Petition For Public Release of BHO's Birth Certificate

Lue C Fur

Evil member
He's considered a possibility for 2012. He's better than anything you've got right now. When are you going to start making 7-11 jokes at his expense?

Your and expert on racist comments and jokes so we will leave that up to you. In fact, why dont you explain what a 7-11 joke is.


Engorged Member
Your and expert on racist comments and jokes so we will leave that up to you. In fact, why dont you explain what a 7-11 joke is.

I don't make them, but I call them out when I see them. If Jindal were a Democrat, you'd be all over his East Indian ancestry.


Well-Known Member
India has one of the fastest growing economies today, maybe we could learn a thing or two from them.

India's large service industry accounts for 57.2% of the country's GDP while the industrial and agricultural sectors contribute 28.6% and 14.6% respectively.[14] Agriculture is the predominant occupation in India, accounting for about 52% of employment. The service sector makes up a further 34%, and industrial sector around 14%.[15] However, statistics from a 2009-10 government survey, which used a smaller sample size than earlier surveys, suggested that the share of agriculture in employment had dropped to 45.5%.[5]


golden ticket member
We can't always be completely on point.

I'll wager there was a little Mother's Day wine consumed though.

You'd lose that bet......I don't drink. And mr.upstate, I DO add a lot here. I add the humor that counteracts the vitriolic comments from the "outsiders". When someone mentioned India, the first thing in my mind was not 7-11 workers like fedex's, but I saw the Ganghes overcrowded with sacred cows and people all scrambling for the same dirty water. I've seen it in pictures.

Why did you ever take me off of ignore? Even then, you would look for any opportunity to poke at me. You're like the school bully. Go lock horns with your own kind.


Well-Known Member
You'd lose that bet......I don't drink. And mr.upstate, I DO add a lot here. I add the humor that counteracts the vitriolic comments from the "outsiders". When someone mentioned India, the first thing in my mind was not 7-11 workers like fedex's, but I saw the Ganghes overcrowded with sacred cows and people all scrambling for the same dirty water. I've seen it in pictures.

Why did you ever take me off of ignore? Even then, you would look for any opportunity to poke at me. You're like the school bully. Go lock horns with your own kind.

I can't (and won't) speak for Upstate, but I will offer my own point of view on the matter; and feel free to offer your own opinions on my activities.

When you say you add humor that counteracts the vitriol of outsiders, that may be true - but a lot of what you post is pretty partisan (or at least I perceive it to be) and it tends to inflame others (occasionally, myself included). That is not to say that some of the cartoons are not funny, but the general line of them is that Obama and the Democrats are stupid and beyond help (my words, not yours).

This general theme can be construed as adding vitriol of your own making, rather than counteracting that of others.

Regardless of the truth of whether Obama/Democrats are beyond help, it doesn't do yourself any favors in the eyes of others to constantly rub salt in the wound.

That being said, I'm not doing myself any favors by commenting on the activities of others when I am just as guilty as anyone else of stoking the flames of consternation, as it were; so, as I said, feel free to express your opinions on me, as I do think that all is fair in love, war, and politics.

And, as a matter of fact, I'll point out that I comment on the actions of others while pretending I'm not like those whom I'm commenting on. Truth be told, I'm no different; any critique I make of others can more than likely be turned around and leveled at myself.

edit: Long story short - we are all the school bully.
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golden ticket member
Making my political views known is not "school bullying" . What I was refferring to.........if you attack a person with snide remarks.....that's bullying.

If I don't post pro Republican stuff and someone else doesn't post pro Democrat stuff, then there is no conversation taking place. That would be downright boring. I think the political cartoons are a riot and clever and a unique way to say 2000 words with just one picture. But if you'd rather I post 2000 words, I'd be happy to.
I post my opinion. You all post your is that vile?? (rhetorical)


Well-Known Member
Making my political views known is not "school bullying" . What I was refferring to.........if you attack a person with snide remarks.....that's bullying.

