President Obama!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Romney did work to reduce pollution at a Massachusetts coal plant about a decade ago, accusing it of killing people. But he also didn't shut it down -- the plant still operates today. Isnt that pretty much what Obama wants to do except for the closing down part? Romney wanted to clean up pollution so you think that is bad?


The Salem Harbor Power Station

Back on Feb. 5, 2003, Romney made several statements during a showdown over the future of the controversial, coal-burning Salem Harbor Power Station, in the Boston area.

A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. As governor, Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.

Massachusetts singled out its most egregious polluters as the "Filthy Five" plants, including Salem Harbor. Public health and environmental scientists at Harvard studied the emissions from two of the plants in 2000 and concluded that Salem Harbor was responsible for 53 deaths, 570 emergency room visits, 14,400 asthma attacks and 99,000 incidents of upper respiratory symptoms -- all per year.

Local residents and others who wanted to keep the Salem Harbor plant open (for jobs and tax revenues) disputed those figures, saying they resulted from unproven modeling. It turned out that the Harvard scientists had revised their figures in 2002, putting premature deaths from Salem Harbor’s pollution at 30 per year and reducing the number of emergency room visits to 400 and the asthma attacks at 2,000, according to the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.

But the scientists stood by the broader conclusion -- that emissions from dirty power plants can be deadly. The Harvard methodology has now been widely replicated and is respected by health scientists, according to several environmental authorities we spoke with. Romney appeared to accept their findings, too.

The spat with Salem Harbor turned into a testy exchange after Salem Harbor’s then-owner, Pacific Gas and Electric, sought an extension until 2006 to comply with Massachusetts’ emissions rules -- and plant supporters showed up to to demand that the governor back off. Romney was adamant that the company comply by 2004 and appeared at a press conference near the plant to emphasize the point.

His statements that day show how he felt, and they’re documented in this video: "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant -- that plant kills people."


Any other excuses CARRELLL??




golden ticket member
Well, there's your Oct. Surprise! Iran has agreed to talks about their nuclear program. They really want Obama to win. Guess what, as long as they agree to talks, the pres. can do it , no matter who it happens to be!!



The Salem Harbor Power Station

Back on Feb. 5, 2003, Romney made several statements during a showdown over the future of the controversial, coal-burning Salem Harbor Power Station, in the Boston area.

A couple of years earlier, Massachusetts had passed new rules to reduce power plant emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and mercury, to be phased in over several years. The mercury standard would not be finalized until 2004. As governor, Romney supported the rules, as he made clear repeatedly.

Massachusetts singled out its most egregious polluters as the "Filthy Five" plants, including Salem Harbor. Public health and environmental scientists at Harvard studied the emissions from two of the plants in 2000 and concluded that Salem Harbor was responsible for 53 deaths, 570 emergency room visits, 14,400 asthma attacks and 99,000 incidents of upper respiratory symptoms -- all per year.

Local residents and others who wanted to keep the Salem Harbor plant open (for jobs and tax revenues) disputed those figures, saying they resulted from unproven modeling. It turned out that the Harvard scientists had revised their figures in 2002, putting premature deaths from Salem Harbor’s pollution at 30 per year and reducing the number of emergency room visits to 400 and the asthma attacks at 2,000, according to the Boston Globe and the Boston Herald.

But the scientists stood by the broader conclusion -- that emissions from dirty power plants can be deadly. The Harvard methodology has now been widely replicated and is respected by health scientists, according to several environmental authorities we spoke with. Romney appeared to accept their findings, too.

The spat with Salem Harbor turned into a testy exchange after Salem Harbor’s then-owner, Pacific Gas and Electric, sought an extension until 2006 to comply with Massachusetts’ emissions rules -- and plant supporters showed up to to demand that the governor back off. Romney was adamant that the company comply by 2004 and appeared at a press conference near the plant to emphasize the point.

His statements that day show how he felt, and they’re documented in this video: "I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people, and that plant -- that plant kills people."


Any other excuses CARRELLL??



Thanks for making my point...He was going to make any coal burning plants follow emissions regulations...keep going, you are making him look better and better. How dare Romney want a business to obey the law.


golden ticket member
2003....that's like 9 years ago.......was that when Obama was chooming or was that when he and Rahm were visiting the gay bath house they have a lfetime membership to?!!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thanks for making my point...He was going to make any coal burning plants follow emissions regulations...keep going, you are making him look better and better. How dare Romney want a business to obey the law.



Or will you be a hypocrite and say something different?




Strength through joy
Interesting study about the Salem power plant, you do realize that most of the time the fumes are being blown out to sea since it's on the coast.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Interesting study about the Salem power plant, you do realize that most of the time the fumes are being blown out to sea since it's on the coast.

Then, if thats the case, ROMNEY was standing in front of the salem plant LYING about its pollution that killed people, right?




Well-Known Member
OBAMACARE : Who is covered ??

Medicare covers the Seniors.
Medicaid covers the poor and the disabled.
Upper class many pay cash.
Middle class are now forced to buy inflated private premiums because of Obama.

Does this mean the slackers, takers and illegals are the beneficiaries ??

It sure is not the middle class that will pay big time for it . Cost of Premiums go up with every obamacare mandate.
When the Middle class reach the age of 65--obamacare has stripped Medicare by reducing payments to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes so AARP can double the premiums sold to the middle class for supplemental coverage ????:sad-little:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Wouldn’t surpise me, especaially when you consider the prior love notes Obama has sent Ayatollah Khamenei.
TEHRAN (FNA) – Senior Iranian parliamentary sources revealed on Saturday that the Swiss envoy to Tehran has quoted US President Barack Obama as acknowledging Iran’s nuclear rights.

Swiss Ambassador to Tehran Livia Leu Agosti attended a meeting with senior Iranian foreign ministry officials a few days ago to submit a letter from the US president to Tehran leaders.
Vice-Chairman of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Hossein Ebrahimi told FNA that during the meeting, Agosti had told the Iranian officials that President Barack Obama recognizes Iran’s right of access and use of the nuclear technology.

“There are a couple of points with regard to this (US) message (to Iran),” Ebrahimi said and added, “Firstly, during the session to submit the message, the Swiss ambassador to Tehran quoted the US president as saying that ‘we (the US) recognize your nuclear rights’

As regards the second issue, the lawmaker said that the Swiss diplomat had also quoted Obama as saying that “I didn’t want to impose sanctions on your central bank but I had no options but to approve it since a Congress majority had approved the decision.”

Lue C Fur

Evil member
OBAMACARE : Who is covered ??

Medicare covers the Seniors.
Medicaid covers the poor and the disabled.
Upper class many pay cash.
Middle class are now forced to buy inflated private premiums because of Obama.

Does this mean the slackers, takers and illegals are the beneficiaries ??

It sure is not the middle class that will pay big time for it . Cost of Premiums go up with every obamacare mandate.
When the Middle class reach the age of 65--obamacare has stripped Medicare by reducing payments to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes so AARP can double the premiums sold to the middle class for supplemental coverage ????:sad-little:

No wonder AARP endorses Obamacare and Barry..they have a HUGE dog in the fight.


golden ticket member
I cut up my AARP card and throw in the trash the mailings they send out. I feel they weren't looking out for me with the Obamacare sell out.

If I need a discount on anything I just use my AAA.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I cut up my AARP card and throw in the trash the mailings they send out. I feel they weren't looking out for me with the Obamacare sell out.

If I need a discount on anything I just use my AAA.

You waste your money.

The AARP must hate old folks, yep, that's the ticket.


golden ticket member