President Obama!


golden ticket member
What a nasty, petty, sad little man.

WASHINGTON — Fresh off a four-day trip to Asia, President Barack Obama pardoned the National Thanksgiving Turkey Wednesday, taking a shot at his former Republican opponent and cracking jokes about his reelection.

“They say that life is all about second chances and this November I can’t agree more,” Obama said.

“So in the spirit of the season I have one more gift to give,” Obama joked in apparent reference to Mitt Romney’s claim after the election that Obama won by giving “gifts” to minority groups, Obama said he was going to pardon the National Thanksgiving Turkey, named Cobbler, and his stand-in, Gobbler.

“The American people have spoken, and these birds are moving forward,” he added.

Adding that for the first time the Turkey selection was democratized by a Facebook poll, Obama quipped “and once again, Nate silver perfectly nailed it,” a reference to polling analyst who predicted his win in 2008 and 2012.


Well-Known Member
:angry:This makes alot of sense-- Obama is off to Burma and Thailand ---are they going over a Fiscal Cliff I do not know about ???

Congress --who just got back ---takes off for Thanksgiving WEEK ??????? Is it not a ONE DAY holiday ???

But of course all of our Politicians are SERVING us and are so totally concerned with the FISCAL CLIFF !!!!!

Corporations are the evil scum of the country as we are always told ---but I am sure if any Corporation was facing a "FISCAL CLIFF" --They would be working 24 X 7 to find a solution:sad-little:

Hostess worked 24/7 to find a solution, management gave themselves huge raises then asked the workers to take more cuts.
Lets hope Congress doesn't double their salaries then triple taxes.


Strength through joy
Washington -- Peace, one of two turkeys pardoned by President Obama last year, was euthanized Monday, according to an official who insisted the timing of the death - days before the Thanksgiving holiday - was not suspicious.
Rebecca Aloisi, vice president for marketing at the Mount Vernon Estate, confirmed that Peace had been dead after a weekend "illness." But Aloise knew neither the nature of the illness, the manner of death, nor what had been done with the remains of the large, edible bird.

Read more: Peace, turkey pardoned by President Obama last Thanksgiving, euthanized



Well-Known Member
Washington -- Peace, one of two turkeys pardoned by President Obama last year, was euthanized Monday, according to an official who insisted the timing of the death - days before the Thanksgiving holiday - was not suspicious.
Rebecca Aloisi, vice president for marketing at the Mount Vernon Estate, confirmed that Peace had been dead after a weekend "illness." But Aloise knew neither the nature of the illness, the manner of death, nor what had been done with the remains of the large, edible bird.

Read more: Peace, turkey pardoned by President Obama last Thanksgiving, euthanized

Did you happen to watch the ceremony? The older daughter wanted nothing to do with the turkey.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

This is where the prez. doesn't "get it". Most of America has to budget. We don't have unlimited money like he does.

I don't want pay $15 for an item in the little shop on the corner when I can get the exact same item for $5. Then I can get 3 of them and check off 3 gifts from my list.

The prez took the daughters to a book they even know what "books" are anymore?? Valerie Jarrett is going to shop at an art gallery and a book store.......glad she can afford the art gallery!!

Obama, daughters visit bookstore on 'Small Business Saturday' shopping - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Michelle should be able to single handedly boost the economy because of the vacations she and her entourage go on! Wonder where she is going this year?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

As Chicago thug Rahm Emanuel said "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste".

From the earliest of days as man emerged out from hunter gatherers to form organized hierarchical societies, all politicians in varying degrees have used crisis to empower and maintain power for themselves. Shamans created demons and hobgoblins to drive fear and the shaman's counterpart, the godking or as we call them today, the politician thus uses the element of fear of some foreboding doom as a mechanism of control to maintain power.

The godking and his accomplish, the shaman continue to tell us stories of our impending doom without them and yet they never, ever solve a problem they claim to create solutions for. If they did, at some point we'd run out of problems and then we'd realize their unimportance, question their need and even worse that in most cases, it was the godking and shaman who were the root causes of the problems to begin with!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

From the earliest of days as man emerged out from hunter gatherers to form organized hierarchical societies, all politicians in varying degrees have used crisis to empower and maintain power for themselves. Shamans created demons and hobgoblins to drive fear and the shaman's counterpart, the godking or as we call them today, the politician thus uses the element of fear of some foreboding doom as a mechanism of control to maintain power.

The godking and his accomplish, the shaman continue to tell us stories of our impending doom without them and yet they never, ever solve a problem they claim to create solutions for. If they did, at some point we'd run out of problems and then we'd realize their unimportance, question their need and even worse that in most cases, it was the godking and shaman who were the root causes of the problems to begin with!

Wouldn't you agree it's exactly the same thing for organized religion? "Come to the Church, listen to the magic spells, give us your money, or the devil will take you to Hell".


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Wouldn't you agree it's exactly the same thing for organized religion? "Come to the Church, listen to the magic spells, give us your money, or the devil will take you to Hell".

Even more interesting is that religions often tell the people that the godking is placed on earth by the creator god and that all who exist should submit to it's will because it's authority comes from the creator god.

But did we ever question what this divine creation actually does?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

All together now, raaaaaacism!

Via The Hill:

NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is America’s most popular Thanksgiving dinner guest, topping President Obama, according to a new survey conducted by Nielsen.

Asked which guest they would rather have as a dinner guest for the Thursday holiday, 23 percent of those surveyed tapped the New York Jets player, with only 5 percent naming Obama.

The president fell behind Big Bird and Lady Gaga in the survey, first reported by the New York Post.

Tebow will be playing against the New England Patriots on Thanksgiving, while President Obama will celebrate the holiday in Washington, with his family.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

All together now, raaaaaacism!

Via The Hill:
NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is America’s most popular Thanksgiving dinner guest, topping President Obama, according to a new survey conducted by Nielsen.

Asked which guest they would rather have as a dinner guest for the Thursday holiday, 23 percent of those surveyed tapped the New York Jets player, with only 5 percent naming Obama.

The president fell behind Big Bird and Lady Gaga in the survey, first reported by the New York Post.

Tebow will be playing against the New England Patriots on Thanksgiving, while President Obama will celebrate the holiday in Washington, with his family.
How you figure?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

All together now, raaaaaacism!

Via The Hill:
NFL quarterback Tim Tebow is America’s most popular Thanksgiving dinner guest, topping President Obama, according to a new survey conducted by Nielsen.

Asked which guest they would rather have as a dinner guest for the Thursday holiday, 23 percent of those surveyed tapped the New York Jets player, with only 5 percent naming Obama.

The president fell behind Big Bird and Lady Gaga in the survey, first reported by the New York Post.

Tebow will be playing against the New England Patriots on Thanksgiving, while President Obama will celebrate the holiday in Washington, with his family.

How is this racism?

BTW, Tebow never took a snap Thursday night.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

It would be a little painful with cracked ribs. His status was play in "emergency" --which translates only if Sanchez gets knocked out !!

p.s Tebow refused to be injected with pain killer ---told Ryan he was ready and able to play --rib injury or not !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics
