President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

Via The Hill:
Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) this week proposed a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution that would make the president’s failure to enforce that amendment an impeachable offense.

His Protecting America’s Solvency Act, H.R. 371, would let the debt ceiling rise by $1 trillion after congressional passage of the balanced-budget amendment. The ceiling could rise another $1 trillion after states ratify it.
The bill says the amendment must require federal spending not to exceed the revenue it collects, a goal it must meet after five years. But it does allow Congress to suspend this limit with a four-fifths majority vote, or by a simple majority during wartime.

If a budget deficit occurred for any other reason, the president would have to take “such steps as are necessary” to avoid it. Failure would leave him open to impeachment.

“The President may not order any increase in taxes or other revenue measures to enforce the Amendment,” the bill reads. “A President’s failure to prevent a prohibited fiscal year deficit is an impeachable offense.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Every story I see starts out with....."Obama slams GOP....". You have to realize, if something isn't passing that he doesn't have the Democrat support either. How come the stories don't start with....."Obama can't even get his own party's support...."

2/3 is the majority !! Yet he blames everything (all of his failings) on the 1/3 !!!


golden ticket member
Apparently Obama has all of his work done because now he is looking at violence in football......because that's the president's job!!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Nothing is ever his fault.

Via The Hill:
President Obama said he would prefer to accomplish his ambitious second-term agenda with the help of Congress, but that he would employ “a judicious use of executive power” where necessary to reach policy goals.

Obama’s remarks, made during an interview with the New Republic, come as many in Washington expect the president’s administration to push forward aggressively with a host of regulations in the coming months and years.

They also follow Obama’s proposal earlier to combat gun violence through an array of measures including 23 separate presidential directives that do not need congressional approval. The executive measures do not include a ban on assault weapons or other cornerstones of the plan, which do require legislation.

But they still came under fire from some on the right. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, for example, described Obama’s unilateral actions, which include an order directing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to study the causes of gun violence, as an “executive power grab.”


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

:sad-little:So much for the improving economy !!

The following retailors announced these store closings :

Sears - 125

K-mart -225
Best BUY- 250
OFF DEP- 150
B & NOB- 240

People do not have DISPOSABLE income to spend ---the Payroll tax re-start this year along with taxing the rich has sucked too much out of the economy. Alot more people out of work and in the wagon --less people pulling the wagon !!


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

:sad-little:So much for the improving economy !!

The following retailors announced these store closings :

Sears - 125

K-mart -225
Best BUY- 250
OFF DEP- 150
B & NOB- 240

People do not have DISPOSABLE income to spend ---the Payroll tax re-start this year along with taxing the rich has sucked too much out of the economy. Alot more people out of work and in the wagon --less people pulling the wagon !!

Those are brick and mortar storefronts that are getting killed by the internet.


Staff member
Re: Obamanomics

:sad-little:So much for the improving economy !!

The following retailors announced these store closings :

Sears - 125

K-mart -225
Best BUY- 250
OFF DEP- 150
B & NOB- 240

People do not have DISPOSABLE income to spend ---the Payroll tax re-start this year along with taxing the rich has sucked too much out of the economy. Alot more people out of work and in the wagon --less people pulling the wagon !!

Really, island, there might be some evidence to support struggles in the economy, but the conclusion you draw here is a bit of a stretch.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

:sad-little:So much for the improving economy !!

The following retailors announced these store closings :

Sears - 125

K-mart -225
Best BUY- 250
OFF DEP- 150
B & NOB- 240

People do not have DISPOSABLE income to spend ---the Payroll tax re-start this year along with taxing the rich has sucked too much out of the economy. Alot more people out of work and in the wagon --less people pulling the wagon !!

OK---let's go through your list---Best Buy is getting killed by Amazon. People go to Best Buy to check out new electronics and then go to Amazon to buy them. Barnes and Noble is going through what Border's went through but at least had the foresight to incorportate e-readers (Nook) in to their business plan. K-Mart simply sucks. Sears and JC Penney are closing less than profitable locations in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

I seriously doubt that the $20/week payroll tax cut had anything to do with the announced closings.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics


Well I guess you believe there is no problem and the economy is BOOMING.

I never said that, although I do believe we are in recovery mode.

Jones said it best---the businesses on your list are getting killed by the Internet and until the playing is leveled with the extension of the sales tax to Internet purchases your list will continue to grow.

At least 1/3 of my residentials are Amazon.

I think the one thing we can all agree on is that KMart sucks.