President Obama!


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
[h=1]DHS Officers Armed With Semiautomatics Set Up Unannounced ID Checkpoint[/h]Residents of Leesburg, Florida were shocked to see their local Social Security office turned into a random Homeland Security checkpoint Tuesday morning, as DHS officers armed with semiautomatic rifles and accompanied by sniffer dogs checked identifications of locals.
The activity was part of Operation Shield, an unannounced drill conducted by the DHS’ Federal Protective Service centered around “detecting the presence of unauthorized persons and potentially disruptive or dangerous activities.”
“Part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FPS is the federal law enforcement agency that provides integrated security and law enforcement services to over 9,000 federally-owned and leased buildings, facilities, properties and other assets,” states the report.
according to an L.A. Times report
“no proof that the roving viper teams have foiled any terrorist plots or thwarted any major threat to public safety,”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Major b.s.
( – One day after provoking Republicans by making four “recess” appointments — even though Congress is not in recess – the Obama White House insisted that the president “looks forward to working with Congress, with Republicans in Congress as well as Democrats, on the very important challenges that face the country.”

At Thursday’s press briefing, White House spokesman Jay Carney said he’s aware of Republican outrage over the four recess appointments Obama announced on Thursday, but — Carney added — “The fact is, the President firmly believes he has the constitutional authority to act as he did.”

In the next breath, Carney said this isn’t about whether Congress is in session: “What it’s really about is the absolute urgency to install Richard Cordray as our consumer watchdog so that he can get to work today, as the (Consumer Financial Protection Board) has already announced, protecting middle-class Americans…”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Major b.s.
( – One day after provoking Republicans by making four “recess” appointments — even though Congress is not in recess – the Obama White House insisted that the president “looks forward to working with Congress, with Republicans in Congress as well as Democrats, on the very important challenges that face the country.”

At Thursday’s press briefing, White House spokesman Jay Carney said he’s aware of Republican outrage over the four recess appointments Obama announced on Thursday, but — Carney added — “The fact is, the President firmly believes he has the constitutional authority to act as he did.”

In the next breath, Carney said this isn’t about whether Congress is in session: “What it’s really about is the absolute urgency to install Richard Cordray as our consumer watchdog so that he can get to work today, as the (Consumer Financial Protection Board) has already announced, protecting middle-class Americans…”

BOOHOO, get over it.



golden ticket member
Do as I say, not as I do.

Via Daily Beast:
Candidate Barack Obama criticized President Bush for using ‘signing statements’ to ignore the will of Congress. But Obama’s done the same thing 20 times since taking office, and his latest effort is rankling lawmakers.

As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue obscure declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress. But as the president now seeking reelection in 2012, on at least 20 occasions Obama has embraced the same tactic he criticized George W. Bush for using, raising allegations of double-dealing in Congress and questions of constitutionality from the American Bar Association.

Obama’s most recent signing statement came on New Year’s Eve, when he autographed a 13-paragraph memorandum declaring he did not intend to follow several sections of the National Defense Authorization Act that funded the military for 2012. The president said his lawyers had concluded the provisions interfered with his constitutional duties to carry out foreign policy.

The signing statement essentially declares Obama’s intention to ignore requirements in the law, including restrictions on data transfers to Russia, new authorities to detain suspected members of al Qaeda, and sanctions against the central bank of Iran.

The move has alienated members of Congress who claim the White House reneged on promises it made during backroom negotiations to get the long-stalled legislation passed just before lawmakers left for the holidays.


golden ticket member
Of course HHS is not ending the waiver program, they just won’t announce them in the future. Didn’t Obama promise the most “open and transparent” administration in history?
(The Hill) — Roughly 1,200 companies received waivers from part of the healthcare reform law, the Health and Human Services Department said Friday.
Friday marks the last time HHS will have to update the total number of waivers, putting to rest a recurring political firestorm. The department had been updating its waiver totals every month, prompting monthly attacks from the GOP.

Republicans say the need for waivers proves that the healthcare law is unworkable. HHS argues that the waivers show the law provides flexibility.