If I don't post pro Republican stuff and someone else doesn't post pro Democrat stuff, then there is no conversation taking place. That would be downright boring. I think the political cartoons are a riot and clever and a unique way to say 2000 words with just one picture. But if you'd rather I post 2000 words, I'd be happy to.
I post my opinion. You all post your is that vile?? (rhetorical)

I've expressed my opinion and you have expressed yours - thoughtfully and without attacking me which, given the somewhat sticky nature of my first post, is no small feat - and I don't think I need to respond because we have both staked out our positions. I feel I understand your position on things a little bit better, as well.

As usual, and with all due respect: until next time, ma'am. And happy Mother's Day, to boot.
I can't (and won't) speak for Upstate, but I will offer my own point of view on the matter; and feel free to offer your own opinions on my activities.

When you say you add humor that counteracts the vitriol of outsiders, that may be true - but a lot of what you post is pretty partisan (or at least I perceive it to be) and it tends to inflame others (occasionally, myself included). That is not to say that some of the cartoons are not funny, but the general line of them is that Obama and the Democrats are stupid and beyond help (my words, not yours).

This general theme can be construed as adding vitriol of your own making, rather than counteracting that of others.

Regardless of the truth of whether Obama/Democrats are beyond help, it doesn't do yourself any favors in the eyes of others to constantly rub salt in the wound.

That being said, I'm not doing myself any favors by commenting on the activities of others when I am just as guilty as anyone else of stoking the flames of consternation, as it were; so, as I said, feel free to express your opinions on me, as I do think that all is fair in love, war, and politics.

And, as a matter of fact, I'll point out that I comment on the actions of others while pretending I'm not like those whom I'm commenting on. Truth be told, I'm no different; any critique I make of others can more than likely be turned around and leveled at myself.

edit: Long story short - we are all the school bully.
I'm not taking up for Moreluck but would like to give my opinion on part of this post.
Would the general line of the pictures be on the same lines as the actual words typed by TOS, Fredex , klein and sometimes even bbsam? Time and time again all of them have straight out said republicans are..stupid, losers, racist, tea baggers, (the list goes on) and compared to just about anything vile imaginable. I haven't seen you call any of them out. I freely admit that I have retaliated to those types of comments. Perhaps I should just be a nice guy and let it all go, but why should I? Some of them will not stop regardless. I've tried both approaches and neither one works.
Interesting that you should have that image of India. I think of well-educated engineers and a burgeoning middle class. More like Microsoft, and not bathing in the ganges.
I can imagine when Moreluck (and myself) was taking world history in school India was much different than it has been in the last twenty years or so. Then all the photos or film clips of India showed a very poor overall country with few modern amenities. There were two economic classes, the very rich and the very poor. So, it isn't strange that More has a different mental image of the country than you do.


Well-Known Member
I can imagine when Moreluck (and myself) was taking world history in school India was much different than it has been in the last twenty years or so. Then all the photos or film clips of India showed a very poor overall country with few modern amenities. There were two economic classes, the very rich and the very poor. So, it isn't strange that More has a different mental image of the country than you do.

Funny how India looked like that after being under British rule from 1858' to 1947' and look what it is today and growing. Gee, what does that say? Hmmmm!


Well-Known Member
British suck?

Speaking of, little ole lady at the old folks home loved to scream around the place on her motorized scooter. One afternoon as she came barreling down the hall, out of a doorway stepped an old man in policeman's uniform and stopped her. "Madam, may I see you driver's license?" She looked down on the scooter, saw an old candy bar wrapper and gave it to him. After looking, he handed it back and told her she could proceed. As she came around again, out he stepped to stop her. "Madam, can I see your proof of insurance?" She saw an old napkin on the scooter and handed him that. After the once over, he handed it back and told her to proceed. One the next lap, he stepped out again but this time he was buck naked. She swerved past him at full speed crying out, "OH NO! I'm not doing the breathalyzer thing again!"