President Obama!


golden ticket member
It's also nice to have a balanced budget too and there are other traditions like prayer breakfasts that he ignores.

He's a "pick & choose" kind of guy and if there is Hollywood glitz involved....he's there! Glitz, like the pageants in Toddlers & Tiaras...........

Big negotiations with Dustin ???

De'tente with DeNiro ????

Talks with Letterman.....part of his "help the gap-toothed" people of the world. Lauren Hutton is next....or maybe Michael Strahan or Anna Paquin.

Like Taylor Swift, the messiah is drawn to anything with the Kennedy Name...

Led Zeppelin ......... far cry from Jay-Z and Beyonce !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



golden ticket member
Obama Cuts Campaign-Style Video To Push Plan To Raise Taxes On Evil “Rich” People… What he isn’t telling people is this tax hike will crush small businesses and it funds the government for only 8 days.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

Obama Cuts Campaign-Style Video To Push Plan To Raise Taxes On Evil “Rich” People…

What he isn’t telling people is this tax hike will crush small businesses and it funds the government for only 8 days.

Cause it wont. Does this answer your question?




Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Re: Obamanomics

Moreluck, How about posting statistics on the increase in wealth the upper percentile or two has had over the past 10 years compared to the 47%? That's a pie chart!

All the hatred you have for all things Democratic is unhealthy. An unbiased look at facts would paint an entirely different situation than what you perceive. We had an election. Fewer people voted than last time. President Obama was still overwhelmingly elected. The Republican Party is incapable of leading at this point, so they should get out of the way. If Obama fails on his terms, the Democratic party won't win with Hillary vs Palin. Just get out of the way.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Fact is portfolios have shrunk!!!
Do you know about shrinkage?

The word "leading" and Obama does not compute!!!

He couldn't lead the guy for a lay-up in a pick up game !!!


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Re: Obamanomics

Fact is portfolios have shrunk!!!
Do you know about shrinkage?

The word "leading" and Obama does not compute!!!

He couldn't lead the guy for a lay-up in a pick up game !!!

Not one fact, and it's also obvious you don't know how to play basketball.

Who's running the portfolio in your house? I haven't had shrinkage at all. The last few years have been okay by me, and it's been gains I know are real.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Not one fact, and it's also obvious you don't know how to play basketball.

Who's running the portfolio in your house? I haven't had shrinkage at all. The last few years have been okay by me, and it's been gains I know are real.
When a guy is running to the basket, you sure don't throw the ball at his lead him so he can make his layup effortlessly.

Obama knows nothing about leading......

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Re: Obamanomics

When a guy is running to the basket, you sure don't throw the ball at his lead him so he can make his layup effortlessly.

Obama knows nothing about leading......

Thats funny, since he led his administration to RE-ELECTION!!!

DOH! Bet you missed that one.




golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

I like lists. Supposedly this was by a long-serving Marine and was on facebook and part of a longer story. Either way, it lists lots of Obama's "work"(?)

Under Obama.....
Unemployment up under Obama
Black unemployment up under Obama
Women unemployment up under Obama
Youth unemployment up under Obama
Gas prices up under Obama
Food prices up under Obama
Health insurance premiums up under Obama
National debt WAY UP under Obama
Most spending of any President in history
Spent more than all Presidents in US history…from George Washington to George Bush combined
Highest yearly deficit in US history
First trillion dollar yearly deficit in US history
Four years in a row of trillion dollar yearly deficits
Highest monthly deficit in US history
Highest food stamp enrollment in US history
In 2010 the highest poverty rate in US history
The other years highest poverty rate in 40 years
Highest number of people in anti-poverty programs in US history
Highest number of people on disability in US history
Highest number of people dependant on government in US history
Average household income has dropped all four years Obama has been President
Lowest average household income since 1995
Americans have lost 40% of their wealth since Obama has been President
No budget passed in his entire term/in four years/since he has been President
Most regulations in over a decade
First downgrade in our credit rating in US history
US global competitiveness ranking has dropped all four years under Obama/every year he has been President
US economic freedom ranking had dropped from top 10 to number 18 under Obama…lowest in history
First President to tell a private company where they could relocate to or what state they could do business in
Top deadliest year in Afghanistan under Obama
Top four deadliest years in Afghanistan under Obama
Army officers saying Army heading in right direction lowest in US history
First administration in history to be charged with civil & criminal contempt of court
First President to appoint self-avowed communist to their administration
Highest number of attempted terrorists attacks in US history
Energy policy (or lack of energy policy)
Foreign policy
First US ambassador killed since the 1970’s
Fast and Furious scandal
Solyndra and all the other green energy companies’ scandals
Benghazi scandal
Hasn’t been to Israel in his entire term/in four years/since he has been President
Lt. Col. Lakin (let Army officer go to prison)
First President to sue his country (4 states) (at least I think the first)
First President to ignore federal law and tell his Attorney General to ignore federal law/ignore the constitution"


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamabastic !!

One great big one in the public area and one average one in the residence area.

Funny you worry about the costs of all those trees in this time of fiscal cliffs and yet you don't bat an eye about the same when it comes to the public square with nativity scenes and those christmas trees. Seems to me Obama is putting aside his muslim faith to help over celebrate your's. And yet you still bitch!

Be glad I'm not President because at the least the WH would look right now just like it does the other 11 months of the year. Nothing.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Funny you worry about the costs of all those trees in this time of fiscal cliffs and yet you don't bat an eye about the same when it comes to the public square with nativity scenes and those christmas trees. Seems to me Obama is putting aside his muslim faith to help over celebrate your's. And yet you still bitch!

Be glad I'm not President because at the least the WH would look right now just like it does the other 11 months of the year. Nothing.
You have to worry about all of it.
Spending pennies or dollars etc. It all adds up!! Nobody watches anything!!!

This is the same principle as throwing your pocket change in a coffee can when you come home and then having $98 in that can in a month!! It's always amazing how that coinage adds up!!

The nativity scenes are usually put there by private groups. We had 4 corners in Mission with a Christma tree with presents, one with nativity scene, one with menora (sp) and one that advertised Chamber of Commerce. (I guess no other religion claimed that corner)

Oh, and having a tree is NOT FAITH !!!! That's more of the commercial Christmas to me , like Santa and elves and such. It's what all the stores display.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

moreluck is right.
bhos only knows how to campaign .
just look at all the tax cheats he has on his staff .
why are only men allowed to play golf with him , why no women ?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

If you want to watch that happen in 80 minutes, you can do so here.

A bit of good news and in fact I think it's great news is to scroll down at the link and look at the personal debt counters. Total personal debt, mortgage debt and credit card debt are all going down and at a pretty nice clip too. Watching the total personal debt for a couple of minutes, it calculates to be dropping at a rate of about $14 mil per hour.