President Biden


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Man didn’t you read it? All that has to happen is multiple recounts that invalidate tens of thousands of ballots in multiple states and Trump wins!

Trump can’t even be as decent as Hillary and admit he lost, like she did.

I must have missed that message during her 4 year i was robbed tour


Well-Known Member
I bet you are just a peach to be around.
Bless your heart
And yet what I wrote is true.

None of the people paying for season tickets want those players living in their neighborhoods, now or ever.

And none of them want their kids being in the dumbed down classes the college has to offer to get them to pass.

And the absolute worst way to have a football team is to have academic standards.


Well-Known Member
Bush won every recount and 4 universities' recounts in the years following the 2000 election.

Gore has never won in a recount of the votes.
That’s what I was thinking. The possibility of how awkward it will be if the media has to walk back the announcement of a Biden Victory. That’s going to have a lot of people upset. However, I don’t think it will happen. They knew the numbers they needed and where exactly they needed them.