President Obama!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

[h=2]Stimulus Binge Allows Big Government to Snoop on Students[/h]The administration wants this data to include much more than name, address and test scores. According to the National Data Collection Model, the government should collect information on health-care history, family income and family voting status. In its view, public schools offer a golden opportunity to mine reams of data from a captive audience.
What about the law strictly limiting disclosure of students’ personal information? No problem: the Department of Education is bypassing Congress by rewriting the federal privacy statute — confirming that the unaccountable liberal bureaucracy is running the show, not elected representatives.
Last April, the department proposed regulations that would allow it and other agencies to share a student’s personal information with practically any government agency or even private company, as long as the disclosure could be said to support an evaluation of an “education program,” broadly defined. … The federal government will have a de facto nationwide database of supposedly confidential student information.



Well-Known Member
What page? I can't find that in the constitution.......stay home. Bring in a chef!!

OK--let's suppose when you and The Hammer were at I-Hop at 6am Christmas morning trying to have a nice, quiet breakfast--how would you have felt if your meal had been interrupted? I don't think TH would have been too happy and I wouldn't blame him.

Yes, they are public figures, but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed some privacy.
OK--let's suppose when you and The Hammer were at I-Hop at 6am Christmas morning trying to have a nice, quiet breakfast--how would you have felt if your meal had been interrupted? I don't think TH would have been too happy and I wouldn't blame him.

Yes, they are public figures, but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed some privacy.
Dave, your argument has been lost in court many times, maybe even at the SCotUS. The only place public figures have the "right" to privacy is in private places.


golden ticket member
OK--let's suppose when you and The Hammer were at I-Hop at 6am Christmas morning trying to have a nice, quiet breakfast--how would you have felt if your meal had been interrupted? I don't think TH would have been too happy and I wouldn't blame him.

Yes, they are public figures, but that doesn't mean they aren't allowed some privacy.

Me & the H. were the only customers in IHOP. We aren't in the public life. We are not the reality show families or a political family. We can go pretty much anywhere without being noticed.

If I was a movie star or a political figure.....I know I would have to trade my 'privacy' to live in the public eye. Privacy exists for them at home, in the hospital, at the doctor's office and stuff like that.

Their privacy (Mooch & Buck's) is gotten at home behind closed doors. If they want to eat fancy, then have Roy come over and cook for them. Gene Simmons did that for Shannon. It's the life they chose. 98% of it will be in the public eye.


golden ticket member
No more hope & change, you have a record NOW !!!




golden ticket member
Reuters: Obama Considers Releasing Top Taliban Detainee From Gitmo To Jump Start Peace Talks…

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The Obama administration is considering transferring to Afghan custody a senior Taliban official suspected of major human rights abuses as part of a long-shot bid to improve the prospects of a peace deal in Afghanistan, Reuters has learned.

The potential hand-over of Mohammed Fazl, a ‘high-risk detainee’ held at the Guantanamo Bay military prison since early 2002, has set off alarms on Capitol Hill and among some U.S. intelligence officials.

As a senior commander of the Taliban army, Fazl is alleged to be responsible for the killing of thousands of Afghanistan’s minority Shi’ite Muslims between 1998 and 2001.

According to U.S. military documents made public by WikiLeaks, he was also on the scene of a November 2001 prison riot that killed CIA operative Johnny Micheal Spann, the first American who died in combat in the Afghan war. There is no evidence, however, that Fazl played any direct role in Spann’s death.

Senior U.S. officials have said their 10-month-long effort to set up substantive negotiations between the weak government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the Taliban has reached a make-or-break moment. Reuters reported earlier this month that they are proposing an exchange of “confidence-building measures,” including the transfer of five detainees from Guantanamo and the establishment of a Taliban office outside of Afghanistan.

