President Obama!


Well-Known Member
word cloud from speeches
Schumer :D


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link

But by his own words ---He was going to be different --the hopey changy guy ----what B.S.

Cripes, how different do you want him to be?

He's the first Keynan American President and he's won by the largest margins in modern times.

Will popular vote not count next election?


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanomics

I see no scenario in which these states recover......... what then????????

These 11 States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed!

All 11 have one thing in common.....All have Democrat Governors and Democrat controlled legislatures.

And Surprise-Surprise!!! 7 of these States voted for Obama.

This just proves that the Majority of Americans have NO intentions of making a better independent life for themselves and their families and are content living on the Tax Payers Dime for Eternity!


golden ticket member
No fancy-arse Jap. beef for the peons..........

Let them eat cake Cheez-Its!
Via Daily Mail:
Whoever coined the term ‘to the victor goes the spoils’ did not have President Barack Obama’s official inauguration party in mind.

They knocked on doors for him and helped him win re-election, but when Obama supporters put on their tuxedos and ball gowns to celebrate the start of his second term in office, they feasted on pretzels, peanuts and Cheez-its.

‘This is the food? I’m not too thrilled about it. It’s for the birds,’ said Ben Shelly, who helped mobilize support for Obama on the Navajo reservation in Arizona.

Dancing was also difficult: it was much too crowded in front of the stage to manage more than an easy shoulder roll when pop stars like Alicia Keys and Brad Paisley played their hits.


golden ticket member
You must have missed the article where it was reported that tickets to the inauguration were included in last week's welfare checks.

Probably true because he only wanted people there he can control. People with jobs who support themselves see right through him and his smoke &mirrors..


golden ticket member
Our tax dollars hard at work.......

Via Politico:
Illegal immigrants and prison inmates received more than $120 million in Medicare services from 2009-2011 despite federal law that makes them ineligible for the program, according to two new reports from the HHS inspector general.

The issue, according to the reports, is timing. When Medicare is alerted that someone is incarcerated or undocumented, its contractors help prevent payments from going out the door. But often, Medicare’s databases aren’t up to date, and improper payments go out.
And Medicare lacks the tools to get the money back.

Nearly 3,000 illegal immigrants made thousands of claims resulting in $91.6 million in services improperly covered by Medicare during the three-year period studied in the