President Obama!


Some Marine chit chat......... If Obama didn't recognize the Marine Corps.'s birthday....shame on him. I'll bet he doesn't forget Mohammed's b-day!!

Subject: Re: Happy Birthday----? !


Woody, it's no secret that the present CIC has no love for our Corps, but in the past we had enough friends in power who loved America and protected the Marine Corps. I don't know if the political climate is such that this threat you sent becomes real, but I take nothing for granted concerning Obie. This administration is slowly reducing each of our military services and thus our ability to protect and defend!

See another shameful display of indifference below.

Interesting message from a friend.

Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 4:09 PM

Subject: USMC BD

Ron: Prov and I went to our 55th USMC Birthday celebration last night. After reading the message from MG John Lejeune the emcee apologized because for the first time in memory we had no birthday message from our commander in chief. He then read the message from our Commandant. We were stunned. When it came time to toast our commander in chief almost no one drank from his/her glass. How sad. Semper Fi,


WOW ! What a shocker---at least to me it is. What's your take on this?

Semper fi !!

That wasn't the point and you know it. Your OP claimed that Obama forget to honor the Marines on their birthday. It had nothing to do with the quote.

I'm trying to do the research here and I admit I cant find the birthday message either. Giving a quick blurb saying happy birthday does not do justice here. More's post is looking for a meaningful happy birthday from the president to the marines. I cant find where that happened.

As a veteran I attend a ceremony every year where I go to a local vietnam veterans memorial site and pay my respects. I am often irritated that local officials can not find the time to attend and thank those who put their asses on the line. Instead they send some lacky who speaks on their behalf. I'm sure they have many requests for their time but you would think they would rotate their committments so they can personally thank the vietnam vets here ever couple years. If the president actually gave the marines a meaningful thank you then it should be easy to find. I have not been able to do so.


golden ticket member
Hey, Obama thought it was more important to be out of the country!! If he doesn't have his teleprompter with him, he's lost.

The good wishes from Obama supposedly was on the Huffington post.......a place I avoid like the plague. She's right up there with Gloria Allred !!!


golden ticket member
The word "if" and "what if" have started many conversations. I get tons of e-mail daily. I can't check them all.....thus the "if it's true...." phrase.

If you believe this jive I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell to u.


golden ticket member
Maxine on Obamacare (Maxine is fictional....that's for upstate's benefit so he doesn't think it's true)

Let me get this straight. We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't,

Written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it,

To be signed by a president who also smokes,

With funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese,

And financed by a country that's broke.

What could possibly be wrong with this plan?


Staff member
I've been to a lot of birthday balls and the message from the president is usually a pretty short and to the point "Happy Birthday, Marines!", I honestly can't remember the actual words to any of them beyond that. Assuming that message being attributed to Obama is accurate, it's par for the course.


Staff member
As long we're talking about it, here's the Commandant's message. I love this stuff :happy2:



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



Staff member
I'm sorry. I really don't get it. Birthdays are for kid's and grandkids. Cake, ice-cream, clowns, that kind of thing. These are grown men and women in a profession. I can understand being mindful of the service that individuals provide, but making an issue over not saying "Happy Birthday"? That seems rather petty to me.


Staff member
I couldn't tell you when Fedex's birthday is (don't care either) and haven't been too concerned with my own sinc ages 16, 18 and 21. May 2nd. Gotcha. I'll remember that.