Now Reuters has learned from U.S. government sources the identity of one of the five detainees in question.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Reuters: Obama Considers Releasing Top Taliban Detainee From Gitmo To Jump Start Peace Talks…

WASHINGTON (Reuters) — The Obama administration is considering transferring to Afghan custody a senior Taliban official suspected of major human rights abuses as part of a long-shot bid to improve the prospects of a peace deal in Afghanistan, Reuters has learned.

The potential hand-over of Mohammed Fazl, a ‘high-risk detainee’ held at the Guantanamo Bay military prison since early 2002, has set off alarms on Capitol Hill and among some U.S. intelligence officials.

As a senior commander of the Taliban army, Fazl is alleged to be responsible for the killing of thousands of Afghanistan’s minority Shi’ite Muslims between 1998 and 2001.

According to U.S. military documents made public by WikiLeaks, he was also on the scene of a November 2001 prison riot that killed CIA operative Johnny Micheal Spann, the first American who died in combat in the Afghan war. There is no evidence, however, that Fazl played any direct role in Spann’s death.

Senior U.S. officials have said their 10-month-long effort to set up substantive negotiations between the weak government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the Taliban has reached a make-or-break moment. Reuters reported earlier this month that they are proposing an exchange of “confidence-building measures,” including the transfer of five detainees from Guantanamo and the establishment of a Taliban office outside of Afghanistan.

Now Reuters has learned from U.S. government sources the identity of one of the five detainees in question.

Hmm moreluck, lets see, this guy is "suspected" of Human rights abuses in afghanistan, and so far, since 2002, the USA has held him without charges being filed against him, probably tortured over those years (9 years) and YOU have a problem with the US giving him back to the US backed Afghan goverment for prosecution for crimes committed in afghanistan?

For someone who bandwagons along with the cut useless spending crap, you would rather continue spending useless dollars housing a man without charges for crimes committed in another country?

Get serious.

CUT AND WASTE. The new term for your posts.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
No more hope & change, you have a record NOW !!!


I realize you may think your establishing something valuable, and you have. LOOK at inauguration day. Look at all those numbers. They contain every number that I posted and every number ALL OF YOU DENIED.

There are small problems with some figures. Like unemployment. YES under bush unemployment rose from 4% to 7.8% (something you deny) and today as we speak, unemployment is at 8.6% and dropping. Thats not a 17% increase as your chart indicates.

I know republicans continue to try and deny that under BUSH, the country was going down the tubes and the lingering effect of bad policies extended themselves into 2010, but its a reality. As if under President OBAMA, the country went from a prosperous country to a depressed nation is laughable at best.

I think your chart shows exactly what President OBAMA had to deal with the day he walked into office.

A near depression and to get out of that depression, the goverment had to spend money. YOU may not like it, but your not in line at a soup kitchen today and maybe you should just say THANK YOU.



golden ticket member
Sorry for your no longer can preach fields of flowers and unicorns and lovely, pretty things. Buck has a record, it's lousy and numbers don't lie. He can preach like he's in a church, but the congregation sees through him now.

And, if he had these numbers to deal with, he has made every single one of them that considered a perfect score by you?


Strength through joy
When the Mossad delivers the short little psycho in Iran what he deserves, don't you think that maybe Obama and the US will have had a little to do with it? Israel doesn't do much of anything unless the USA is onboard with the plan, and even if Obama were to deliver an Ayatollah's head on a platter to your front door, you'd still find fault with him.

It would be very simple-minded to assume that we don't have some "plans" for Iran that will never be made public. Israel won't be working alone. We just can't take credit for it when bad things happen to the right people.

Iranian nuclear facilities? POOF!! Real soon.

pss. I'll let you in one of bhos' dirty little secrets.
care to guess why Israel hasn't to date already bombed Iran ?
because Iraq airspace was closed to them by no other than bhos.
that's right no flyovers allowed.


