President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
| Tuesday, January 10, 2012 @ 9:27 am |
Obama Tells His Campaign Donors They Are Modern-Day Minutemen For Supporting Him…

And if that wasn’t bad enough, he also told them they were reminiscent of WWII GIs and 1960s civil rights protesters for backing his re-election campaign.
Via Daily Caller:
President Barack Obama portrayed his campaign donors Monday night as the modern-day equivalent of the 18th-century colonists who fought the British Empire on the battlefields of Concord, Saratoga and Yorktown.

“It takes you, ordinary citizens committed to fighting and pushing, inching this country forward bit by bit so we get closer to our highest ideals,” he declared in a tub-thumping campaign speech to seven hundred donors.
“That’s how this country was built. That’s how we freed ourselves from an empire,” he told the donors comfortably seated at white-linen tables in Washington D.C.’s Capital Hilton hotel.

Their circumstances were markedly more comfortable and safe than those of colonist rebels who risked being shot or hung if caught by the King’s soldiers.

Just in case his donors didn’t catch the flattery, Obama laid it on even thicker by comparing their donations to “how the Greatest Generation was able to overcome more than a decade of war and depression.”

He also offered his supporters a more plausible and politically correct comparison, comparing their efforts to those of 1950s and 1960s “young people [who] beat back the billy clubs and the dogs and the fire hoses to make sure that race was no longer a barrier to what you can become in this country.”

Ah, only the right wing can lay claim to early colonists, eh?

Give us a break. They would spit on todays tea party supporters.



golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Nobody really expected Chicago to win, just another taxpayer-funded vacation for the Obamas and their filthy-rich friend/supporter Oprah Winfrey.
( — The two-week trip to Copenhagen, Denmark that Obama, his wife, and members of his administration made in a failed attempt to bring the 2016 Olympics to Chicago cost taxpayers more than $467,000, according to expense records from the Department of Defense (DOD) obtained by the government watchdog group Judicial Watch.

“Expenses for the two-week trip appear to have far exceeded $467,175 in light of the fact that costs associated with the aircrafts — two Boeing 747s and several Air Force cargo planes — have not been made available,” stated Judicial Watch (JW) in a press release today about the expense records it obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request.

The DOD provides support, such as aircraft, for foreign travel by the president, the first lady, and members of the administration.

Despite the two-week trip in 2009 (Sept. 21–Oct. 3) to Copenhagen, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, celebrity Oprah Winfrey, and numerous administration officials failed to persuade members of the International Olympics Committee (IOC) to select Chicago as the site for the 2016 Olympics.

Among the estimated $467,175 in U.S. taxpayer funds that were spent on the effort, a little over half — $235,659 — were devoted to hotel rentals and “transportation and communications” costs for seven administration’ “offices” accrued through October 2, 2009, according to JW’s data.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
it may be true they would spit on todays tea party, but they would have drawn and quartered the leftest liberals


"THEY" and the liberals would have been one and the same. YOU can continue with your fantasy though. I am sure Glenn Beck has convinced you otherwise.
