President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

When Odrama mentioned about "not blowing your money in Vegas" in his speech the other day.....I had to laugh at Oscar Goodman's reaction .....He said when the prez. comes to Las Vegas he's gonna boot him right back to Washington!! Good for you, Oscar! :happy2:


Re: Obamanation here today

When Odrama mentioned about "not blowing your money in Vegas" in his speech the other day.....I had to laugh at Oscar Goodman's reaction .....He said when the prez. comes to Las Vegas he's gonna boot him right back to Washington!! Good for you, Oscar! :happy2:

I never cease to be amazed at Obamas clumsiness with such issues. You would think he would understand the impact a president can have on Las vegas tourism.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

They just passed a raising of the debt level.......gee, blame that on Bush !! Obama needs more Wagyu beef at $150 a lb. for all the parties.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I suppose you are going to blame the rising health care costs on Obama too. All the crying the Republicans did about the Governments take over of health care, it's happening anyway. Fed and state programs will pay for more than half the health care purchased in the U.S. by 2012 The U.S. spends 2.5 trillion now and even as the economy shrank costs went up 5.7 percent from 2008. Yeah, Obama is the idiot for trying to fix one of this nations biggest expenses. I think the morons are the ones who started the lie game like Palin's death panels.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Bush taught Obama about sidewalk chalk in his Hawaii neighborhood. Brack called him Uncle George.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Remember congress passed something to raise the debt ceiling??? That ceiling will be reached by the end of this month!!

Why can't B.O. stop the exorbitant spending today??? Why wait 'til next year. By his actions, he's not qualified to run my household budget!! :sick:

obviosly, someone doesn't watch the news and knows the facts.
Obama Spending is much less then Bush's....

I'm here and seen it on amercian news !
Still running a deficit, yes.
But, thats the way USA "worked" since Clinton left.
I got some great conversations here, about american politics and even healthcare (in person , with americans).
Yes, they are divided.... but one issue in common is the massive debt.
(which was left behind by the republicans).

See what happens, if it can ever get under control now.
Obama is spending less, so thats a helpful hand.
But, still too much.

Cuts are comming.
Nasa is cut out...and more to follow on behalf of goverment spending.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

obviosly, someone doesn't watch the news and knows the facts.
Obama Spending is much less then Bush's....

I'm here and seen it on amercian news !
Still running a deficit, yes.
But, thats the way USA "worked" since Clinton left.
I got some great conversations here, about american politics and even healthcare (in person , with americans).
Yes, they are divided.... but one issue in common is the massive debt.
(which was left behind by the republicans).

See what happens, if it can ever get under control now.
Obama is spending less, so thats a helpful hand.
But, still too much.

Cuts are comming.
Nasa is cut out...and more to follow on behalf of goverment spending.

And look who has returned to grace us with his ignorance. You really need to stick to topics you know all about. Like how to justify blaming the company for you losing your job because of your own stupidity.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Actually, NASA's budget grew larger....just the moon stuff was cut. Obama IS spending more.......and he'll continue until he freezes stuff next year after he raises levels first. How come your guy from New Foundland rushed to the U.S. to have his heart surgery.......doesn't say much about your health care. He said he was going to have to wait over 100 days for his surgery.


Re: Obamanation here today

When Odrama mentioned about "not blowing your money in Vegas" in his speech the other day.....I had to laugh at Oscar Goodman's reaction .....He said when the prez. comes to Las Vegas he's gonna boot him right back to Washington!! Good for you, Oscar! :happy2:

And if that did happen, it would be no sin getting kicked out of Sodom.


Re: Obamanation here today

obviosly, someone doesn't watch the news and knows the facts.

Thanks for your confession

Obama Spending is much less then Bush's....

I'm here and seen it on amercian news !
Still running a deficit, yes.
But, thats the way USA "worked" since Clinton left.
I got some great conversations here, about american politics and even healthcare (in person , with americans).
Yes, they are divided.... but one issue in common is the massive debt.
(which was left behind by the republicans).

See what happens, if it can ever get under control now.
Obama is spending less, so thats a helpful hand.
But, still too much.

Cuts are comming.
Nasa is cut out...and more to follow on behalf of goverment spending.

Obamas been in the presidents office one year and congress four. His spending habits are actually worse then Bushs in a lot less time. Looks thanks for confessing that you don't know the facts. Obama is responsible for adding three trillion to the deficit and it could have easily been about five with health care and the new stimulus jobs bill coming. Not bad for one years work as president and 4 in congress.

Obama is easily making Bush look like a fiscal tightwad.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

THIS from the commander in chief.........!!!



Strength through joy
Re: Obamanomics

Forget Polls, Here’s Tangible Proof the Obama Honeymoon is Over
February 04, 2010 10:29 AM ET |
By Doug Heye, Thomas Jefferson Street blog

One sign that Washington, D.C., had been home to Obama Mania was the number of independent retailers selling all sorts of Obama merchandise. Every street corner, it seemed, had Obama wares (or Obama wear) for sale. Now, however, most of the winter caps for sale are not emblazoned with the Obama logo. T-shirts depicting our president as a dunking Michael Jordan, a victorious Muhammad Ali, or saber-baring Luke Skywalker (yes, these shirts all existed) are nowhere to be found.

This time last year, the Obama Store was teeming with customers. Ideally situated in the basement of Washington’s Union Station, the store was filled with consumers eager to buy anything with Obama’s likeness while others took pictures of the life-size cut-outs of the president and first lady. Now, the Obama Store is boarded up.

How quickly things change in a year.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

well, keep my birthday and this day in mind. Just won a $100 bet in the bar, Idoit republican, thought the Euro was worth less then the dollar !
We both put our money up. Sure enough I won.
Looks good at him !


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanomics

and how many people got caught wearing a Bush T-Shirt ?
You have one ?

I got one actually, only showing him as an idiot.
Had to buy it, in California , actaully.

So, have fun....thinking the other way now.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

and how many people got caught wearing a Bush T-Shirt ?
You have one ?

I got one actually, only showing him as an idiot.
Had to buy it, in California , actaully.

So, have fun....thinking the other way now.

Used mine for toilet paper a long time ago so now I'm going through a box of Obama T-shirts. At least I found some use for them!


Re: Obamanation here today

well, keep my birthday and this day in mind. Just won a $100 bet in the bar, Idoit republican, thought the Euro was worth less then the dollar !
We both put our money up. Sure enough I won.
Looks good at him !

Looks good at him?

And you say he is the idiot?