President Obama!


golden ticket member
Cat got your tongue?

Via The Hill:
President Obama ignored questions about Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as a running mate as he boarded Marine One to leave the White House on Saturday.

According to the White House pool report, the president did not respond to questions shouted as he walked to the helicopter. He did wave to a small crowd nearby gathered for the takeoff.

While the president has yet to comment directly on the selection, Vice President Joe Biden called the Wisconsin lawmaker earlier Saturday to congratulate him on his selection.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
ya, let's go back to the Bush era , unemployment was what 3-4 % .
The nation still had a triple A credit rating.
The president out of respect for the troop's sacrifice gave up playing golf .
Where sitting presidents didn't hold raffles to get donations.
Where the First Lady wasn't a court ordered disbarred lawyer .

Where did you get your history lesson for BUSH??

He started in office with a flat 4% unemployment record, and in 8 years, took that to 7.8% and the worst economy since the great depression. Where did you get 3 to 4% from??

You can live in denial all you want, but 65% of americans know and believe that BUSH is still responsible for the state of the country. It took him 8 years to destroy it and its going to take at least 10 years to fix it.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Both Obama and Romney both made the error of introducng their veep nominee as 'president'.

Problem with Obama was he had teleprompters and still said it wrong.


OBAMA corrected his mistake the moment he made it, ROMNEY had to be TOLD he messed up and had to walk back to the microphone and CORRECT himself.

Big difference.




Package Car is cake compared to this...
ya, let's go back to the Bush era , unemployment was what 3-4 % .
The nation still had a triple A credit rating.
The president out of respect for the troop's sacrifice gave up playing golf .
Where sitting presidents didn't hold raffles to get donations.
Where the First Lady wasn't a court ordered disbarred lawyer .

Yeah, that unemployment rate and that AAA rating started nose diving when? Oh yeah, before Dubya left office...

But let's not let facts get in your way.


golden ticket member
'Let me get this straight . . ..
We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are
forced to purchase and
fined if we don't,
Which, purportedly covers at least
ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents,
written by a committee whose chairman says he
doesn't understand it,
passed by a Congress that didn't read it (but exemptedthemselves from it),
and signed by a Dumbo President who
funding administered by a treasury chief who
didn't pay his taxes,
for which we'll be
taxed for four years before any
benefits take effect
by a congress which has
already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare,
all to be overseen by an
obese surgeon general
financed by a country that's broke!!

What the hell could possibly go wrong?'



golden ticket member
Yeah, that unemployment rate and that AAA rating started nose diving when? Oh yeah, before Dubya left office...

But let's not let facts get in your way.

Maybe you should face the 2 terms.....The highest monthly average prior to the late 2008 financial crisis was 6.3 percent. His overall monthly average was 5.3 percent.

Barack has it at 8.3%.



Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Maybe you should face the 2 terms.....The highest monthly average prior to the late 2008 financial crisis was 6.3 percent. His overall monthly average was 5.3 percent.

Barack has it at 8.3%.


Ok, lets examine the numbers... In january 2001 unemployment was at 4%, in one month, it went up to 4.2%for each month that passed going all the way to through the end of his term, the rate ROSE not declined. BUSH NEVER got the rate below where he started. In your chart, unemployment in his last month was 7.7% on the decline and that lasted until late 2009.

BUSH increased the unemployment rate from where he started in each month in office. I dont know what you attempted to prove with this chart, you only confirmed that BUSH SUCKED.





Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
If the ACA was fully enacted, Moreluck wouldn't have to worry about her husband's excessive medical premiums, and poor coverage.

How did that happen if her hubbie is retired UPS management? Is their medical that bad? I have no idea, except knowing that a fully enacted ACA would apparently save her money and provide better coverage.


golden ticket member
If the ACA was fully enacted, Moreluck wouldn't have to worry about her husband's excessive medical premiums, and poor coverage.

How did that happen if her hubbie is retired UPS management? Is their medical that bad? I have no idea, except knowing that a fully enacted ACA would apparently save her money and provide better coverage.
You ignore information that has been posted on here over & over again..........
Left UPS after 28 years......tell me where you see the word "retire" in that statement? Been responsibe for our own health ins. since 2000. I'm done, but he has another year and a third to go 'til Medicare..


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Let's look at it another way, it's been going down from the explosion that was left to him:


It takes awhile to put things back together after they've been broken so badly, especially when the opposition party would just as soon destroy a country just to destroy one man they despise.

I honestly can't figure out why honest Republicans hate him, he's just like Bush, except a better dancer ;)


Staff member
You ignore information that has been posted on here over & over again..........
Left UPS after 28 years......tell me where you see the word "retire" in that statement? Been responsibe for our own health ins. since 2000. I'm done, but he has another year and a third to go 'til Medicare..
Whoah! Your man got kicked to the curb after 28 years? I did not know that, I assumed he was retired as well.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So sorry, I haven't read your autobiography. I get it now, 'left'. Bless your heart.

In any case try not to ignore the main point, and realize that the ACA would be great for you if it were fully enacted today.


golden ticket member
Whoah! Your man got kicked to the curb after 28 years? I did not know that, I assumed he was retired as well.

Hello, it was 2000, the stock went public. How many millions do you think a guy needs to live out the rest of his life.
He quit.......they were ready to send him on a year's travelling assignment compliments of Rocky the romancer. Thanks, but no thanks. Best decision ever!!!
As far as "kicked to the curb", our driver today still begs him, "Can't you please come back?"