Possible suspensions of Response beginning in a few weeks


Huge Member
But again, has anyone seen or been told anything on this?

Only thing I’ve been told by our senior manager was that response is getting killed for approximately 2 months but only in a couple of markets. Denver and Phoenix being 2 of them, I don’t know what other markets.

They’ll see how we do with getting our freights in the morning and re-evaluate after a couple of months.


Well-Known Member
First time posting in a solid 10 years, but I'm a long time lurker... Our station never staffed for response, but after the district forced a regime change following peak, we've hired probably 20 people. This question of a "response suspension" has been posed to our management, but with the way they are charging forward with hiring I can't imagine it going anywhere. At least in the Philly metro region.


Well-Known Member
First time posting in a solid 10 years, but I'm a long time lurker... Our station never staffed for response, but after the district forced a regime change following peak, we've hired probably 20 people. This question of a "response suspension" has been posed to our management, but with the way they are charging forward with hiring I can't imagine it going anywhere. At least in the Philly metro region.
We're not on response,but have been hiring like crazy. Most quit with in 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
My manager said she’s heard this, too. Not that it makes it any more valid.
Is she hot?

UPS guys ask pertinent questions like that.

Time you guys in the silly purple costume start asking teamster questions like this if you want to be taken seriously.

Is she hot?

Questions Needed Answered

Well-Known Member
yes and thats the problem, if express can keep low margin freight off the planes and put in trucks then flights would be on time. If flights were on time you will have larger p1 windows and that would mean less trucks and employees needed. Express should be 100% high margin overnight only, ground can take the rest. I want to go back to the 6am starts and back at the station by 330.
Same. 100%.

Questions Needed Answered

Well-Known Member
Amazon doesn't care if they lose money on deliveries. They still come out ahead vs paying someone else to deliver their goods. Like everything else costs go up. It's the reason they are changing prime to $139.
Amazon is throwing money at the wall and seeing what sticks. They can afford this because of AWS (Amazon Web Services) which is their real cash cow. Prime was Jeff's attempt at "disrupting" delivery all while using the same delivery services (USPS, UPS, and FedEx) to his advantage via last mile delivery.

Some people play chess, others play checkers, then there are those who eat crayons.