President Biden


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
And they're clamoring for more!

Don’t forget the racist DEI policies that would limit any advancement based on your color, gender or religious background. Tell me that hasn’t been happening. Eventually these kids will graduate and will be forced to goose step with the latest WOKE ideology or else. Saw that during the Hamas protests.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
They can't wait to throw the old man under the bus.

Now that they are done with him.

Biden is just another Trump obstacle, both will be under persecution till they die, and then they will piss on their grave sites and laugh.

The coverup is the real crime, Kamala better have her ducks in a roll when the questioning starts. Wouldn’t surprise me right now if Biden is on life support and the White House is covering it up for political reasons. The FBI is also covering something up about this shooting or shooter, hard to believe that a twenty year old adolescent covered all his tracks (they have his cellphone). What gives ?


Strength through joy
This is what the united democratic party looks like today- when they removed Biden, they also destroyed themselves.
Think about it- now anytime they are displeased, they can just cancel the person and select their own choice. The voters be damned.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King