All told, 1,231 companies applied for and received waivers from the law’s restrictions on annual benefit caps. The law requires plans to gradually raise their benefit limits, and all annual limits will become illegal in 2014. Companies that received waivers can keep their caps intact until 2014.

Faced with the monthly cycles of GOP criticism, HHS announced last summer that it would stop accepting applications for one-year waivers and would simply grant or deny waivers all the way through the end of 2013.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Do as I say, not as I do.

Via Daily Beast:
Candidate Barack Obama criticized President Bush for using ‘signing statements’ to ignore the will of Congress. But Obama’s done the same thing 20 times since taking office, and his latest effort is rankling lawmakers.

As a candidate in 2008, Barack Obama promised that if he was elected president he would not issue obscure declarations known as signing statements that thwart the intent of laws passed by Congress. But as the president now seeking reelection in 2012, on at least 20 occasions Obama has embraced the same tactic he criticized George W. Bush for using, raising allegations of double-dealing in Congress and questions of constitutionality from the American Bar Association.

Obama’s most recent signing statement came on New Year’s Eve, when he autographed a 13-paragraph memorandum declaring he did not intend to follow several sections of the National Defense Authorization Act that funded the military for 2012. The president said his lawyers had concluded the provisions interfered with his constitutional duties to carry out foreign policy.

The signing statement essentially declares Obama’s intention to ignore requirements in the law, including restrictions on data transfers to Russia, new authorities to detain suspected members of al Qaeda, and sanctions against the central bank of Iran.

The move has alienated members of Congress who claim the White House reneged on promises it made during backroom negotiations to get the long-stalled legislation passed just before lawmakers left for the holidays.


As they say, when you deal with republicans, you have realized your dealing with idiots.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
#1-How is that a lie? You can find out anything about the administration.

#2- Loius Brandeis indeed said what Obama said :Brandeis made his famous statement that "sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants" in a 1913 Harper's Weekly article, entitled "What Publicity Can Do." But it was an image that had been in his mind for decades.

#3- pork projects is a problem of the house and senate. The president cant stop this. If he needs a bill passed, and the other side shoves pork into it, the president has no choice but to allow it. Look at the payroll tax extension, the republicans shoved huge pork project funding into it, but the senate had to stop them.

#4-You can read any bill submitted by the house or senate. You wont see them on tv.

#5-as I said, the president is right. You can see all bills that come to his desk and read them for yourselves.

#6-The president in fact has outed tax breaks for the rich as they were slipped into bills by the republicans. Lobbying is a problem and will continue to be so for decades to come.

#7- Again, right on the money, the president outed the republicans in this latest attempt to slip in tax breaks for the rich and huge increases in defense funding while pretending to want to extend the payroll tax cuts for one year. The republicans got caught thanks to the presidents leadership.

Once again, I want to hear YOUR version of LIES and not some right wing extreme exaggeration of what a lie is. You say you have your own thoughts, well, lets hear some.



Well-Known Member

This is exactly why it is so hard to take you seriously. You posted a video showing the 7 lies of Obama which TOS then broke down lie by lie with factual information. Rather than counter with facts of your own you chose to post 16 seconds of nonsense. If you felt that any of the points TOS made were inaccurate you could have easily countered them but by posting what you did you lost any credibility on this issue.


golden ticket member
This is exactly why it is so hard to take you seriously. You posted a video showing the 7 lies of Obama which TOS then broke down lie by lie with factual information. Rather than counter with facts of your own you chose to post 16 seconds of nonsense. If you felt that any of the points TOS made were inaccurate you could have easily countered them but by posting what you did you lost any credibility on this issue.
You do realize that You Tube has hundreds of clips of Obama telling hundreds of lies? I am not devoting an Entire Sat AM. to posting them. The guy has lied.........over & over again. Is Gitmo closed? That's just one. Is his presidency transparent? Far from it.
TOS's words come across EXACTLY like Charlie Brown's teacher......blah, blah, etc. That's how I see it and since I can't say it to her face, I let the clip do it for me.

Oh and like #5, can I tune in to TV like he said and see all the the super committee or others.....................broken promise or lie?