President Obama!


golden ticket member
When B.O. was running for prez, he himself said a health care mandate was like taking a homeless person and making him buy a house. He knew it was unconstitutional before it was written. All promises made are broken with this present healthcare. You can keep your present plan.......?? The plan will bring down health costs.....?? etc etc


Well-Known Member
Just wondering what was being argued in the House walls when they were trying to hammer out Medicare! It's not perfect but it's a starting point. Is anyone here ready to repeal Medicare as we all inch closer to needing it?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, throw it on the back bench, just like SS.
Keep everything underfunded, until they go out of existence on their own.

Watch this short video and listen to the narrator. The pennies on the left of the line are representative of entitlement spending that we can't cut. How long before that overwhelms the entire budget?



Staff member
Interesting video, but the speaker is being wholly disingenuous. Under the "entitlement" spending that can't be cut he includes "pay a soldier". WTF! First of all I would say each and every one of those soldiers more than earns every cent of it. Secondly, that "pay a soldier" money also represents the huge ssums going to lucrative millitary contracts. So, ok. let's get serious. 2% across the board everywhere for the first year and increase cuts 1/2% every year for the next six years while increasing taxes across the board by 1/4% a year for the next six years across the board. We'll get there.


Well-Known Member
bbsam, look at it again, he says that all to the left of the white line cannot be cut (medicare, medicaid, and social security), and is spent before a road is fixed or a soldier is paid. To the right of the white line is spending that we choose, up to the blue line is paid for with taxes, fees, etc. To the right of the blue line is borrowed money that we spend. I looked at it twice after I read your post, and I think you might have misheard him. And I agree that soldiers earn every last dime they are paid and then some.


Staff member
I understand what you are saying. But included in the money to "pay a soldier" is the money to defense contractors building weapon systems nobody wants. He either deliberately or mistakenly puts it all in the same category as other "entitlement" expenditure. What I am saying is that within that millitary budget is alot of discretionary spending that seems to be "off limits" because congressional representatives like having that money flowing through their districts. War is good business. Seriously though, wanna get serious about cutting the deficit? Then there is no "discretionary spending", no "third rail", no "sacred cows".


Well-Known Member
I took it to mean that to the left of the white line was entitlement spending that couldn't be touched, and that to the right of the white line was that which is discretionary, including military spending. Are we seeing the same thing and have different points of view, or is one of us misunderstanding where military spending is counted? I totally agree that we are well beyond the point of having spending that is off limits. We are to a point where we need to make some radical changes in how the gov't functions. They are here to secure our borders, maintain infrastructure, and regulate industry only to the point of ensuring that it is not harmful to the nation. Anything beyond that ought to be looked at as fodder for the cutting room floor.


golden ticket member
I just took it to mean that Obama's proposed cut is merely symbolic and really is a wussy attempt at trying to cut. We need someone who can really "swing an ax" !!


Well-Known Member
Moreluck, I was originally responding to Klein and his "let everything go until its underfunded" bit. You're right about the intent of the video, my point in posting it was that we are already to the point where half of our budget is spent before we do any good. We may now have another huge gov't boondoggle taking more of our money and it won't take long before our whole discretionary budget is borrowed money. With bbsam, I was just trying to see what his interpretation of the military spending was, where the narrator was categorizing it.


Staff member
I think I did hear it wrong. But at the same time I think the narrator is taking an unfair shot. Over and over the Republicans are asked exactly what it is they want to cut and never does an answer come. Paul Ryan has a well thought out plan...that would get the R's killed at the polls.


Well-Known Member
I think I did hear it wrong. But at the same time I think the narrator is taking an unfair shot. Over and over the Republicans are asked exactly what it is they want to cut and never does an answer come. Paul Ryan has a well thought out plan...that would get the R's killed at the polls.

Over and over again the Republicans give specific things they would like to cut but much like that video I suspect you only hear what you want.


Staff member
Over and over again the Republicans give specific things they would like to cut but much like that video I suspect you only hear what you want.

Over and over they give small insignificant cuts around the edges, much like the narrator speaks of (earmarks for example) while leaving the real and significant cutting discussion for yet another day. And note, I did give Paul Ryan credit for being an exception to the rule. Now, how many or the Republican leadership is ready to sign on with him?


Für Meno :)
I do know 1 thing :

To accomplish a balanced budget, you'll need less unemployment numbers then during the W.Bush years (he couldn't balance one with record low unemployment - and not only that, but all time record deficits at that time), plus the US will need much more growth (exports), and needless to say, the payments on the national debt are much higher now, so they need to find extra money for that, too.
And, not to forget, obamacare or not - ever rising healthcare costs that needs to be covered as well.

And only then, can the budget be balanced, period !

Ofcourse, a nice all around tax increase can change that all. Cuts alone won't cut it !