President Obama!


Engorged Member

I agree with TOS. Bill is still in the 1940's, so he is indeed, "left behind", as the rest of society progresses (moves forward). I think most Republicans would like to return to our prehistoric past, where Ug dragged Zug (his wife) by her hair or clubbed her when she didn't behave or put-out. No pesky gays or minorities either!! Oh, wait...the Earth is only 6,000 years old, so there can't be any prehistoric Ug or Zug.


golden ticket member
It all depends on where you get the figures and on the mindset with which they are interpreted.
I heard the 96,000 new jobs on the stock channel, MSNBC, FOX, CNBC, variations, no differences.
So it doesn't matter where we hear it, it's an official report. What' the matter, cat got your tongue?


Well-Known Member

I love this guy.

I'm surprised those on the 'right' aren't using this as an argument for replacing Obama...

Then again, not many (except Bush 'haters') complained about the extra-judicial killings during the Bush Presidency...Obama supporters are silent on this issue.

And if Romney were elected, he'd continue the program, no doubt.

Is it too late to elect Ron Paul?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Somebody tell him we don't negotiate with terrorists.............

"MELBOURNE, Florida - President Barack Obama said in an interview partly broadcast Sunday that he would be "more than happy to work with the Republicans" to trim the swelling national debt — as long as they drop their opposition to raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans."