President Obama!


Staff member
And yes. Much like the Wall Streeet debacle, if saving Bain would reasonably halt a more troubling meltdown, then I would be for it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Lets see if manufacturing agrees with you doom and gloomers?


Since 2007 under BUSH, manufacturing was declining at an outrageous clip and after OBAMA takes office and passes his stimulus programs our manufacturing skyrockets!

You cant argue with reality.




Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

It is true that Canada has a lower business tax rate than the US does and you have reminded us many times that you have lived in many Countries and could open a business anywhere but you chose Canada. Now were you a liar when you were telling all of us that?

If government spending caused prosperity it would be logical that Cuba or Iraq would be among the most prosperous places on Earth as they have the largest share of government spending to GDP. They are not.

Historical corporate tax rate for Canada(highest)

2005-2007 36.1%

2008 33.5%

2009 33.1%

2010 31%

2011 28%

2012 26%

Laffer curve

What can be learned from Canada's corporate tax rates

You should know damn well, that US companies don't pay that tax rate - because they get to deduct almost everything of it !

Shocking Truth About US Corporate Tax Rates - YouTube


golden ticket member
Says you.
That 'sink or swim' thing as a nation is too big to relate to. Shrink it down. Picture yourself as teenaged. All your friends want to go out and mob-rob a convenience store. Do you 'sink or swim' with them or do you decide to do the right thing?
Thank goodness we still have people who don't believe in that sink or swim notion.


Staff member
That 'sink or swim' thing as a nation is too big to relate to. Shrink it down. Picture yourself as teenaged. All your friends want to go out and mob-rob a convenience store. Do you 'sink or swim' with them or do you decide to do the right thing?
Thank goodness we still have people who don't believe in that sink or swim notion.
Always want to kitchen sink it, don't you? The destruction of the middle class in this country is a very bad thing. Whether bankers and the 1% want to accept it, we are indeed linked together.