President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Well, they better do something !
At a 10% increase per year in healthcare and insurance costs, every 7 years the premiums will double.
So, at this rate, if you have a new born baby, by the time it turns 21, and needs his/her own insurance, it will be 4 times as much as todays rate. Which would add up to about $6000 monthly. Hopefully some companies might pay for half of that by then.

And medicare, might as well kiss that good-bye.


golden ticket member
Well, they better do something !
At a 10% increase per year in healthcare and insurance costs, every 7 years the premiums will double.
So, at this rate, if you have a new born baby, by the time it turns 21, and needs his/her own insurance, it will be 4 times as much as todays rate. Which would add up to about $6000 monthly. Hopefully some companies might pay for half of that by then.

And medicare, might as well kiss that good-bye.
Listen Mr. Gloom & Doom for America......we have to wait for a decision from the Courts. The post was about Obama LYING! Making a promise that's clearly being broken. We will get health care reform........but it won't come from Canada!!

Also, every plan for reform leaves the current receivers of Medicare alone. I've got my medicare card and it's not going quit tying to scare people. You are just like Obama, just scare the people and get re-elected. Not so fast you Chicago politician !!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Lying is such a harsh word. Try difference of opinion.

Your article, from Fox says "However, a report released Tuesday by a former Bush administration official and leading conservative economist shows the health care law will add at least $340 billion to the national deficit, a analysis the White House on Tuesday called "faulty" and "partisan."

Try here: CBO: Obamacare Will Cost $50 Billion Less than Estimated


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

President Obama crashed “an LGBT fundraiser” today in Florida at a hotel where he is having his own fundraiser this evening.

Someone should've pinned him down and asked his opinion of same sex marriage !! His opinion is still evolving according to him. He doesn't have an opinon if it means he'll lose votes. Mamby-Pamby!!!


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

[h=2]Unreal: Support For Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move!” Campaign Now Among Criteria For Winning Government Contracts…[/h]
The documents outline what criteria the National Park Service considered when awarding a concessions contract for operating the Silver Gull Beach Club and Breezy Point Beach Club on federally owned land in New York this summer.
These guidelines tell bidders that the National Park Service is “interested in supporting the goals of the First Lady’s Let’s Move! Initiative.”
“Describe how your proposal supports these goals, including measures that will encourage healthy options for food and beverages and active, exercise-oriented recreation,” reads proposal packages for both locations.
Guidelines for both beach clubs add that bidders with “climate friendly strategies” to “reduce its greenhouse gas emissions” also will be favored. The guidelines state that this is encouraged because the beach clubs are part of the Gateway National Recreation Area which “has developed strategies to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I heard Obama say that he wants us to "get onboard with America the way it is."

I don't like the way it is.....unemployment too high, deficit too high, spending too high , politicians opinions of themselves too high.

I'd rather change it for the better, so I'm not getting 'onbaord' the Odumbo Special!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!


shes NOT an member of the DNC or an advisor to the DNC or White house. The right wing is trying to label her as such, but shes already been denounced by the white house and dnc.


If she's such a nobody, why did Messina & Axelrod jump on it so quckly ??

By the way, Hilary Rosen has twins with Elizabeth.......cute!!

She's definitely wellknown and not the "nobody" you try to make her. Mybe not DNC

"On January 22, 2003, Rosen announced that she would resign as head of the RIAA at the end of 2003, in order to spend more time with her partner, Elizabeth Birch, and the couple's twins (a boy and a girl). She began a television commentator career first with CNBC and then with MSNBC. She signed with CNN in early 2008. Rosen and Birch separated in 2006.
On November 30, 2004, Rosen became the interim director for the Human Rights Campaign, a leading GLBT lobbyist organization, following the ouster of Cheryl Jacques. Hilary's partner, Elizabeth, was the executive director of HRC for eight years prior to Jacques' assumption of the post. In December 2006 Rosen founded a consulting firm specializing in digital media and the entertainment industry with Jason Berman, former Chairman of the International Recording Industry Association (IFPI) called Berman Rosen Global Strategies. That firm closed when Rosen joined Brunswick. In January 2007, she launched with business partner Ilene Chaiken, creator of the L Word. was a social networking and entertainment site targeted to lesbians and their friends based on the Showtime series, The L Word. Showtime Networks was a financial partner in the website and now controls its content through the L Word TV show website. Her activities with Showtime, coincided with her career in political communications."


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!


shes NOT an member of the DNC or an advisor to the DNC or White house. The right wing is trying to label her as such, but shes already been denounced by the white house and dnc.



She only had 35 visits to the White House.

