President Obama!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Washington Post just endorsed him today. Damn America haters! Didn't they see that 2016 movie?

Damn Liberal newspapers!!!! :)

Did you see 2016? I was suprised. It really was not a Obama bashing showed many facts that most of us already know and gave insight to what makes the man tick.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Damn Liberal newspapers!!!! :)

Did you see 2016? I was suprised. It really was not a Obama bashing showed many facts that most of us already know and gave insight to what makes the man tick.

Give us one of the "FACTS" that was used in the movie??

Was it the one where Dnesh says that Bill Ayers bombed the pentagon TWICE! Yea, theres some facts for ya...

How about when Dnesh says that the "GIFT" of the bust of Winston Churchill was returned by OBAMA the day he took office, even though the bust was a LOAN to George Bush for 8 years and it was returned to the UK museum from which it came and it was replaced by a REPLICA of the bust which has been in the white house since 2009??

Are those any of the "FACTS" you took from the movie??




golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I realize many people have short memories.

How many of you recall the first meeting with newly elected President Obama with the Republican's ??

The new President was arrogant --said elections have consequences and things will be done HIS way . From the very beginning Obama has and continues to be the problem.:dissapointed:


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

And now , out come the expensive budget for state dinners , he has out spent Clinton .
$1M for a dinner for the Mexican President.
But only $500,000 spent for the British PM & the Indian PM each.
One can only guess where his thoughts lie.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

On the topic of "Trickle down" to all of my Liberal friends---my keeping more of the money I earn and spending it across the economy iis not "trickle down"

Trickle down is when the Government takes our money --spends it they way they want --elaborate dinners and lifestyles for Politicians, payoffs to Political doners and then trickle down welfare and food stamps to hold their power.

The stimulous was a total failure.
That money --as I stated three years ago should have stayed in the middle class hands --with no income tax taken out for one year --and it would have been spent across the entire economy and we would be in way better economic shape today.

This is a basic tenant of Romneys plan ---we keep more of our money --we spend it and the private sector grows . Not the definition of "trickle down":wink2: