President Obama!


All Trash No Trailer
Re: Obamanomics

The S&P 500 has gained 76% since his inauguration in January 2009, while the Nasdaq 100 is up 128%.
Compare that to the S&P 500’s 13% decline and the Nasdaq 100’s 45% wipeout in the first term of his predecessor, George W. Bush; or the mere 25% gain in the first term of conservative icon Ronald Reagan; or even the 60% gain in the halcyon early 1990s in the first term of Bill Clinton.

I kinda like Obama's economic results.
here is the link that supports my statements
Where to put your money now that Obama has won - MarketWatch


Strength through joy
Also that UN vote taken this week , another slap upon bhos face .

Both of these actions show that the USA is no longer considered a world power .

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

UPS Lifer,

To get back to your original point, Obama will own the economy when he is allowed to enact his policies without interference from the über Right. Bush was allowed to enact his policies, that's why he owned the mess he created.

Give the President free reign to act, and he will own it. The pettiness of today's Republican Party is disgraceful.

Yeah! I said that in post #2009. A true leader knows how to show respect to the other side. Your president's current offer spits in the face of 48% of the country. Now that is disgraceful!
He campaigned on 800 billion in taxes and now wants 1.6 trillion plus more spending than cuts.

At least buy me dinner before you bend me over....

I ask you, how do you feel at work when your boss shows you disrespect and flexes his muscles? Especially when he does it in front of a group? What do you think of his leadership skills? What do you think of him as a person? Have you ever been in a discipline hearing where your boss had the leverage and made you feel like a POS?

Tell me that is the mark of a good leader!

I think you also need to realize that the country elected the Republican majority in the House and they re-elected them again! Apparently the country does not have a lot of faith in your president but was willing to let him try again.

3 million votes and a Republican House ain't much of a mandate!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

I just bought a house to live in, was not forward looking enough to do all the planning. Im also stuck with a house I have been renting, which is draining me. Was totally refurbished down to the plaster/now drywall in 2005. Dont want it, its distant, and something happens every week. Im ready to dump it all say I give up and go bankrupt. Oh wait I cant, I actually own things of value. I need a bailout!!!!

Just think, if your man ROMNEY had won, in january, your deductions for that rental property would have been gone and you would be FORCED into bankruptcy.

You wouldnt have a choice.

Better thank OBAMA for protecting your investment and your deductions.




Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

Yes we will see who gets saved by Obama. I bet it wont be me. But we will not know til they settle the fiscal cliff. The ones who will pay is the ones who work every day, like us. The ones who will be hurt are the rich, just a fact of life, but they are rich so they will survive. No matter what party is in charge. The only ones who will not be touched are the poor, and those of us in the middle will continue to pay for them, without them giving an inch. They wont get cuts in any benefit. The fraud will not be investigated. If anything they will get a raise because the economy, which they do not participate in, will continue to slug along, and costs will be higher. We are the only ones who will feel it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Yes we will see who gets saved by Obama. I bet it wont be me. But we will not know til they settle the fiscal cliff. The ones who will pay is the ones who work every day, like us. The ones who will be hurt are the rich, just a fact of life, but they are rich so they will survive. No matter what party is in charge. The only ones who will not be touched are the poor, and those of us in the middle will continue to pay for them, without them giving an inch. They wont get cuts in any benefit. The fraud will not be investigated. If anything they will get a raise because the economy, which they do not participate in, will continue to slug along, and costs will be higher. We are the only ones who will feel it.

Spoken like a true conservative. Absent of reality but great in sounding boards. You fail to realize that Romney would have cut ALL your deductions for your current home and your rental property and that alone would have killed you but made the "RICH" a little richer as you beg them for a job.

I am always amazed how people like you, could get TWO TAX CUTS from OBAMA in the last 4 years and yet, CRY about him not helping you.

Is FOX NEWS really that capturing?




golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama just wants dependents.

He does nothing for the hard workers who take responsibility for their famiies.

