President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Does he think only rich people get dividends? Lots of seniors live off the dividends of the stock they own in their portfolios.. Money that has already been taxed, he wants to tax at 44%. Is he nuts? Some people have saved and bought stock and grew their portfolios all their working lives aiming to retirement.They diversified and owned many he wants to take about half of all they have. That's sadisctic!!

Obama Seeks To Raise Tax On Dividends To a Mind-Blowing 44.8%…


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

"Obama had no experience in the private sector before becoming president. The free market is a sort of theoretical construct he learned about in college. But Geithner should know better. He’s had lots of contact with all sorts of executives, both at Treasury and when he ran the New York Federal Reserve Bank. If he has any doubts about this plan, he should resign. And if he doesn’t, he never should have gotten the job in the first place."

Why Obama’s corporate tax plan is a total bust The Enterprise Blog


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

My guess is it's because he's only half African American!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 @ 10:00 pm | [h=2]Obama Attends Groundbreaking For Smithsonian African American Museum . . . Only One Not Given A Shovel…[/h]

King’s don’t shovel dirt, that’s for the commoners!
(Politico) — It was a rather odd sight: as an array of museum officials, including former first lady Laura Bush, took up shovels at the groundbreaking for the first national museum dedicated exclusively to African-American history and culture, the nation’s first black president sat watching, no shovel in hand.
President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama attended the ceremony Wednesday for the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, and he delivered remarks.
When he finished and returned to his seat, a call was put out for groundbreakers to gather at the front of the stage. Obama then stood, buttoned his jacket and prepared to join in. But an official whispered something to him and he sat back down as museum officials and members of the museum’s advisory council, including the former first lady, picked up shovels for the ceremonial turning of the dirt. The Obamas remained on stage.
Protocol does not seem to have played a role. Turns out, presidents throughout history have turned the dirt for groundbreakings.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

Maybe he should go there in person and bow before Hamid......, the muslims in the prison had already defiled the books by writing messages in them......burning is one of the disposal methods for the book & destroying the messages too.

| Thursday, February 23, 2012 @ 9:07 am |Obama Sends Letter To Afghanistan Apologizing For Koran Burning, Pledges To Punish Troops Responsible….

You havent the first clue on diplomacy. 2 american soldiers have already lost their lives because of the burning of the koran and you blow it off like its a petty event. Whoever was in charge of this action should be disciplined and tossed out of the military. Despite the claims that it was an accident, it clearly wasnt. It was a scene for all to see and it got us in real trouble.

All the apologies in the world wont change the sentiments in afghanistan and for the trillions of dollars weve wasted there, it seems pointless to stay there any longer. I am sure you would have the same feelings as the afghans if groups here piled a bunch of christian bibles in the middle of town and set them on fire claiming they were old.

Our military has made a real mess over there, and the president having to apologize may SAVE LIVES, you know, the lives of our young men and women who have to stay there in that hell hole?

Why do you rally against the presidents attempt to protect our troops with an apology? Would you prefer more american soldiers be killed over this because you think its a joke?




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

You havent the first clue on diplomacy. 2 american soldiers have already lost their lives because of the burning of the koran and you blow it off like its a petty event. Whoever was in charge of this action should be disciplined and tossed out of the military. Despite the claims that it was an accident, it clearly wasnt. It was a scene for all to see and it got us in real trouble.

All the apologies in the world wont change the sentiments in afghanistan and for the trillions of dollars weve wasted there, it seems pointless to stay there any longer. I am sure you would have the same feelings as the afghans if groups here piled a bunch of christian bibles in the middle of town and set them on fire claiming they were old.

Our military has made a real mess over there, and the president having to apologize may SAVE LIVES, you know, the lives of our young men and women who have to stay there in that hell hole?

Why do you rally against the presidents attempt to protect our troops with an apology? Would you prefer more american soldiers be killed over this because you think its a joke?


Should all the muslim prisoners who first defiled the books be beheaded???

If they are all that touchy.....even though burning is the way they dispose of them too..... diplomacy only works if your dealing with sane, rational people. These are not!!

We shouldn't apologize for anything....the books had messages in them and needed to be destroyed.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

Should all the muslim prisoners who first defiled the books be beheaded???

If they are all that touchy.....even though burning is the way they dispose of them too..... diplomacy only works if your dealing with sane, rational people. These are not!!

We shouldn't apologize for anything....the books had messages in them and needed to be destroyed.

You are assuming way too much in the first place, and this assumption is where your premise leaves reality. Just because you heard a talking head on FOX news say that there were "MESSAGES" in those korans, that doesnt meant that is true. ITS PURE SPECULATION.

We dont know what was written in those books if anything at all. People write in their bibles all the time. My own mother does the same, does that mean I have to burn her catholic bible?

The military should have taken them away if they suspected anything foul with them, then taken them ELSEWHERE and disposed of in secrecy, NOT BURNING them in the middle of town where they could be seen and recovered by a MOB of angry people.

Think about it, use some rational thought please.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

So, since this thread is under Obamabastic, I suppose Karzai wouldn't ask the same under a Bush, Cain or Romney presidency ?

Obama shouldn't do anything "bombastic" like apologize to these creeps OR send them any money....................But since Obama does bombastic things, I'm sure he'll do both!!