President Obama!


golden ticket member
The Obama campaign cannot win reelection if his base is not excited. At a fundraiser for young professionals in his hometown of Chicago on Sunday, reports indicated that the attendance was less than impressive.

New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor tweeted that admission to the event was “only $51″ but the room was just “half full.” Her tweet got splashed on the Drudge Report, and the Obama campaign scrambled to respond. Kantor subsequently tweeted that just some of the tickets were $51, and that the campaign told her the event was actually sold out. Kantor then tweeted that even though the campaign claimed the event was sold out, the room was just half full.
Kantor tweeted: “Hmmm.”


golden ticket member
Changed his tune quickly..............

These days it’s the spawn of Satan.
Back in 2010, Wisconsin’s First District Congressman Paul Ryan was pushing for alternative solutions to the nation’s debt problem, garnering praise from President Obama for putting forth a “serious,” “legitmate” proposal to save our critical health and retirement security programs for current and future generations.

The President went out of his way to commend Ryan for his proposal, calling it genuine, detailed and a legitimate plan to tackle our fiscal crisis. President Obama spoke at the GOP Retreat in Baltimore earlier today, and discussed entitlement reform and additional budget challenges with Ryan.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama is 11 days removed from what the hell is going on. He should meet more with "his people". He said GOP was holding up a farm bill in congress and blaming it on them.....when in fact, 11 days ago, the House passed the farm bill and it's waiting in Harry's Swamp.....yeah, the Democatic Senate is who is dragging their feet!!

The guy is clueless and doesn' know what's going on because he's constantly campaigning.....5 on Sunday. That's ludicrous!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

The arrogance that surrounds the Obama campaign is nauseating.

Via RCP:
BILL BURTON, PRIORITIES USA: No. There’s not one fact in that ad that is wrong. I would challenge you to find one. All the facts in that ad are absolutely accurate. When that company went bankrupt, Mitt Romney was the Chairman, CEO, and sole shareholder of Bain. And yeah, I think most Americans would agree that you own the responsibility for what your company is doing if you’re the CEO.

There were real-life consequences when all these people lost their jobs, when their health insurance got canceled, when they lost their pension benefits. And some of these stories are really sad, but that doesn’t mean that they should be off-limits. This is a race about very big things; about what direction our country is going to go in. And so we thought… Ok, Mitt Romney wants to make his business experience the center of his campaign, we are happy to take him up on that.


Strength through joy
The only way bhos could arrange a large crowd to come out in Chicago, would be to deploy the National Guard for his base to feel protected .


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Second runner up:
“Dog… it tasted good going down…”
—WV Cherokee
First runner up:
“This is starting to feel way too much like WORK.”
—Kristine Godeaux
The winner:
“OMG. Ryan’s talking math again… please, God, not the math… I’m gonna look like an idiot.”


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Two points about this article says it all....

1) "" A group of former U.S. intelligence and Special Forces operatives is set to launch a media campaign, including TV ads,"" FORMER, like in LONG AGO, with no INSIGHT on the Usama Rain.

2) ""An Obama campaign official said: “No one in this group is in a position to speak with any authority on these issues and on what impact these leaks might have, and it’s clear they’ve resorted to making things up for purely political reasons.”"

Just another attempt to use swift boat tactics to smear the president. Either way, the public knows how important a decision it was for the president to authorize the successful mission to get Usama Bin Laden, and millions of americans appreciate it.

Maybe 8 years of "smoke em out" would be better for the GOP?

Fahrenheit 911 Clip - George W Bush on Osama bin Laden From 2002 - YouTube




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Birth Of A Talking Point: Obama (Again) Refers To Romney’s Economic Views As “Fairy Dust”…
Second time this week.
OSKALOOSA, Iowa – President Barack Obama called the latest addition to the GOP ticket, Rep. Paul Ryan, “a good man, a family man” during a speech in Iowa on Tuesday. But he had little good to say about the Wisconsin congressman’s positions on the budget and economy, criticizing Republican economic policy as “trickle-down fairy dust.”
“They don’t have a plan to cut the deficit. They don’t have a plan to increase jobs. They sure don’t have a plan to restore the middle class,” said Obama. “We don’t need more tax cuts for people like me.”

Obama delivered a half-hour speech in Oskaloosa, his first visit to the eastern Iowa city since he campaigned for the Democratic nomination he won four years ago. Obama’s staff, which distributed tickets for the event, said 852 people attended.

Obama acknowledged he still has considerable work to do, including on the budget and economy, areas where the Republicans hope to win major support during the campaign. Romney’s biggest move in that regard has been last weekend’s announcement of Ryan as his running mate. The Wisconsin congressman has been a primary draftsman of Republican budget plans on Capitol Hill and leads the House Budget Committee.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

Birth Of A Talking Point: Obama (Again) Refers To Romney’s Economic Views As “Fairy Dust”…

Second time this week.
OSKALOOSA, Iowa – President Barack Obama called the latest addition to the GOP ticket, Rep. Paul Ryan, “a good man, a family man” during a speech in Iowa on Tuesday. But he had little good to say about the Wisconsin congressman’s positions on the budget and economy, criticizing Republican economic policy as “trickle-down fairy dust.”
“They don’t have a plan to cut the deficit. They don’t have a plan to increase jobs. They sure don’t have a plan to restore the middle class,” said Obama. “We don’t need more tax cuts for people like me.”

Obama delivered a half-hour speech in Oskaloosa, his first visit to the eastern Iowa city since he campaigned for the Democratic nomination he won four years ago. Obama’s staff, which distributed tickets for the event, said 852 people attended.

Obama acknowledged he still has considerable work to do, including on the budget and economy, areas where the Republicans hope to win major support during the campaign. Romney’s biggest move in that regard has been last weekend’s announcement of Ryan as his running mate. The Wisconsin congressman has been a primary draftsman of Republican budget plans on Capitol Hill and leads the House Budget Committee.

thats funny? Ronald Reagans budget director calls the RYAN BUDGET a "fairy tale".

Let a Republican explain it to you: Paul Ryan’s Fairy Tale Budget - Baja Democrats




Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama acknowledged he still has considerable work to do, including on the budget and economy

So when does he plan on doing this such important work ?


Well-Known Member
i honestly hate barrack obama. ever since i saw him on television. everyone seems to worship him. its soo pathetic how many fools. everyone says, first black president!!!! he is 4% negroid. i want to move to switzerland