Strength through joy
(WaPo) — Releasing information on the Friday before a big holiday is a time-tested way to bury bad news. So when the Government Accountability Office’s fiscal 2011 financial statements for the federal government were released on the Friday before Christmas, it made sense to read them closely.
That professionalism is evident in the GAO analysis of the net present value of the Social Security and Medicare promises Washington has made to Americans. “Net present value” means the total that would have to be set aside today to pay the costs of these programs [Medicare and Social Security] in the future. The government puts these numbers in appendices, rather than in headlines.
But the costs are real.
In fiscal 2011, the cost of the promises grew from $30.9 trillion to $33.8 trillion. To put that in context, consider that the total value of companies traded on U.S. stock markets is $13.1 trillion, based on the Wilshire 5000 index, and the value of the equity in U.S. taxpayers’ homes, according to Freddie Mac, is $6.2 trillion.
Said another way, there is not enough wealth in America to meet those promises.
If the government followed corporate accounting rules, that $2.9 trillion increase would be added to the $1.3 trillion cash deficit for fiscal 2011 that has been widely reported. And a $4.2 trillion deficit is something that Americans need to know about.


golden ticket member
Israel doesn't do anything?????

December 30, 2011 @ 11:53 am Israel Kills Leader of Al-Qaeda-Linked Army of Islam In Gaza Airstrike…
Israel doesn’t :censored2: around.
(LWJ) — The Israeli Air Force killed the emir of the al Qaeda-linked Jaish al Islam, or Army of Islam, in an airstrike in northern Gaza. The airstrike is the latest by Israel that has targeted al Qaeda-affiliated terrorists in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli fighter-bombers killed Muaman Abu Daf, the leader of the Army of Islam, in a strike in the Zeitoun district in Gaza City today. Hamas, the terror group which runs Gaza, confirmed that Abu Daf was killed in the attack. Five other Palestinians were wounded. Members of the Army of Islam wrapped Abu Daf’s body in the flag flown by al Qaeda in Iraq, Shabaab, and other al Qaeda affiliates in the Middle East.

The Israeli Defense Forces confirmed the strike and said the Air Force “targeted a terrorist squad that was identified moments before firing rockets at Israel from the northern Gaza Strip.”

“A hit was confirmed, thwarting the rocket fire attempt,” the IDF said in a statement released on its website. “The aforementioned squad is responsible for the firing of rockets at Israel in the past number of days.”

Today’s strike that killed Abu Daf is the third by the Israeli Air Force against what the IDF refers to as “Global Jihad-affiliated terrorists,” or Gaza-based groups linked to al Qaeda. On Dec. 27, the Israeli Air Force killed Abdallah Telbani, who was involved in a plot to attack Israel from the Egyptian Sinai as well as with rocket and IED attacks along the Israeli-Gaza border.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Israel kills hundreds of people each year. Some guilty, some innocent. Currently, in IRAN, mossad operatives are assassinating Iranian Nuclear scientists yearly.

Dont give them that much credit. They aint crap without our money and military support.


Lue C Fur

Evil member
Shhhhh...nothing to see here...move along. 4.2 Trillion....Shhhhh...nothing to see here....ummmm Bush,s fault....shhhh nothing to see here...time to go golfing...shhhh....move along and drink the your peas.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama Delaying Request To Hike Debt Ceiling By Another $1.2 Trillion…

And why not? We’re already living on borrowed time.
HONOLULU (AP) — President Barack Obama is delaying his request for another $1.2 trillion increase in the nation’s debt limit at the request of congressional leaders.

It’s basically because of a technicality.

The White House had been ready to ask for the increase Friday because the government is within $100 billion of exhausting its current borrowing authority. Congress would then have 15 days to reject the request, though Obama would veto any objections in order to ensure that the government does not default on its obligations.

But with Congress not due to return to Washington until mid-January, lawmakers asked Obama to delay his request so they would be in session during the 15-day period allowed for objections.

“The administration is in discussions with leaders in both houses to determine the best timing for submission of certification and any subsequent votes in the two houses,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Friday.