President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I heard this morning that Obama is gearing up for a campaign. He appointed a DNC head who used to be an exec. for SEIU and Acorn. Same old crowd !! :dissapointed:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

RE: State of the Union...

I heard O. invited shooting victims to it....maybe he can score some more positive points on those polls.

I also heard that maybe some Supreme Court justices may not come because it's just a pep rally and a campaign event for the prez.

If he mentions investing, remember, that means more spending.

I'm sure he'll say that creating jobs is his #1 focus.......maybe someone will shout out..."What did you do for job creation during the first half of your term??"


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Maybe tonight, during the president's speech we should play a game and stroke count everytime he uses the word "invest" or forms of it.....that means "spending".


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I often wonder if Obama and even democrats for that matter ever realize they are not on a true opposite side but are in fact in competition with a political opponent who at the end of the day actually believe in the same end results as they do?

Truth is, Obamanomics is nothing more than Reaganomics under a fresh coat of different color paint!


Für Meno :)
I find that decision great , too !
Was awlful to make those that have little money to mandate to pay for healthcare.
Or for those that are self employed and just get by.
Now they can breath again, and continue to get free healthcare if needed at the ER centers. :)


Für Meno :)
We're still going to get a health care plan......just not Obama's plan!!

Have you any thoughts of one , yet ?
Just wondering what you want changed.
What I do know is the reps don't want:
1) government run healthcare (public option)
2) that it becomes mandatory to purchase health insurance

So, what do you want to throw out besides all that ?
- the 26 yr age rule (yeah, I can see that)
- pre-conditions, the so called un-insurable (yeah, they can always go to the ER, let the other tax payers for it), because if they do become insurable, then you can bet insurance rates will rapidly go up for all. Besides, in a true free market it should be up to the company if they want to do business with a client or not.

I think even a lot of liberals don't care if obamacare doesn't pass, because it really doesn't reduce healthcare costs, and that's it's mandatory to purchase it.
Only those with children/teenagers and pre-conditions would want to keep it.

Once they raise legal retirement to age 70 and beyond, that will help out the coffers of medicare and government, anyways.
As far as the preexisting condition thing goes, I think what is currently in the law needs tweaking some. If a person is working for,say UPS, and diagnosed cancer then they have to to change jobs, I feel that the UPS insureance should be forced to continue coverage for that person in stead of forcing the new company to do so. Also, unless it is required to have a physical previous to starting with a new company that shows a problem, the new company can not claim preexisting conditions. I'm not sold on the idea of forcing insurance companies to cover someone that has never had coverage, for whatever reason, and when they get sick expect the companies to cover them.

The insurance companies are already raising their rates in anticipation of the effects of Obamacare on their bottom line.

Raising the legal retirement age for SS, medicare and medicaid is not a good idea either actually. There are many people that will not be able to work till their 70th birthday. The people that work very physical jobs, which are usually the lowest paying jobs, will put millions of people without an income of any kind. Those same people usually live paycheck to paycheck to just buy food, shelter and clothing, putting money away for retirement is nothing but a dream.
What I would like to see happen with changing the HC law is to take out the earmarks that have little to nothing to do with health care. With over 900 earmarks, I'm pretty sure there are a few.


Für Meno :)
The problem I forecast, if Obamacare gets demolished in a year or longer is, what will these 18-26yr old think of it, and how will they react, if they suddenly get told they no longer have health insurance, and can no longer see their Doctor. (unless ofcourse they fork out their share of $1000+ per month).

Will they demostrate ? Will the Teaparty counter demostrate against them ?
Maybe the kids are just young and dumb, and not like those in England (tuition fees) or currently in Egypt.
Will be fun to see that evolve, forsure !