President Obama!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

If these uber liberals weren't so ignorant about the consequences and will absolutely continue to blame everyone but themselves, I would be willing to let them see what unchecked spending and higher taxes will do to this country... HOWEVER, I think that most of them want to see the USA go the direction of a second rate nation and become socialistic in nature. If B. Hussein does not want to compromise, we need to stonewall the government. Then in two years, see what happens....

What a shame that we have such ignorant people in power.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanation here today

If these uber liberals weren't so ignorant about the consequences and will absolutely continue to blame everyone but themselves, I would be willing to let them see what unchecked spending and higher taxes will do to this country... HOWEVER, I think that most of them want to see the USA go the direction of a second rate nation and become socialistic in nature. If B. Hussein does not want to compromise, we need to stonewall the government. Then in two years, see what happens....

What a shame that we have such ignorant people in power.

The REAL ignorance is the theory of holding the country's ecomony as hostage and place all americans in futher decline, just to see how an election turns out in the midterms.

The GOP will be lucky to hold the house in 2014 after OBAMA strikes a deal on the budget.

Either way, the republicans will lose at the end of the day, its in the cards.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Isaw a headline that read......"Obama Urges Public to Pressure Congress." Maybe the public should put some pressure on Obama to roll up his sleeves and get dirty!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The president proposed today to push the discussion of spendng cuts over to next year........."the check's in the mail" ploy!!


Well-Known Member


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

My goodness, texan. Go throw up already and get over the melancholy. This is still the United States and we are still more than capable of sorting out the tangled mess of ugly that politics can be. So what if things get a little tough. We've been there before and have only ourselves to blame for the last 30 years of goofy accounting and make believe economics. If and I repeat If we want to have a more sane approach to the economy, there is more than enough room to compromise. Any company laying off now simply hasn't planned for the future that everyone saw coming. Shedding workers now isn't going to keep them viable into 2013 especially if their production drops. So these are the ones that didn't have money on the sidelines waiting to invest. They have been scraping by and even if tax rates stayed at the historic lows they are at now, they would be in the same situation. So companies are either prepared for the certainty they crave with higher taxes and more regulation or they will be pleasantly surprised with a deal being made.

Or maybe, just maybe, companies are using the situation as an excuse to cut workers and increase their bottom line.


Staff member
He was paying a ton and then got accepted by Blue Cross Anthem for $310 a month.....huge savings and now it's headed up too.
Right. Insurance companies bring on customers at bargain rates and then start increasing premiums. That didn't start with Obamacare.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
My buddy had a kidney transplant. Insurance went form 400 pm to 1300. Insurance has always been available to those with pre existing conditions. If you could afford it, nothing has changed in that area, the only difference is someone may get a subsidy, where they did not before, from the people in the "pool' who are being forced to buy it. I hope it all works out, but I have my doubts, now that is being implemeted, we will see.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Latest jobless # 393,000........higher than expected. Sandy was figured in for the past 2 weeks.
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