President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Oh, like we haven't heard the words "tax cuts" out of Obama's mouth for the past 4 months or so.

Just for those earning under 250K , though !
Or do you find it right that those earning more than that, including billionaires should continue getting a tax cut taken from the SS from those that need it most ?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Just for those earning under 250K , though !
Or do you find it right that those earning more than that, including billionaires should continue getting a tax cut taken from the SS from those that need it most ?
You don't get it. You'll never get quit trying.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

You don't get it. You'll never get quit trying.

No, I don't get it ! Stealing money from the SS fund, to give the rich tax breaks !

SS was suppose to be out of funds by 2035, but with these tax cuts being extended over and over again.
Probably will be by 2020 !


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

No, I don't get it ! Stealing money from the SS fund, to give the rich tax breaks !

SS was suppose to be out of funds by 2035, but with these tax cuts being extended over and over again.
Probably will be by 2020 !

Why do you even care.....are you going to get Social Security from the U.S.?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Why do you even care.....are you going to get Social Security from the U.S.?

If it was up to you, you would take the SS fund all out now, and divide that up to the most richest people in America.
And hope for the "trickle down effect", right ?

Unless you have more Romneys out there - that will just put that money in offshore accounts, instead.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

If it was up to you, you would take the SS fund all out now, and divide that up to the most richest people in America.
And hope for the "trickle down effect", right ?

Unless you have more Romneys out there - that will just put that money in offshore accounts, instead.

You make absolutely no sense!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Wonderful news: precious resources can now be extracted from a group of oil-rich Alaskan islands without interference from leftist bureaucrats. Unfortunately, this is only because Comrade Obama is ceding the territory to our Russian adversaries. Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, 2010 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate from Alaska, reports on this outrage:
The Obama administration, despite the nation’s economic woes, effectively killed the job-producing Keystone Pipeline last month. The Arab Spring is turning the oil production of Libya and other Arab nations over to the Muslim Brotherhood. Iraq is distancing itself from the U.S. And everyone recognizes that Iran, whose crude supplies are critical to the European economy, will do anything it can to frustrate America’s strategic interests. In the face of all of this, Obama insists on cutting back U.S. oil potential with outrageous restrictions.
Part of Obama’s apparent war against U.S. energy independence includes a foreign-aid program that directly threatens my state’s sovereign territory. Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes, to the Putin regime in the Kremlin.
The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.
The State Department has undertaken the giveaway in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. Astoundingly, our federal government itself drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side.
The islands in question have been American territory for well over a century. The agreement to give them away was drawn up in secrecy, as is so often the case under Obamunist “transparency.”

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Wonderful news: precious resources can now be extracted from a group of oil-rich Alaskan islands without interference from leftist bureaucrats. Unfortunately, this is only because Comrade Obama is ceding the territory to our Russian adversaries. Tea Party favorite Joe Miller, 2010 Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate from Alaska, reports on this outrage:
The Obama administration, despite the nation’s economic woes, effectively killed the job-producing Keystone Pipeline last month. The Arab Spring is turning the oil production of Libya and other Arab nations over to the Muslim Brotherhood. Iraq is distancing itself from the U.S. And everyone recognizes that Iran, whose crude supplies are critical to the European economy, will do anything it can to frustrate America’s strategic interests. In the face of all of this, Obama insists on cutting back U.S. oil potential with outrageous restrictions.
Part of Obama’s apparent war against U.S. energy independence includes a foreign-aid program that directly threatens my state’s sovereign territory. Obama’s State Department is giving away seven strategic, resource-laden Alaskan islands to the Russians. Yes, to the Putin regime in the Kremlin.
The seven endangered islands in the Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea include one the size of Rhode Island and Delaware combined. The Russians are also to get the tens of thousands of square miles of oil-rich seabeds surrounding the islands. The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are at stake.
The State Department has undertaken the giveaway in the guise of a maritime boundary agreement between Alaska and Siberia. Astoundingly, our federal government itself drew the line to put these seven Alaskan islands on the Russian side.
The islands in question have been American territory for well over a century. The agreement to give them away was drawn up in secrecy, as is so often the case under Obamunist “transparency.”

YOU C9ers just continue to amaze me. First this ridiculous post containing the rantings of a failed republican candidate, then the "seconding" by another poster. Does anyone ever fact check anything anymore??

Lets look at what REALLY HAPPENED.