He's focused on helping the people who want something for nothing!! Paint a wall, here's your benefit check. Mow grass in the park, here's your benefit check. Police an alleyway for litter, here's your check.

Why isn't WORK done to receive all these unemployment benefits. I was always taught that nothing is free !! You have to work for it.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

tos, how can you say " come jan....Romney will do this " bs.
The president won't be sworn in until jan 20th { how many do overs will bhos need this time around ? }
All your hype is total nonsense .
The people that have to solve the fiscal problem are the same one who had done nothing for the last 2 yrs. This lame duck congress . The only elected body that has lower rating points ever.


golden ticket member
What fiscal cliff??? He was on the golf course today for his 107th round of his presidency.

What happened to rolling up your sleeves and acting like you are working hard for the people who elected you instead of sporting that smirk and blaming everybody bu yourself????


All Trash No Trailer
Nader: War Criminal Obama Worse Than Bush

Nader: War Criminal Obama Worse Than Bush

what a crock of Boo Sheet . I cant seem to remember Obama ordering the invasion of a sovereign country that resulted in the deaths of untold hundreds of thousands of civilians as well as thousands of US soldiers,and then telling lies trying to tie it in to the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks,telling lies of 'Weapons of mass Destruction' and questioing the patriotism of those who didnt support an unjust,illegal and immoral war. We can also bring the private companies such as Blackwater who made untold millions of dollars from this war .Companies which happened to be owned by supporters of the Republican Party. In 1946 German Generals were hanged for the same crimes George W .Bush committed. A side note: The War in Afghanistan was cocked up by The Republican Administration when Land Warfare was turned over to the UN,and US soldiers were sent to bolster the troops in Iraq. This Fark Up will probably cost the Us the war.


Well-Known Member
what a crock of Boo Sheet . I cant seem to remember Obama ordering the invasion of a sovereign country that resulted in the deaths of untold hundreds of thousands of civilians as well as thousands of US soldiers,and then telling lies trying to tie it in to the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks,telling lies of 'Weapons of mass Destruction' and questioing the patriotism of those who didnt support an unjust,illegal and immoral war. We can also bring the private companies such as Blackwater who made untold millions of dollars from this war .Companies which happened to be owned by supporters of the Republican Party. In 1946 German Generals were hanged for the same crimes George W .Bush committed. A side note: The War in Afghanistan was cocked up by The Republican Administration when Land Warfare was turned over to the UN,and US soldiers were sent to bolster the troops in Iraq. This Fark Up will probably cost the Us the war.

Cornel West who campaigned for Obama also calls him a war criminal and he is.

[SIZE=-1]PG: Cornel, you campaigned for Obama in 2008 but unlike many other critical supporters of the President, your critique of his policies eventually eclipsed your support as his first term unfolded. And as a result you’ve found yourself in confrontation with former comrades – but still brother – like Michael Eric Dyson, Al Sharpton and others, who remain allied to the Obama regime while purporting to be critical of it from within.
CW: You don’t see too much criticism coming from either one of them though! (laughs). I think they’ve sold their soul for a mess of Obama pottage!

PG: Right, and it’s obvious that these confrontations have led many in the mainstream American press to denounce you, but even then your popularity among poor and working people in America and across the world continues to grow. How do you account for that?
[/SIZE]CW: Well, one important thing to keep in mind is that in the 65 events that I did, at each stop I would tell them that we must bring Reaganism to a close – McCain and Palin were the last moments of Reaganite policy (unregulated markets, indifference towards the poor, stagnating wages) – and that if Obama won, I would break dance in the afternoon and be his major critic the next morning. That’s how I ended every speech. And so I broke dance in the afternoon [when Obama won in 2008] because we did stop McCain and Palin. But the next morning I knew the social forces behind him (Wall Street and so forth) needed to be called into question. So when I went after Larry Summers, went after Tim Geithner, went after Gary Gensler and all the Wall St. folk who inhabited his space, his cabinet, Rahm Emanuel, his chief of staff, and so forth, they [his supporters] said ‘you’re turning on the President!’. I said ‘no, I’m just being consistent. I’m being true to what I said’. But then that’s where the demonization set in. But, you know, that goes with the territory.

