President Obama!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

Here's a guy who Obama might be able to learn something from.

wonder if anyone has his T-shirt?

Why would you be bitching about our government being off for 3 months ?
Isn't that what you want ?
Trust me, gives us a break from all politics.

Another thing the USA could never do (shut down the congress and government for a few months).
But, you guys have enough money to pay them all year round, eh ?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Looks good at him?

And you say he is the idiot?

ofcourse he is the idiot.
Doesn't follow world news , nor currencies.
Thats why I hate your news here.
Basically, nothing international, unless it's a disaster like Haiti.

You don't even show us in the map, on any news channel.
Canada is just cut off.
We don't do that up north.
Even the local news will show us temps from San Diego to Maimi (over New York, to Los Angelas).
We keep informed.

I guess you guys don't care.
Only importance is whats going on in your own country.
No wonder you can't compare.
Because, all you hear is bad news, and how much better you have it.

But, I got news for you :
Wake up !!!!


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

ofcourse he is the idiot.
Doesn't follow world news , nor currencies.
Thats why I hate your news here.
Basically, nothing international, unless it's a disaster like Haiti.

You don't even show us in the map, on any news channel.
Canada is just cut off.
We don't do that up north.
Even the local news will show us temps from San Diego to Maimi (over New York, to Los Angelas).
We keep informed.

I guess you guys don't care.
Only importance is whats going on in your own country.
No wonder you can't compare.
Because, all you hear is bad news, and how much better you have it.

But, I got news for you :
Wake up !!!!

Of course we care klein. But I think the US has a ton more news than our little partner up north. If you call keeping up with the weather informed. Will you please inform me of the weather in Manitoba on a daily basis? But please wait until after the US jobs report because this little report has a potential global effect.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Of course we care klein. But I think the US has a ton more news than our little partner up north. If you call keeping up with the weather informed. Will you please inform me of the weather in Manitoba on a daily basis? But please wait until after the US jobs report because this little report has a potential global effect.

Nice you called us a partner, because that we are ! Your largest trading partner in matter of fact.
Should be of some importance what that largest trading partner does , eh ?

Besides, would love to see whats going on in Europe, too.
But, thats only available at home.


Re: Obamanation here today

We're being rude to our guest here. Lets give him something to discuss that he can relate to.



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama talks to Americans about tightening their belts......what does he tighten?

I'm sure guests for dinner at the W.H. would equally love a Texas Ribeye as much as a Japanese imported steak. What does he sacrifice???


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

Obama talks to Americans about tightening their belts......what does he tighten?

I'm sure guests for dinner at the W.H. would equally love a Texas Ribeye as much as a Japanese imported steak. What does he sacrifice???

You mean besides his privacy or the relatively meager salary of the position?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

He's a that's the part he loves...the limelight!

I'll take his meager salary in a least I can live within my means and balance my budget.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

ofcourse he is the idiot.
Doesn't follow world news , nor currencies.
Thats why I hate your news here.
Basically, nothing international, unless it's a disaster like Haiti.

You don't even show us in the map, on any news channel.
Canada is just cut off.
We don't do that up north.
Even the local news will show us temps from San Diego to Maimi (over New York, to Los Angelas).
We keep informed.

I guess you guys don't care.
Only importance is whats going on in your own country.
No wonder you can't compare.
Because, all you hear is bad news, and how much better you have it.

But, I got news for you :
Wake up !!!!

We know what we need to know. 1) its cold 2)your healthcare system sucks 3)its cold. See, just that simple.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

We know what we need to know. 1) its cold 2)your healthcare system sucks 3)its cold. See, just that simple.

Brett, I thought your Economic prowess would tell you that the US and Canada currently are the Worlds largest trading partners...
The most successful international relationship in the modern world. Each is the other's chief economic partner, and indeed the two economies have increasingly merged since NAFTA.....But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for your attempt of sarcasam ( I hope ). But since the popular thing is for everyone mainly right of center to gang up on Klein, he did have a strong comeback defending his homeland, eventhough I find it comical people deem it nesseccary to bash all of Canada because of one "out of the box" independent Canadian poster here in


Re: Obamanation here today

Brett, I thought your Economic prowess would tell you that the US and Canada currently are the Worlds largest trading partners...
The most successful international relationship in the modern world. Each is the other's chief economic partner, and indeed the two economies have increasingly merged since NAFTA.....But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for your attempt of sarcasam ( I hope ). But since the popular thing is for everyone mainly right of center to gang up on Klein, he did have a strong comeback defending his homeland, eventhough I find it comical people deem it nesseccary to bash all of Canada because of one "out of the box" independent Canadian poster here in

Ah I think DS is our out of the box canadian poster. Klein is out of the funny farm at most. He'll he's not even a good canadian since he spent so many years in germany making sausage and milking cows and attending government held classes on how to piss away trillions. ..:)


Re: Obamanation here today

Obamas doing video's now:)



golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, just hearing this in the background....congress is hoping to pass a "jobs bill" this week that would extend unemployment benefits to those whose benefits have run out. How is that a JOBS bill? It's a 'pay folks to stay home' bill !!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

OK, another blunder......the census forms are already printed and they say "Negro" on them. So, I'm sure we'll have to remedy that at the taxpayer's expense. I vote we reprint them with 'cracker' instead of white and call it even steven.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Sex change operations are tax deductible!!! What country do I live in ??
That's odd. Isn't that kinda like a tax cut? Or is it just that it's a tax cut for someone else and not you that's troubling?


Re: Obamanation here today

OK, another blunder......the census forms are already printed and they say "Negro" on them. So, I'm sure we'll have to remedy that at the taxpayer's expense. I vote we reprint them with 'cracker' instead of white and call it even steven.

More I am horrified at the racial insensitivity of this administration.:)