Henry Kissinger, as Secretary of State for President Gerald Ford, ordered
the de facto giveaway of sovereignty over 8 American Alaskan islands to the
Soviet Union, along with the 200-mile fishery conservation zones around

He made the order secretly upon his own declaration in January 1977
without consultation with Congress, the State of Alaska, or the American public
in general.

He ordered that a maritime boundary for the fishery conservation
zones (later to be applied to exclusive economic zones) between Alaska and
Siberia would follow a line in the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean which was
described in the treaty by which the United States obtained part of modern-day
Alaska from Russia in 1867. Kissinger's line ignored vast developments and
additions to Alaska after 1867, including the American discovery and/or
inclusion in the United States of Wrangell, Herald, Bennett, Henrietta, and
Jeannette Islands in the Arctic Ocean in 1881. It placed these islands, plus
Copper Island, Sea Lion Rock and Sea Otter Rock in the Bering Sea (which were
ceded to the United States in the 1867 treaty), on the Soviet/Russian side of
the maritime boundary. Thus effective sovereignty over them plus the tens of
thousands of square miles of fishery/exclusive economic zones were

Kissinger asked for nothing in return for the United States.

The diplomatic message traffic is presented below.

January 21, 1977: Kissinger instructed his Undersecretary of State
for Political Affairs Philip C. Habib to wire to the U. S. Embassy in Moscow the
declaration that the United States, for maritime boundary purposes, would
"respect the line set forth in the convention [treaty] signed at Washington
March 30, 1867. The Government of the United States of course anticipates that
the Government of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics will follow a similar

January 25, 1977: The U. S. Embassy reported back that "...Khabarov
[of the Soviet Treaty and Legal Division] went over the note carefully and
looked up Soviet text of the 1867 convention on [sic] maritime boundaries
between Alaska and Siberia. But he did not offer substantive comment. He did
ask, as a personal aside, whether it was not customary to negotiate or at least
discuss such matters before giving notice about enforcement provisions. He
added that he was not aware that the question had been discussed in connection
with the bilateral fishing agreement signed in November."

February 24, 1977: The U. S. Embassy reported the position of the
Soviet Government: "The Government of the USSR has taken into account the
intention of the US side, in setting forth its fisheries jurisdiction, to
respect the line established by the convention signed April [sic] 18(30), 1867
in Washington, D.C. The Government of the USSR in carrying out its measures
ensuing from the decree of the presidium of the Supreme Soviet of December 10,
1976, Temporary Measures for the Protection of Living Resources and Regulation
of Fisheries in Areas Adjacent to the USSR Coast, intends to adhere to the same
line of the Convention of April 18, 1867, in the Arctic Ocean, Chukchi, and the
Bering Seas."

This policy has continued without any change under Presidents Jimmy
Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, William Clinton, and George W. Bush.
All negotiations have been conducted in strict secrecy without the knowledge
and/or participation of Congress, the State of Alaska, and the American public.
No known quid pro quo for the United States has been identified.

Why are republicans so gulible for mis information? Why are the dumbest of people allowed to run for office for the GOP and then used to make statements that are clearly absurd? Does Sarah Palin ring any bells? Now JOE MILLER makes this ridiculous claim?


Understand now?




Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Obama targets pennies and nickels to trim costs

Pennies and nickels cost more to make than they're worth, and the Obama administration is looking for change

The Obama administration is asking Congress to let it change the recipe for making pennies and nickels. It turns out the change actually costs more to produce than it's worth, CNNMoney reported.

Each penny actually costs 2.4 cents to make. Each nickel costs 11.2 cents. The Obama administration in its latest budget proposal is suggesting the US Mint trim costs by changing the composition of the coins. Such a move could save the US more than $100 million a year, Time said.
The penny is already made mostly of copper-plated zinc while the nickel is mostly copper. The penny hasn’t been made of pure copper since 1837, Dow Jones Newswires noted.

The Treasury has been exploring new metals that could be used in coin production since 2010 but hasn’t yet come up with a cheaper mix, said CNNMoney. Base metal prices have been on the rise across the board in recent years, with copper, nickel and zinc posting triple-digit percentage increases.

And using cheaper metals may not bring the price of a penny below a penny, according to CNNMoney. “Just the administrative cost of minting 4.3 billion pennies costs almost a half-cent per coin by itself, leaving precious little room to make a penny for less than a cent, no matter the raw material used,” it said.