President Obama!


golden ticket member
Then by all means please stick to what you do best and what you are mentally capable of. Thank you and BTW, could you cook up that Aunt Bee's fried chicken I like so much? Let's us know when it's ready! Oh, and the peach muffins too. I really like those.
No frying in this house......too messy on my stove and also too unhealthy. Call KFC!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

What, no Tingles?

Via Politico:
President Obama met with a litany of liberal media personalities on Tuesday to push his tax cut message.
Spotted filing into the West Wing on Tuesday were Arianna Huffington of the Huffington Post and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Lawrence O’Donnell, Ed Schultz and Al Sharpton.

The meeting was not on the president’s public schedule and White House officials initially declined to comment on the meeting. They later issued a statement to POLITICO:

“This afternoon at the White House, the President met with influential progressives to talk about the importance of preventing a tax increase on middle class families, strengthening our economy and adopting a balanced approach to deficit reduction,” spokesman Josh Earnest said.


Well-Known Member
So in post #1208 you link a video that when you click gives a 404 message and the bottom link activates my security software warning of embedded viruses and trojans. So neither proves nothing.

Then in post #1211 you link a piece that shows Obama did attend a prayer breakfast giving a speech you don't like. And in post #1210 you claim the evidence that Obama didn't attend is out there so why post it? Oh wait, it may just be another 404 page or even worse an infected website. Never mind.

BTW: Sandra Rose latest lead story is whether or not Beyonce's hips are store bought and from the pic, who cares but DAMN that looks good!...
If I can recommend a different antivirus that would be AVG free version IMO it's great, change is good. :) I don't have problem with moreluck pages. I got it for the past 5 years got problem/viruses only twice.
site, the program got good reviews:
Free Antivirus | Download Free Virus Protection Software | AVG


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

George Bush is a Muslim? I don't believe I recall ever seeing Condi Rice out there on the links.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

George Bush is a Muslim? I don't believe I recall ever seeing Condi Rice out there on the links.[/QUOTER

Remember this?

President George W. Bush, who routinely allowed journalists to accompany him on golf outings early in his presidency, told Politico in May 2008 that he decided to give up the game in August 2003 after a bomb attack on the United Nations headquarters in Baghdad that killed a top U.N. official.

“I don’t want some mom whose son may have recently died to see the commander-in-chief playing golf,” Bush said. “I feel I owe it to the families to be in solidarity as best as I can with them.”

“And I think playing golf during a war just sends the wrong message,” Bush said.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

What year was that video shot ??.........he still had brown hair.........if it's prior to 2003 or past 2009 it's irrelevent to my post saying he stopped 2003 'til he retired.

He now golfs with wounded warriors to raise $$$ for their cause. He bikes with them too.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics



golden ticket member
"They’re worried the smartest man who has ever lived might say something stupid? – Like telling small business owners they didn’t build their business?"

‘Never Know What I Might Say’ | Washington Free Beacon


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Via Rasmussen:

President Obama is calling for $200 billion in economic stimulus spending in his proposal to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” but few voters believe increased government spending will stimulate the economy. Most think tax cuts are the better way to go.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 19% of Likely U.S. Voters believe the government should increase federal spending to help stimulate the economy. Sixty-two percent (62%) oppose new spending as an economic stimulus. Nineteen percent (19%) are undecided.