finally, why was Obama named Barack II? If indeed Barack Sr had a son, he would be Barack Jr. If Barack Sr’s sister named her son Barack after her brother, he would be Barack II.

According to The Laws of Nations by Vittal, a natural born citizen is one who was born to TWO American parents on American soil. By his own admission, Obama’s father was a Kenyan subject and that makes him a DUAL citizen at best which you correctly point out is forbidden under our Constitution. To finally drive a nail into the whole eligibility issue once and for all, I would like to see Obama’s old passport records. Does it show he was of Kenyan, Indonesian or American citizenship? Maybe that will be the next $2 million Obama will spend hiding those records.

One last thing – Obama put on his campaign website a forgery of a “Certificate of Live Birth” as proof he was an American citizen knowing it was a fraud. He may try to laugh and ridicule people who are not satisfied he’s eligibile, but he planted the seeds of distrust himself.

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e to catch up since I was gone, but someone e-mailed this to me......

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I didn't have time to catch up on all the posts yet, buy somebody e-mailed this to me while I was gone.............

Hm-m ... maybe this ain't over.



Thank you, Mr President for releasing your long form birth certificate proving you are Native born to this country. Unfortunately it is also Primae facia evidence that your father was BHO Sr., not a US citizen as required by the Constitution.
You were a dual citizen at the time of your birth. Your father was Kenyan/UK and you were born in Hawaii, so you had dual UK/US citizenship at birth. The Constitution requires the President be Natural born meaning a singular allegiance to the US at birth, distinguished from Native born, meaning born in the country. A Dual citizen by definition has a dual allegiance, which is expressly forbidden by the Constitution in the unique requirement for the Office of the President.
Are we supposed to start ignoring the Constitution now? I didn’t get the memo, which parts do we ignore, or is it all of it?

Please note that nowhere on the “birth certificate” does any certification or authentication appear. Obviosly, the document is uncertified, since it is

Why did the President spend so much money fighting this instead of releasing the information early in his candidacy? Also why not release the university & financial aid information. If there is nothing to hide, please quit spending time & money on these issues so we can get to the real needs of the country.

You are absolutely correct!

Obama is NOT a “Natural Born” U.S. Citizen. Also, please note that this new, so-called “Certificate of Live Birth”, STILL lists his father’s RACE as “African”.

African is NOT a Race…It’s a Continent. In 1961, the state of Hawaii did not use the word/term “African” as a race designation. They used the word/term, “Negro or Black”.

If African is a RACE designation – then why isn’t his mother’s race “North American”.

Another obvious issue with this document is the numerical sequence,Obama born Aug 4,1961 reg # 61 10641
Susan Nordyke,born Aug 5,1961 at the same hospital,reg #
61 10637.also,documents are signed by a different”local registrar”AND,box 7c says Honolulu,Hawaii on Obama’s cert.
box 7c on Nordyke’s cert says,Honolulu,Oahu
I think the ink is still wet.

You are exactly right. Acording to the Constitution obummer can not qualify to be pres because he has at best dual citizenship.
I wonder about this document shown, whether it is for real. In 1961 I believe the document would have shown him obama to be NEGRO not AFRICAN.

THIS IS AMAZING!!! “Political Correctness” can NOW be PROJECTED BACKWARDS IN TIME!!!!! Obviously, by some “miracle of graphic manipulation” the word “Negro” has become “African!” Obama and the Liberal-Obsessive fools who elected him can NOW claim that he has “magical powers” as WELL as the ability to COMPLETELY IGNORE THE US CONSTITUTION!!!

You hit the nail on the head! It has been reported over the last couple years Obama’s mother was 16 years old and not 18 as this paper shows; I see NO seal or signature from any county or state record indicating it is legit; finally, why was Obama named Barack II? If indeed Barack Sr had a son, he would be Barack Jr. If Barack Sr’s sister named her son Barack after her brother, he would be Barack II.

According to The Laws of Nations by Vittal, a natural born citizen is one who was born to TWO American parents on American soil. By his own admission, Obama’s father was a Kenyan subject and that makes him a DUAL citizen at best which you correctly point out is forbidden under our Constitution. To finally drive a nail into the whole eligibility issue once and for all, I would like to see Obama’s old passport records. Does it show he was of Kenyan, Indonesian or American citizenship? Maybe that will be the next $2 million Obama will spend hiding those records.

One last thing – Obama put on his campaign website a forgery of a “Certificate of Live Birth” as proof he was an American citizen knowing it was a fraud. He may try to laugh and ridicule people who are not satisfied he’s eligibile, but he planted the seeds of distrust himself.

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e to catch up since I was gone, but someone e-mailed this to me......


Why not EMAIL this to your congressman and ask for an immediate impeachment hearing?

Ill hold my breath and you can call me blue boy, later.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And the same can be said for the Left so i fixed it for you.:wink2:


In my case, each time someone has asked for something specific, I provide it. YOu may not like the answer, But I dont run and hide behind an alternative problem.

You in particular fall into the same catagory as Baba, as you post and run, post and run.


Lue C Fur

Evil member

In my case, each time someone has asked for something specific, I provide it. You provide mostly insults and Left wing garbage. YOu may not like the answer, But I dont run and hide behind an alternative problem. Really? And what "alternate problem" would that be? Your hatered for anyone that does not agree with you is very apparent. Pointing out your hypocrpsy is easy.

You in particular fall into the same catagory as Baba, as you post and run, post and run. And again you just hurl insults and post your lefty garbage...Pot- Kettle - Black.


Strength through joy

Gov. Bobby Jindal's birth certificate


Strength through joy
No, he is still not running........LA had a birth certificate required bill passed and a local newspaper kept getting their "facts" wrong, so he showed them his BC, which they then posted.


Engorged Member
No, he is still not running........LA had a birth certificate required bill passed and a local newspaper kept getting their "facts" wrong, so he showed them his BC, which they then posted.

He's considered a possibility for 2012. He's better than anything you've got right now. When are you going to start making 7-11 jokes at his expense?