President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Which goes along with todAYS headline here :

Canadians OK with higher taxes to fight inequality

CBC – 2 hours 25 minutes ago

Finally, something about CANADA and not the USA! Your posts remind me of the "typical" buttinski grand-parent who is constantly telling you how to raise your kids. They get to go home at the end of the visit and only have a small association with the kids behavior, where as the parent is with these kids 24 hours a day and knows their behavior better than the buttinski ever will. The buttinski always has the answers! Sorry klein, but you don't get it.... you have no "American" skin in the game!! Not trying to be mean just stating the facts. Don't get me wrong, I think Canada is a great neighbor, friend and ally.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Hilary may not be a member of DNC, but she was hired by the head of the DNC, our favorite friend, Debbie Wasserman Shultz to tone down DWS's rhetoric after DWS was told by the White House to tone it down!


golden ticket member
Lying is such a harsh word. Try difference of opinion.

Your article, from Fox says "However, a report released Tuesday by a former Bush administration official and leading conservative economist shows the health care law will add at least $340 billion to the national deficit, a analysis the White House on Tuesday called "faulty" and "partisan."

Try here: CBO: Obamacare Will Cost $50 Billion Less than Estimated
The problem with the CBO is they only figure from numbers that are input to them.....garbage in, garbage out.

Your article says "several parts will be less"......................Several isn't the whole of Obamacare


golden ticket member
"We also reject Obamacare because it imposes $500 billion in new taxes, creates 150 new boards and commissions, swells the federal deficit to record levels and forces costly unfunded mandates on the states - many of which are saddled with staggering budget deficits as it is.

Even the special-interest groups that helped strong-arm Obamacare through the liberal-led Congress are buckling under the weight of its new requirements. To date, 34 unions representing 140,000 union workers (including the Service Employees International Union chapter in Cleveland) have asked to be exempted from the law. Meanwhile, AARP, which provided a key endorsement, recently informed its employees that their health care co-pays were going up and their insurance premiums were increasing between 8 percent and 13 percent.

At last count, nearly 225 companies have been exempted from Obamacare - which shows that the legislation is a job-killer. Perhaps worst of all, Obamacare doesn’t even work. It will still leave 23 million Americans without coverage by 2019, according to the Congressional Budget Office."

YOUNG: The real costs of Obamacare - Washington Times


Strength through joy
klein, our system of mandated healthcare isn't working.
The cheap rates promised , never materialized.
Quite a few doctors have left the state, creating major gaps of where medical coverage is simply not available.
Self-employed people , who make too much to get state supplied coverage are finding that the rates are too expense for them, thus they go without coverage, and now the state is attempting to put them in jail & fine them . Thus forcing their families on to the welfare rolls where they can now get the state coverage. But the state loses another thriving business .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
klein, our system of mandated healthcare isn't working.
The cheap rates promised , never materialized.
Quite a few doctors have left the state, creating major gaps of where medical coverage is simply not available.
Self-employed people , who make too much to get state supplied coverage are finding that the rates are too expense for them, thus they go without coverage, and now the state is attempting to put them in jail & fine them . Thus forcing their families on to the welfare rolls where they can now get the state coverage. But the state loses another thriving business .

That's not exactly truthful. Anyone who cares to check the facts can do so easily. Start here: : ‘RomneyCare’ Facts and Falsehoods


golden ticket member
I doubt it.

Effective tax rate is the tax that you owe on your adjusted gross income expressed as a percentage. This is not the tax that was withheld.

For example, my AGI was $48K on which I owed $8K, thus the 16.9%. I had $10K withheld which resulted in a $2K refund.
But I didn't owe anything!


Strength through joy
rr2012 do you live in Mass. , I think not.
So you think a dem controlled web site has all the answers for you.
Wasn't Fact the only site to see bhos first BC ?
And when questions were asked about it they produced a second and then a third B.C. to settle those questions.
Have they ( Fact Check ) managed to move out of the garage yet ?
After all they claim to be a major media resource authority , one would think that they might have hired some real journalists to research their claims.