3/11/09 Meeting with White House consigliere Valerie Jarrett.
3/13/09 Meeting with David Axelrod.
3/30/09 Meeting with top Big Labor operative and political director Patrick Gaspard.
9/21/09 Meeting w/Natalie Bookey, East Wing aide, and unidentified visitee.
10/8/09 Meeting with WH senior press lead, Jesse Lewin.
10/13/09 Meeting with POTUS — President Barack Obama.
10/22/09 Meeting with Anita Dunn, former WH communications director.
10/28/09 Meeting with POTUS in the East Room.
11/25/09 Unidentified East Wing (First Lady Michelle Obama’s office) meeting.
1/26/10 Rosen visited Dagoberta Vega, White House broadcasting media official and director of surrogate booking.
2/1/10 Rosen visited top White House official Jim Messina, now Obama’s 2012 campaign manager.
2/24/10 Rosen visited White House consigliere Valerie Jarrett.
3/24/10 Rosen visited White House consigliere Valerie Jarrett.
7/7/10 Meeting w/Jocelyn Frye, East Wing aide.
12/10/10 Rosen visited Ellie Schafer, White House Visitors Office director, in the East Wing.
12/10/10 Meeting with POTUS.
9/8/11 Meeting with Kristina Schake, East Wing aide.
12/7/11 Meeting w/POTUS and Marie Aberger, White House press assistant.
12/7/11 Meeting with Ellie Schafer, White House Visitors Office director.
1/6/11 Meeting w/Dagoberta Vega, White House broadcasting media official and director of surrogate booking.
1/21/11 Meeting w/Meredith Carden, an aide to First Lady Michelle Obama, Old Executive Office Building.
1/24/11 Meeting w/Samuel Wilson, deputy director of broadcast media for the White House office of communications.
1/28/11 Meeting w/Jason Dempsey, White House fellow.
2/2/11 Meeting w/Obama bundler and top aide to both POTUS and FLOTUS, Tina Tchen.
2/24/11 Meeting w/POTUS.
2/24/11 Meeting at WH Visitors Office.
2/14/11 Meeting w/Samuel Wilson, deputy director of broadcast media for the White House office of communications.
3/19/11 Meeting w/Alexader Lasry,strategic engagement aide.
3/18/11 Two meetings listed with Jeremy Bernard, White House social secretary.
6/15/11 Meeting w/Dag Vega, WH surrogate booking director.
8/5/11 Meeting w/Ellie Schafer, WH Visitors Office director.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I hope all these Obama stooges and all the "I can do anything" lesbos keep opening their mouths from now to November and Obama's entire team will just be so busy putting out fires for 7 months that they won't be able to campaign.!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamabastic !!

I hope all these Obama stooges and all the "I can do anything" lesbos keep opening their mouths from now to November and Obama's entire team will just be so busy putting out fires for 7 months that they won't be able to campaign.!

Now you denounce "LESBOS"??

Do you think the gay population votes? Are you homophobic?

Wierd stuff you say sometimes. Gay parents do really well with adopted children who would otherwise be stuck in foster cares settings. Even BILL ORIELLY supports gay couples adopting.

Better get your rhetoric straight.



4/12/12 9:42am


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Now you denounce "LESBOS"??

Do you think the gay population votes? Are you homophobic?

Wierd stuff you say sometimes. Gay parents do really well with adopted children who would otherwise be stuck in foster cares settings. Even BILL ORIELLY supports gay couples adopting.

Better get your rhetoric straight.



4/12/12 9:42am
OK me where I said "I denounce" lesbos. That's what I call them. Lesbos is also a Greek island,so wash my mouth out with soap.

LGBT has the word lesbian in it too...............lesbo, what's the dif?

I use "homo" too , short for homosexual. My old coffee buddy is a homo and referred to himslf as ....."this old homo doesn't fall for that."


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

OK me where I said "I denounce" lesbos. That's what I call them. Lesbos is also a Greek island,so wash my mouth out with soap. My rhetoric is what it with it.

LGBT has the word lesbian in it too...............lesbo, what's the dif?

I use "homo" too , short for homosexual. My old coffee buddy is a homo and referred to himslf as ....."this old homo doesn't fall for that."


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

This speaks volumes and I must add..... it figures !!

Hilary Rosen last month:
“We are proud to provide pro-bono support to Sandra Fluke, an incredibly courageous young woman who is standing up for the rights of women everywhere in the face of sustained, personal attacks. This week, we began helping Sandra, a full-time law student, manage the enormous volume of incoming media requests that came to a head when she was publicly disparaged for advocating for contraception coverage. We were first connected to Sandra through one of her personal friends who came to us seeking our assistance. I am proud of our staff for donating their time and energy to work with Sandra during this important and difficult time.” – Hilary Rosen, Managing Partner, SKDKnickerbocker



golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Obama chimed in too....

"An ill-advised statement from someone on TV." Really? She visited your house 30 times! General Petraeus has only been there 9 tiimes.