Preload Pay - 2018 Contract (On Topic)

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I have worked as a preloader for 6 months never got anything from the union. If/when I am forced to join it makes absolutely no sense to pay them for minimum wage horrible hours and bust your ass work! Even with the benefits I don’t see why people would stay the math doesn't make sense. Then you get revolving employees and crappy loads which effects all...
When I started working the preload, we were always told how we could make or break a drivers day. Load quality was always a big deal and the PT sup (who always wore a suit and tie) would do load audits periodically. When was the last time you saw a PT sup wearing a suit and tie?

Frankie's Friend

When I started working the preload, we were always told how we could make or break a drivers day. Load quality was always a big deal and the PT sup (who always wore a suit and tie) would do load audits periodically. When was the last time you saw a PT sup wearing a suit and tie?
When was the last time you saw a pt supe who knew (& cared about) what load quality is.

Frankie's Friend

When was the last time you saw a preload manager or Center manager that cared about load quality? Until they started to have customer complaints about service failures?
Customer complaints mean little to them compared to Missed pcs.

Frankie's Friend

When their excess hours report gets attention then they go to the driver and pressure them to complain about their loads via the preload communication function thus ratting out the preloader who was never properly trained....pitting hourly against hourly.
Its never management's fault.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
When their excess hours report gets attention then they go to the driver and pressure them to complain about their loads via the preload communication function thus ratting out the preloader who was never properly trained....pitting hourly against hourly.
Its never management's fault.
Except when you have a new preloader every other day because of employee turn over. Ultimately it is managements fault. Pitting PT sup against FT sup pitting against manager. How long can a $100k/yr manager keep blaming his failures on a $10/hr new hire?

Frankie's Friend

Oh yes they do because missed pieces are service failures. Especially for business customers.
I realize that missed pcs are service failures. Seriously. But the point im trying to convey here is that NONE of our management folks know our customers faces or needs. The first thing that generates visibility to their bosses is the Missed report. Its pretty evident that we deliver pkgs to customers. The DOL (delivery order listing), after the Pass and Orion abortions is not set up to better take care of the customer (contrary to what you may think) it is about cutting miles (and therefore jobs) for the company's happiness not your customer's. Missed =s loss of income to ups. There's the real story.

Frankie's Friend

Except when you have a new preloader every other day because of employee turn over. Ultimately it is managements fault. Pitting PT sup against FT sup pitting against manager. How long can a $100k/yr manager keep blaming his failures on a $10/hr new hire?
Yep. Training often sucks because the lazy pt supe sucked as a loader for their whole 90 day career as hourly.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
I realize that missed pcs are service failures. Seriously. But the point im trying to convey here is that NONE of our management folks know our customers faces or needs. The first thing that generates visibility to their bosses is the Missed report. Its pretty evident that we deliver pkgs to customers. The DOL (delivery order listing), after the Pass and Orion abortions is not set up to better take care of the customer (contrary to what you may think) it is about cutting miles (and therefore jobs) for the company's happiness not your customer's. Missed =s loss of income to ups. There's the real story.
And just as long as the Center management folks can stay off the missed pieces report they can stay off the radar. How stupid is it to drive from one end of the county to the other for a missed Sure Post package? Just to stay off of a report. And then send out a press report about how the new ORION system is saving 1 gallon of fuel per driver a day?

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Yep. Training often sucks because the lazy pt supe sucked as a loader for their whole 90 day career as hourly.
Some of them were good as loaders. That does not mean they would be equally well as supervisors or trainers. I know my job but that does not mean I can train someone.


Fight the power.
And just as long as the Center management folks can stay off the missed pieces report they can stay off the radar. How stupid is it to drive from one end of the county to the other for a missed Sure Post package? Just to stay off of a report. And then send out a press report about how the new ORION system is saving 1 gallon of fuel per driver a day?
They tried to send me a message telling me to sheet a missload as NI. I refused They then said fine just give it to the clerk. Smh.

Frankie's Friend

And just as long as the Center management folks can stay off the missed pieces report they can stay off the radar. How stupid is it to drive from one end of the county to the other for a missed Sure Post package? Just to stay off of a report. And then send out a press report about how the new ORION system is saving 1 gallon of fuel per driver a day?
The Orion system is only as good (efficient) as the wizzard of oz behind the curtain.
So far ive seen garbage in and out. Same old smoke and gloating over "success" in implementation...
that we are still presently fixing in loop meetings because of 9.5s and poor service indexes.

Frankie's Friend

Some of them were good as loaders. That does not mean they would be equally well as supervisors or trainers. I know my job but that does not mean I can train someone.
I dont know one pt preload supe that was a good loader. Not one. Most went dark becuz they were lazy.

Frankie's Friend

I would imagine the clerks sheet it how ever the center manager said to sheet it. No wonder they are here until 9 PM.
Dude, water is wet too.
Thats not the answer to the question i was asking. And i was not asking you the question.