President Obama!


Well-Known Member
When they are not making false claims about b'day wishes, here's more Republican chumps....

Senate Republicans block measure to provide additional benefits to homeless veterans.

Senate Republicans block measures to provide aid to paralyzed veterans.

Senate republicans block measures to let gays serve openly.

Senate deadlock means no healthcare benefits for military families.

Republican Leaders defy Military Leaders by not condeming Quran burning.

Republicans block measures for Healthcare for our heroric 9/11 rescue workers..


golden ticket member
I don't doubt your being truthful, but when you say they vote against something, you might want to mention what other package of garbage & waste was attached to bills containing these things you mention.


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt your being truthful, but when you say they vote against something, you might want to mention what other package of garbage & waste was attached to bills containing these things you mention.

I find it amusingly ironic that you chastise deez for being selective in what he posts when you can't be bothered to verify the "information" that you post.


golden ticket member
I'm not chastizing deez......I'm just aware of the multitude of junk that gets launched when some politician wants to pass a gets voted down because of all the excess additives, not the main topic.
deez.....not chatizeable !! :)


Staff member
I don't doubt your being truthful, but when you say they vote against something, you might want to mention what other package of garbage & waste was attached to bills containing these things you mention.
Can you in all honesty say that you have held yourself to that standard? Seems like it's a tactic of both sides. Same with trotting out "death panels". Nobody had time to read that bill, but they found that little (republican sponsored) nugget and twisted it to fit their fear mongering design.


golden ticket member
You know, I don't post to be judged. I just say my opinion or post something I find funny or interesting or worthy of stimulating conversation. I live in this world too and I have a right to express my opinions. There won't be a section or paragraph or verse or page number to verify my opinions. They are MINE and if I share them, don't try to seek and find validation for them.


Staff member
There is a difference between you giving us your opinion and you passing off what someone has forwarded to you (without verification) as "fact". For example, you posted that Obama dissed the Marines yet there is no evidence supporting your claim.

You need a hobby.

Unless of course, that IS her hobby!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Lets clear some things up. If you do not want to read someones posts, put them on ignore.
If you disagree with someone, do it politely.
Dont think for one minute that you have the right to slam, or belittle someone.


Well-Known Member
I don't doubt your being truthful, but when you say they vote against something, you might want to mention what other package of garbage & waste was attached to bills containing these things you mention.

Actually, earmarks represent about 1% of discretionary spending....Is it really about Earmarks (which both sides uitilizes) or republicans yearning for Obama's Waterloo in anticipation to recapture the WhiteHouse in 2012, even at the expense of our veterans families and 9/11 heros..

Lets clear some things up. If you do not want to read someones posts, put them on ignore.
If you disagree with someone, do it politely.
Dont think for one minute that you have the right to slam, or belittle someone.

Agree, however, why exclude the consequences of posting false claims and portray them as fact.....This is a practise that frequently occurs in internet blogs, threads, and chain e-mails and should be dealt with a harsh dose of polite reality to whomever authors the post and is exposed....

Sarah Palin for example, why does she get thumped by commentators and political junkies ? Well making claims such as "Death Panels" and "Paling around with Terrorist" has it's consequenses with easy rebuttle and push back for the hopey-changey ex-Gov of Alaska...


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Actually, earmarks represent about 1% of discretionary spending....Is it really about Earmarks (which both sides uitilizes) or republicans yearning for Obama's Waterloo in anticipation to recapture the WhiteHouse in 2012, even at the expense of our veterans families and 9/11 heros..

Agree, however, why exclude the consequences of posting false claims and portray them as fact.....This is a practise that frequently occurs in internet blogs, threads, and chain e-mails and should be dealt with a harsh dose of polite reality to whomever authors the post and is exposed....

Sarah Palin for example, why does she get thumped by commentators and political junkies ? Well making claims such as "Death Panels" and "Paling around with Terrorist" has it's consequenses with easy rebuttle and push back for the hopey-changey ex-Gov of Alaska...

And he did it well. And does not take things personally. Any one who wants to rebutt anything posted has every right and every tool to do so.
And that makes for an internet board where people get both sides and then can decide for themselves.
It is not required anyone have a degree in literature, or English, where every post has to be foot noted and researched. Sometimes you see something you like, you share it. For those who dont like another posters opinions, scroll on by. Its simple. For those who enjoy the back and forth, it makes for interesting reading, when it is informative.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanomics
