President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

Obama's Recipe for success........

* Form a Committee
* Study the problem
* Never hear from committee again.
* Citizens will forget
* Problem will disappear.
* People will think I solved it and so will I.
* Go feed the unicorns.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamabastic !!

[h=1]Permanent Campaign: Obama to Use Re-Election Machine to Target NRA[/h]This has been his agenda for years – only now, the administration is pursuing full-scale opposition openly from within the White House.

Last year, for example, President Obama set his lackeys at Media Matters and Color of Change on the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which was then pushing voter ID laws. After George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin, Obama quickly inserted himself into the proceedings, declaring that Trayvon looked like his fictional son. In doing so, he lent air to the mainstream media narrative that Zimmerman had shot Martin in cold blood, and used Florida’s so-called “stand your ground” law as cover – and ALEC had pushed for “stand your ground.” In reality, nobody at the Sanford Police Department ever cited “stand your ground” as the rationale for Zimmerman’s release, and Zimmerman never said “stand your ground.” This was all an attempt to gin up public indignation at “stand your ground” laws, and by extension, ALEC. The Obama-generated assault on ALEC ended with ALEC disassociating from its more controversial political positions, as organizations like Coca-Cola, seeking to avoid scrutiny, cut ties.

That wasn’t the first time Obama had used his allies outside the administration to attempt to destroy political opposition. After Rush Limbaugh called media moth Sandra Fluke a “slut,” Obama jumped in to call her with his condolences – though he was nowhere to be found when the media was labeling Gov. Sarah Palin a “c***” (actually, Obama’s super PAC took $1 million from Bill Maher, the cretin who said that). Obama then helped push a Media Matters-led boycott on Rush’s advertisers.

Now it’s the NRA. The NRA was always the target of the Sandy Hook-exploiting media. The NRA receives no public funding, and writes no laws. Yet the media immediately suggested that the NRA abandon its positions and those of its members or face public wrath. No such suggestion was ever made with regard to the ACLU’s defense of ultra-violent video games. That’s because the NRA is a serious opponent to the left’s public sway. And so it must be destroyed.
This president has no interest in achieving policy solutions. He's interested in blowing up those who oppose him.
The campaign never ends for President Obama.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

"Ruthless desire to at all costs."

Sounds like Obama, but it's a direct quote from Lance........maybe he's Barack's "womb mate". Maybe Ann had twins and adopted out the white one. That's why the hiding of the birth certificate. I think I'm on to something!!! (not on something)


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanomics

I like this idea......

House Republicans will vote next week on a plan to raise the nation's debt ceiling for three months, and it will include a provision that would stop pay for members of Congress if the Senate doesn't pass a budget, GOP officials said Friday.

For more information... Politics, Political News -


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

You can look back over the years and the first things out of Obama's msouth is always one of two thing..............

Demonize the Republicans and blame them


Scare the living :censored2: out of the American people. (as in "you're not gonna get your S.S. and your medicare grandma"!

That's his leadershp (?) qualities.

He's a friggin' bully!!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

There are tons of political organizations, but has there ever been one that instead of pushing a party or an ideology, is devoted solely to one man? Kind of cult-like, right?

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s political organization is forming an outside, nonprofit group to support the president’s legislative agenda.
The unprecedented move gives Obama a way to promote his agenda outside the confines of the White House and seeks to harness the energy from his re-election campaign into support for legislation.

Democratic officials say the group, Organizing for Action, will be announced Friday. The nonprofit will work on key legislative battles, train future leaders and local issues around the country.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina will be national chairman of the nonprofit, which will be separate from the Democratic National Committee.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

There are tons of political organizations, but has there ever been one that instead of pushing a party or an ideology, is devoted solely to one man? Kind of cult-like, right?
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama’s political organization is forming an outside, nonprofit group to support the president’s legislative agenda.
The unprecedented move gives Obama a way to promote his agenda outside the confines of the White House and seeks to harness the energy from his re-election campaign into support for legislation.

Democratic officials say the group, Organizing for Action, will be announced Friday. The nonprofit will work on key legislative battles, train future leaders and local issues around the country.

Obama campaign manager Jim Messina will be national chairman of the nonprofit, which will be separate from the Democratic National Committee.
How is this group being formed under "non-profit" status when it's agenda is purely pollitical ??????????????????????


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!

They wouldn't be doing this if his last name was 'Butz'..........

Via Mediaite:
One week after MSNBC’s hosts of The Cycle pondered if it was disrespectful for news organizations to refer to President Barack Obama as simply “Obama” after the first reference, National Public Radio’s managing editor has determined that the organization will jettison their policy of calling presidents “Mr.” on the second reference in order to avoid the appearance of “favoritism.”

NPR announced Friday that they intend to refer to him as simply “Obama” on the second reference, as many other media outlets’ style guidelines recommend.

“Beginning with the inauguration of President Barack Obama for his second term next Monday, “Mr.” Obama and his successors will be called by just their last names on second reference. “Obama,” for example. Just like the rest of us,” wrote NPR’s ombudsman Edward Schumacher-Matos..


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Why exactly does the Department of Agriculture need to be tracking guns?

Via Washington Secrets:
President Obama is tripling the number of Cabinet agencies with gun control law enforcement responsibilities in his new bid to track guns, adding six agencies to the three typically included–Justice, Homeland Security and Defense.

Section 1.e of his executive order released Wednesday adds State, Treasury, Interior, Agriculture, Energy, and Veterans Affairs. It reads: “For purposes of this memorandum, ‘Federal law enforcement agencies’ means the Departments of State, the Treasury, Defense, Justice, the Interior, Agriculture, Energy, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security, and such other agencies and offices that regularly recover firearms in the course of their criminal investigations as the President may designate.”


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Why exactly does the Department of Agriculture need to be tracking guns?

Via Washington Secrets:
President Obama is tripling the number of Cabinet agencies with gun control law enforcement responsibilities in his new bid to track guns, adding six agencies to the three typically included–Justice, Homeland Security and Defense.

Section 1.e of his executive order released Wednesday adds State, Treasury, Interior, Agriculture, Energy, and Veterans Affairs. It reads: “For purposes of this memorandum, ‘Federal law enforcement agencies’ means the Departments of State, the Treasury, Defense, Justice, the Interior, Agriculture, Energy, Veterans Affairs, and Homeland Security, and such other agencies and offices that regularly recover firearms in the course of their criminal investigations as the President may designate.”

Maybe you should ignore the White Sale on Monday and spend some time reading.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I wonder if Lady Gaga will wear her blazing guns bra to perform in???

AP source: Inaugural ball to feature Lady Gaga - Yahoo! News


golden ticket member
Re: Obamabastic !!



Staff member

President Barack Obama hugs daughter Malia as first lady Michelle Obama and daughter Sasha watch after Obama was officially sworn-in (AP Photo/Larry Downing, Pool)

They really are a beautiful family.


golden ticket member
The White House
@whitehousePresident Obama has officially been sworn in for a second term. Don't miss the #Inaug2013

Oh good, now I can watch the Toddlers & Tiaras marathon without being interrupted by re-runs of the pres. lying with his hand on the bible.!!!