President Obama!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

I saw that earlier the stock market was booming because Chin is planning massive stimulus. Meanwhile, austeriity is about to tak all of Europe over the cliff. Tell me again how only spending cuts is the way to fix the economy.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Speak for yourself. Some of us knew the war was a load of crap everytime Bush/Cheney and company (including democrats) came up with new reasons why we just "had" to go to war. Of course, we were called un-American but what we really were was right.

Read what I wrote, not the way you want to spin it... "A war economy happened"and "you can debate the merits of going to war". You can also debate what would have happened had we not gone on the offensive. What I wrote was not about the war being a "load of crap". Hindsight is always 20/20 but if you don't think that 9-11 was an act of war ... all I can say is I am glad you weren't the President. I am not a fan of either of the wars but most of the USA put their faith and support in the choices our government made to keep us safe. I look at results not talk. How many attacks have we had on our soil since 9-11? As far as I am concerned... no thanks to BO and Holder "and company"!

My post was about comparing economies not about the righteousness of the two wars.


golden ticket member
Atleast Romney hooked up with Trump, they share their favorites words : " You're Fired" !

You need to look up what companies like Bain Capitol really do. Obama paints them as vampires.........but, like vampires they must be invited in. Like the company they are using as an example....that co. was in trouble for 10 years and they invited Bain in to help them. They kept operating for a while........where they would've closed right away.

It's about an 80-20 rescue record of companies that were definitely going out of business. So it's better to save some jobs than no jobs at all.

What does "hooked up" mean to you?


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

As much as the Dems would like to, you can not compare Bush to BO. We were attacked on 9-11-01. We were headed toward a major recession or depression but a war economy happened. We can debate the merits of going to war but no one can debate the fact that we were brought to to our knees on that fateful day which put our country in war mode that had bi-partisan support.
" one can debate the fact that we were brought to our knees on that fateful day...". Oh, I think that is very debatable. What brings us to our knees is a half-assed commitment to wars where tax cuts are insisted upon and a draft is not. That is not a "war economy". That is trying to fight a war "on the cheap".


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Yeah, if that was true.
Since the 90's we have been living by our means and had Budget surpluses until this last recession and we had to stimulate the economy just like the US did, as well as bail out GM & Chrysler, too.

And spending cuts weren't only the way out, but also higher taxes (balanced approach - that you republicans refuse to do).
We pay more now for SS (Canada Pension Plan), simply because people are living longer and the system will go bankrupt otherwise.
Again, the US republicans refuse to raise anything.

Good luck getting back in surplus with cuts alone !


Für Meno :)
It's about an 80-20 rescue record of companies that were definitely going out of business. So it's better to save some jobs than no jobs at all.

Yeah, you as much as Romney still dislike the GM/Chrysler bail-out. Better to save jobs than none at all, right ?


golden ticket member
I think more GM jobs were lost and more dealerships closed WITH a bailout than would've been with just a bankruptcy reorganization. A reorgnization would've saved all that taxpayer money and have the same result.


Staff member
I think more GM jobs were lost and more dealerships closed WITH a bailout than would've been with just a bankruptcy reorganization. A reorgnization would've saved all that taxpayer money and have the same result.
I think that is wrong because a bankruptcy still would have required a huge amount of money that no private equity company was willing to put up. With the government behind it, Detroit stood a chance and with a democrat in office the union's arm could be twisted. I don't think it could have happened any other way because Bain and other private equity companies weren't standing in line to get there. Had they been, Obama would have been happy to let things go that way. Remember, it wasn't a popular move.


golden ticket member
I think that is wrong because a bankruptcy still would have required a huge amount of money that no private equity company was willing to put up. With the government behind it, Detroit stood a chance and with a democrat in office the union's arm could be twisted. I don't think it could have happened any other way because Bain and other private equity companies weren't standing in line to get there. Had they been, Obama would have been happy to let things go that way. Remember, it wasn't a popular move.
They wouldn't have needed MY MONEY to go through bankruptcy.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Yeah, if that was true.

It is true that Canada has a lower business tax rate than the US does and you have reminded us many times that you have lived in many Countries and could open a business anywhere but you chose Canada. Now were you a liar when you were telling all of us that?

If government spending caused prosperity it would be logical that Cuba or Iraq would be among the most prosperous places on Earth as they have the largest share of government spending to GDP. They are not.

And spending cuts weren't only the way out, but also higher taxes (balanced approach - that you republicans refuse to do).

Historical corporate tax rate for Canada(highest)

2005-2007 36.1%

2008 33.5%

2009 33.1%

2010 31%

2011 28%

2012 26%

Laffer curve

What can be learned from Canada's corporate tax rates


Well-Known Member
Without OUR money, they would have gone under and created a deeper mess. I'm glad they used OUR money.

There is no proof a "deeper mess" would have been created than the one the government created by their "bailout". If it would have been a good use of "our" money there would have been no need to use the force of government.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
They wouldn't have needed MY MONEY to go through bankruptcy.

Where was your SPOKEN/WRITTEN outrage about your tax money when Dick Cheneys company ( HALIBURTON) was charging the US taxpayers $500.00 for a case ( i said case 24 cans) of coca cola??

All of a sudden your a fiscal watcher of your tax money and where it goes??

Trillions of dollars were wasted under BUSH, BUSH, REAGAN and not a peep out of you about that kind of leadership, but OBAMA makes a move to save the DOMESTIC AUTO industry and all of a sudden your worried about the tax dollars spent to do so?

This makes no sense.




Staff member
There is no proof a "deeper mess" would have been created than the one the government created by their "bailout". If it would have been a good use of "our" money there would have been no need to use the force of government.

So where was Bain Capital? They probably considered it but found it too risky.


Staff member
As a matter of fact, I am complimenting private equity for not getting involved on the auto bailout. I know, we on the "left" hate private equity, capitalism, moms, and apple pie (BS). I still think only a democratic president, and a democratic congress could convince the unions of what had to happen. No way a venture capitalist would ever try to pull that off. But I will give you another shot at the question. Where was Bain and why do you think they didn't step up?