President Obama!


Re: Obamanation here today

That's odd. Isn't that kinda like a tax cut? Or is it just that it's a tax cut for someone else and not you that's troubling?
The intent behind a tax break should be encourage economic activity in specific areas. I'm thinking the government is now in the business to ecourage sex changes? :)


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, just hearing this in the background....congress is hoping to pass a "jobs bill" this week that would extend unemployment benefits to those whose benefits have run out. How is that a JOBS bill? It's a 'pay folks to stay home' bill !!

When does this turn from unemployment benefits to welfare? At some point this has to fall under that definition considering how long benefits last anymore.

Sex change operations are tax deductible!!! What country do I live in ??

I can find no evidence that this is true. Typically only medically necessary procedures are deductible and only once you exceed the 7.5% AGI threshold. It would be a stretch to say a sex change operation was medically necessary.

That's odd. Isn't that kinda like a tax cut? Or is it just that it's a tax cut for someone else and not you that's troubling?

Even though I don't believe it is deductible, I'm assuming your trying to pin this "achievement" on Barry, but medical deductions have been available long before Zero's arrival in the white house. IF the dems were truly interested in lowering costs for invidividuals on healthcare maybe they can eliminate the 7.5% agi threshold rule because as it stands few people benefit from deducting medical expenses.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

The rich are getting richer. The fat cats are getting fatter. What are the unemployed getting? A tax credit (welfare)? Welfare, and hand out, not a hand up.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

In listening to G.B. last evening, he was talking about when the tax rate is raised on the rich, less money is taken in by the gov't because the rich will hide their $$ or take it underground.

He sited Oprah not paying taxes in California with that $53 million Montecito house because she purposely doesn't stay in it enough days of the year to be a 'resident'.

Also siting Bono moving business from Ireland when higher taxes were brought upon them.

So, if Odrama drastically raises taxes on the rich, I want to see his face when the gov't actually brings in less $$$ (and they will). Wonder what Mr. Harvard will do then?

I also caught Michelle saying that her husband has done a "fantastic job" as pres. What country has she been living in??


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Are you really that ignorant to think that if he raises taxes on the rich the government will take in less? You Repub(lie)cans are too much. Just take away the loop holes.


Re: Obamanation here today

Are you really that ignorant to think that if he raises taxes on the rich the government will take in less? You Repub(lie)cans are too much. Just take away the loop holes.

I can't believe you're that naive. Your really a sucker for the class warfare / socialistic arguments.
It really does not take much thought to understand that the rich have the professional advisors at their disposal to allow them to dodge efforts to get them to pay more in tax's.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Are you really that ignorant to think that if he raises taxes on the rich the government will take in less? You Repub(lie)cans are too much. Just take away the loop holes.

It has happened historically and it will happen again.....look it up!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

So Oprah, who is worth who knows how many katrillions is going to not stay in her house for to many months to keep from paying some tiny tax. Rigghht.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

It's not a "tiny tax". She has people on her staff that keeps track of the # of days she resides in Montecito so she won't exceed the magic # and then owe taxes in CA. I think her main residence is the condo in Chicago.

So if she made $260 million (which she did in '07) she would pay a rate of 10.3 % as a CA. resident. You do the math ! That's not just a little bit !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The whole point is that rich people will hide money or take it underground to avoid paying taxes. If she saves $3 mil by claiming Ill. as her home, then she's watching her $$. Of course she can afford it! That's not the point.....but either you don't get it or I'm piss poor at splainin' it.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

The whole point is that rich people will hide money or take it underground to avoid paying taxes. If she saves $3 mil by claiming Ill. as her home, then she's watching her $$. Of course she can afford it! That's not the point.....but either you don't get it or I'm piss poor at splainin' it.
Ok I get what you are saying but come on, how is she going to hide from an increase from 36 to 39% on her taxes? I can see the lodgic in her not wanting to claim Cali as her home but do you really think she will be able to hide her money? They just busted those people hiding money in swiss banks and its getting harder to just put it under the matress.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

In our history, taxes were raised on the richest 1% of people from 7% to 73% and the amount the government got was actually less than the amount collected at the 7% rate. It's what happens, so taxing the uber-rich at extremely high rates is not the answer !!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

In our history, taxes were raised on the richest 1% of people from 7% to 73% and the amount the government got was actually less than the amount collected at the 7% rate. It's what happens, so taxing the uber-rich at extremely high rates is not the answer !!
I agree, the real money is in the 250k and above bracket.


Re: Obamanation here today

I agree, the real money is in the 250k and above bracket.

Now you're back to raising tax's on the small business person.

Its real simple if Obama is hell bent and determined to keep jacking up the deficit then why not do it by cutting tax's?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Are you really that ignorant to think that if he raises taxes on the rich the government will take in less? You Repub(lie)cans are too much. Just take away the loop holes.

Impossible, government could not possibly find all the loopholes.