Post your most ridiculous customer complaints


Well-Known Member
somewhat unrelated & more of complaint about Fedex: Cust. had been shipping with us for years. They switched to Fedex claiming they would save $2800 per year with them. 3rd time they shipped with them Fedex lost one of of their packages. Guess what the value of that package was... $2800 & change, lol!


Well-Known Member
I had a delivery to a resi for a box that was sig req. The front door was wide open and I noticed a guy on a couch sleeping with the tv on. I rang the bell about 10 times..nothing, This guy was dead asleep. I yelled his name..nothing...I even threw a shoe at his feet to get his attention..hit him hard...nothing...just keep snoring away.

Outside the door was a long telescopic broom used to wash an RV. I figured if I extended to the max I might be able to poke him from the front door. After the 3rd poke on his leg I gave up this guy was truly in la la land.

The next day when I re-del this box he was working in his yard. I never told him about the events from yesterday.
Thats the type to call in complaint yelling that he was home all day the driver didnt even knock


What the hell is YOUPS??
This isn't really a complaint, but funny nonetheless.

A driver in my centre had a package with $64 and change worth of brokerage owing on it. Well, the customer wasn't too pleased with having to pay the brokerage, so he paid with 65 loonies.


golden ticket member
jds4lunch.......Sorry about that. I shouldn't have interferred.

Now it's really funny since you explained it to me. :lol:


Box Monkey
I had a lady a couple months ago called in and complained that my musicwas too loud. I had dance music on and I was pretty sure that that was the problem. The next time I delivered to her house and had oldies on at about the same volume and she complimented me on my music. I said thanks and rolled my eyes as I turned away from her.

I also have a guy in my area who called in saying I was speeding by his house. Claimed I was doing 50+ in a 15 (mph). The speed limit on said street is 25, but I was doing aboout 40. His main complaint was that his kids play outside. When my boss asked me about the incident and wat I had to say, I told him "the guys has close to 2 acres and his kids shouldn't be playing in the street." My boss kind of shrugged in agreement.
the guy then stopped me a couple weeks later and told me I was still going too fast and my only response was that I was going the speed limit and that the truck "sounds" like it's going alot faster than it is. He gave me an "oh!" and he hasn't said anything since except for normal casual talk. Jackass!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I know of three different drivers in two different buildings that had concerns come down from corporate where customers had called the 1-800 number and complained about how bad those drivers smelt. One customer said they didn't want one of those guys to enter their business ever again.


You smell that?
I also have a guy in my area who called in saying I was speeding by his house. Claimed I was doing 50+ in a 15 (mph). The speed limit on said street is 25, but I was doing aboout 40. His main complaint was that his kids play outside. When my boss asked me about the incident and wat I had to say, I told him "the guys has close to 2 acres and his kids shouldn't be playing in the street." My boss kind of shrugged in agreement.
the guy then stopped me a couple weeks later and told me I was still going too fast and my only response was that I was going the speed limit and that the truck "sounds" like it's going alot faster than it is. He gave me an "oh!" and he hasn't said anything since except for normal casual talk. Jackass!

Got one of those people too. Last time he pulled me over I told him I was doing 30 which was the speed limit and if he had a problem with that he could call the cops. I also told him never to flag me down again as I would not stop.

My dad used to work with him and he said nobody at work liked him either.


Well-Known Member
There was this woman on my route I knew through my sister. On this womans street I had a kid trying to play chicken with me every day. Feeling comfortable that I knew this woman, I approached her and asked if it was her child. She said yes it was and I told her what he was doing, thinking I had solved a potential problem.Later that day I get a message asking what happened on that street. A woman called and said I was speeding, driving reckless, I almost hit her son. If I did hit her son she was going to have my job and own UPS blah blah blah. Yep-it was the same woman I approached to avert a disaster. Not only that-the kid that was doing it wasn't even her son after she told me it was.I can't wait until I see her out of uniform. :confused:1:confused:1:confused:1
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Well-Known Member
I had a great one the other day... Driver released it.(at around noon)
lady flys out... and says is it normal for a package to sit for 3 hours in the truck...

I just couldn't come up with anything to say... (as if its the only package in there)


Well-Known Member
:)one-time a had a pillow from sears the customer in back yard high wooden fence said toss it over so i did.:lol:she called center next day said i tossed package over fence and almost hit her.:ohmy:the next time stand out of the way.:thumbup1::flowers:


Well-Known Member
Had a pottery barn box today, some kind of wooden chest pkg said 96 lbs it was more like 196, we are told regardless of weight and size that they are huge customer and we will deliver them no matter what. So I struggled to pull it through yard (wouldn't stay on dolly) got it to the porch and tilted it up the steps, rang bell started to walk away, lady comes to door and said I am supposed to put it inside her house. this is what her receipt and order form says, I asked her if it also shows what she was billed for the shipping weight, she looked at the bill and said ( yes I guessed it right 196 lbs) 196 lbs and said that is why they said we would put it in her house. I said sorry but we don't do that we just deliver to front door, so exasperated she says well just how am I supposed to lift this in, my reply was you should have thought about that before you ordered it.


What the hell is YOUPS??
I had a great one the other day... Driver released it.(at around noon)
lady flys out... and says is it normal for a package to sit for 3 hours in the truck...

I just couldn't come up with anything to say... (as if its the only package in there)

HAHA i would have said "no, most of my packages sit in the truck for 4-5 hrs"


Well-Known Member
Had a pottery barn box today, some kind of wooden chest pkg said 96 lbs it was more like 196, we are told regardless of weight and size that they are huge customer and we will deliver them no matter what. So I struggled to pull it through yard (wouldn't stay on dolly) got it to the porch and tilted it up the steps, rang bell started to walk away, lady comes to door and said I am supposed to put it inside her house. this is what her receipt and order form says, I asked her if it also shows what she was billed for the shipping weight, she looked at the bill and said ( yes I guessed it right 196 lbs) 196 lbs and said that is why they said we would put it in her house. I said sorry but we don't do that we just deliver to front door, so exasperated she says well just how am I supposed to lift this in, my reply was you should have thought about that before you ordered it.

That's great! That's about the same thing I would have said.