PG: Was there a break-dance this November?
CW: God, no! He’s had four years and he’s proved himself to be a Wall St. President, he’s proved himself to be imperial to the core, he’s proved himself to be a war criminal. And you have to call that for what it is. And people say ‘oh you hatin’ ’ and I say ‘I’m a Christian. I hate the deed; I don’t hate the person’, because he has the potential to change. Malcolm X was a gangster for a long time; he was wrong, he changed and he became a great freedom fighter. All of us have the capacity to change, you see. And so in that sense, you know, as a Christian, ‘you love your enemies’ which means you better have some! (laughs) Because if you take a stand for poor and working people, you gonna’ have some enemies! That was part of what Jesus had in mind – if you go through life with no enemies, you’re probably not living a good life. You’re going to have enemies if you take a stance. And, the question about loving them is not sadomasochistic: you’re not loving your oppressors because they’re beating you down but because they’re still human beings and you know you have the capacity, inside of you, to actually engage in those same kinds of vicious forms of revenge, envy, domination, hatred and so forth. And therefore that allows a self-critique within your own soul. But, you know, I don’t want to get too theological here but the point is that it’s been a challenge. But what’s interesting now is that more and more people are coming around. I gave a talk in San Francisco with 4,000 people; in New York, 3,000 people. You think, ‘wow, this thing is getting bigger and bigger and bigger!’.

Interview with Cornel West

Cornel goes on to call Obama a "Rockerfeller Republican in blackface" and I agree with him.

Even Chris Hedges along with Daniel Ellsberg and Noam Chomsky is suing President Obama and even Chris, no GOPer/Tea Party type by any means has also used the term "war criminal" in regards to Obama.

The decision to vigorously fight Forrest’s ruling is a further example of the Obama White House’s steady and relentless assault against civil liberties, an assault that is more severe than that carried out by George W. Bush. Obama has refused to restore habeas corpus. He supports the FISA Amendment Act, which retroactively makes legal what under our Constitution has traditionally been illegal—warrantless wire tapping, eavesdropping and monitoring directed against U.S. citizens. He has used the Espionage Act six times against whistle-blowers who have exposed government crimes, including war crimes, to the public.

We Won For Now

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

tos, how can you say " come jan....Romney will do this " bs.
The president won't be sworn in until jan 20th { how many do overs will bhos need this time around ? }
All your hype is total nonsense .
The people that have to solve the fiscal problem are the same one who had done nothing for the last 2 yrs. This lame duck congress . The only elected body that has lower rating points ever.

Dont worry, those lame duck republicans will see the door in 2014. You are correct, they have the lowest rating in history after taking control of the congress and some of those lame Tea Party types were sent packing.

If the GOP fails to cooperate with the president, they will ALL have signed their own walking papers.

As for Romney, NONE OF YOU, knew what Romney was going to do with his tax plan. He wouldnt admit it out loud and you ALL were going for it completely blind.

However, if you did the math, like OBAMA kept pointing out, it didnt add up, and tax increases for the middle class was going to be the only way to make his plan work. Those "deductions" he kept talking about, he said he would announce AFTER the election.

Why do you think he kept this secret? If they were sooooo GREAT, why not come forward and do a press conference and make those announcements?

Well, we know the answer, people like YOU were buying the B.S. as it was wrapped and you were willing to swallow it whole regardless of how it affected you in the long run.

There will be revenue along with cuts to programs. Sorry, but the military will have to be CUT. Like it or not.




golden ticket member
Glad to see that the great leader is participating in important and crucial activities to keep our country running & safe and free.

Obama salutes entertainers at Kennedy Center Honors - Yahoo! News