President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Klein, cuts can do it, they just need to be deep enough. I would love to see the President and Congress be serious about doing their jobs rather than being reelected. Tax increases (read as the gov't taking more of my money by force) only makes the problem worse. bbsam was right on the money when he said that congress people want the money flowing through their districts.

If the gov't won't spend my money carefully now, why would they if they have more of it to spend. Why wont the gov't run the nation like we run our houses? Take care of the bills you have due, if you don't have enough, cut back. If there's a surplus, go ahead and do something nice once in a while, but make sure you have some in reserve for a rainy day. I can't say to UPS, "hey, I want to drive a Lamborghini, I know my Ford will do, but my constituents (family) deserve more. Therefore, you now MUST UNDER THREAT OF JAIL AND PROPERTY SEIZURE, pay me more." That is exactly what a tax increase is.


Für Meno :)
If you dig really deep, like Greece had to, sure it will work.
Greece raised retirement age by a whole 5 years...are the American people ready for that hit ? (age 72) ?


Squeaky Wheel
Re: Obamanomics

Bushanomics. How much did his war really cost us?



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

a poster made in "04 . How current.

Bush isn't president anymore......didn't you hear. He hasn't been for 2 years and the Dems have had the congress for 6 years. Obama is the big zero !!!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

He's a chicken-sh...

Won't be seen in public, won't support the rep party, won't go on the media.
He knows he'll be pulled apart.

Yet, Tony Blair is seen and heard everywhere !
He was on the Piers show last night.
I have respect for that British man. He even had to face parlament twice, to defend his action , going to war against Iraq !
Yesterday , he spoke about the Egyptian (and middle-east) crises.
Very well and smart spoken man, indeed ! :)

Just too bad he was caught stupid enough, to fall for Bush's lies !