President Obama!


Engorged Member
So, why is Obama speaking in Iowa tonight? Didn't someone tell him that he's already won his party's nomination in Iowa ?
It's purely a show boating move and trying to take away the thunder from the caucuses. You'd think after being away for a week or so he'd have some work to do. Campaigning is ALL HE KNOWS !! Why doesn't he at least wait 'til he knows who exactly is his oppionent and cut the shadow boxing routine?
Why doesn't he speak in Iowa on Weds. when he's have their full attention?

Thunder? Did Christie decide to enter the race after all? I love it when Obama plays politics and then you all rake him over the coals for doing it. (Hint:Obama is a politician).


golden ticket member
Thunder? Did Christie decide to enter the race after all? I love it when Obama plays politics and then you all rake him over the coals for doing it. (Hint:Obama is a politician).
I don't need the hint.....Obama is a campaigner and that's all.
It's like a girl scout wanting to be at the boy scout jamboree. Buck is a big old girl scout !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Tuesday, January 3, 2012 @ 9:46 pm |[h=2]Americans’ Incomes Have Dropped 6.7% During Obama’s Self-Declared “Recovery”…[/h]I’m looking forward to Wasserman Schultz desperately trying to spin this.

Via Weekly Standard:
New evidence suggests there’s a reason why this economic “recovery” hasn’t felt much like a recovery. Figures from the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey, compiled by Sentier Research, show that the “recovery” has actually been harder on most Americans than the recession from which they’ve allegedly been recovering.

According to Sentier’s report, the median American household income has actually fallen during the “recovery.” Not only that, but it has fallen even morethan it did during the recession. Gordon Green, former chief of the Governments Division at the U.S. Census Bureau and co-author of the report (with fellow Census veteran John Coder), says, “Real income fell by 3.2 percent during [the recession].

And during the recovery it went down by 6.7 percent.” So “income [has] declined twice as much in the recovery as in the recession itself.”


golden ticket member
Wednesday, January 4, 2012 @ 9:17 am | Israeli Officials Call Obama’s Policies Of Engagement Towards The Muslim Brotherhood “Naïve”…

More like suicidal.
(INN) — Israel’s National Security Council thinks that President Barack Obama is naïve in his attitude towards the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which stated Sunday it can’t fathom the idea of recognizing Israel.

Dr. Rashad Bayumi, the Brotherhood’s number two leader, said on Sunday, “No Muslim Brotherhood members will engage in any contact or normalization with Israel.”
President Obama has asked the Muslim Brotherhood’s leading jurist, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, to mediate secret talks between the United States and the Taliban, according to The Hindu newspaper. The jurist previously has called for killing U.S. soldiers in Iraq and has vowed that Islam “will conquer Europe [and] will conquer America,” whether by force or by the spread of radical Islam.

In early 2010, when American foreign policy experts could not imagine that the radical Muslim Brotherhood would emerge as the most powerful political force in Egypt, President Obama dismissed the party as a “faction,” adding that “they don’t have majority support in Egypt. But they’re well organized. There are strains of their ideology that are anti-U.S.”

Less than a year afterwards, the Brotherhood has emerged as the winner of the first three rounds of legislative elections in the post-Mubarak period. Its closest contender represents the even more radical Salafist Muslim sect.

Last summer, the official Obama administration policy changed from shunning the Muslim Brotherhood to “engaging” it. Last month, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Senator John Kerry met in Cairo with top members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

Israel’s National Security Council, headed by Maj.-Gen. Yaakov Amidror, recently discussed “The Challenge of the Rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and its Offshoots” and concluded that the US president is naïve, according to the Hebrew daily Yisrael HaYom


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

“I think it's not about the appointee or even about the agency. I think this is a lawless action by the president, the end of a long string of lawless actions. It's banana republic style. The president saying I won't let Congress stop me,' actually. It’s in Constitution that you have to have the Senate approval, the Senate. He can only make recess appointment if the Senate is in recess. It is not in recess," Charles Krauthammer said about President Obama's recess appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau."

Charles Krauthammer


golden ticket member
Yeah, just turn him loose inside the White House!!!

Meet the Taliban leader Obama wants to release from Guantanamo The Enterprise Blog

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

you are so much of a sucker for foxed spews nonsense its not even funny anymore. You depend on right wing SCARE RAGS to frighten you into believing something really stupid.

The play on words is laughable at best. The word "RELEASE" is used to suggest OBAMA will simply put a terrorist on a plane, fly him home, and let him walk off the plane to freedom.

This is simply NOT TRUE.

This prisioner committed crimes in afghanistan, we are holding him without charges and there is NO PROOF that he did anything to the USA or its allies in our war. The president knows that holding him forever is a ridiculous concept as that costs money, big money, and if he is to be tried and punished for his crimes in afghanistan, he should be punished by the US backed goverment of Harmid Karzai, and any punishment shall be administered by the afghan goverment that WE SPENT 1 trillion dollars to create.

I realize that facts escape your rationale, but please, before you "CUT AND WASTE", why not really learn the circumstances of the story?

I know that the C9 lives in fear everyday, and the use of an exaggerated story like this KEEPS you in FEAR!

Stories like this one for sure helps to get you to go out and buy more GUNS to protect yourself!

Better hurry, Big 5 closes at 9PM!



Strength through joy
this is the only thing that really scares me;
Her Excellency.​


golden ticket member

you are so much of a sucker for foxed spews nonsense its not even funny anymore. You depend on right wing SCARE RAGS to frighten you into believing something really stupid.

The play on words is laughable at best. The word "RELEASE" is used to suggest OBAMA will simply put a terrorist on a plane, fly him home, and let him walk off the plane to freedom.

This is simply NOT TRUE.

This prisioner committed crimes in afghanistan, we are holding him without charges and there is NO PROOF that he did anything to the USA or its allies in our war. The president knows that holding him forever is a ridiculous concept as that costs money, big money, and if he is to be tried and punished for his crimes in afghanistan, he should be punished by the US backed goverment of Harmid Karzai, and any punishment shall be administered by the afghan goverment that WE SPENT 1 trillion dollars to create.

I realize that facts escape your rationale, but please, before you "CUT AND WASTE", why not really learn the circumstances of the story?

I know that the C9 lives in fear everyday, and the use of an exaggerated story like this KEEPS you in FEAR!

Stories like this one for sure helps to get you to go out and buy more GUNS to protect yourself!

Better hurry, Big 5 closes at 9PM!

This was not a FOX story, Debbie. And if I wanted a 3rd one it'd be from Grant's !!
Hey the election is over, alot of bad blood has been brewed over this. Time to move forward fro everyone no matter how you voted or endorsed. We need to stand united and help this country turn around and rebuild!
What election is over? There is always another one just around the corner.