President Obama!


Strength through joy


Well-Known Member
I think it was rude of Obama to drag Turkey's president to a Q&A session like he's a prop and maybe the press will lay off the probing questions. So now Turkey's president knows what a "tool" feels like.
Obama is a selfish host !!!

Actually it was Turkey's Prime Minister and not it's President. The press conference was to discuss with the press the results of a bilateral meeting Turkey and the US had just concluded having with one another. After any such talks with any nation or one's the US go to in another host country, it's is proper decorum for both leaders involved to meet with the press following the conclusion of the proceedings.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


golden ticket member
That's the best you have? Really?

Nothing about the phoney emails fed to ABC by Repubican staffers? Nothing about the reduced deficit? Nothing about your UPS stock going to crazy levels since the Muslim, Socialist, Fascist, gun grabbing Kenyan has overthrown the free market?


Your pres. has no idea about protocol and rules........he makes his own and he's pretty damned ignorant!!


golden ticket member
Via TPM:
Urging focus, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough has intructed those in President Barack Obama’s circle to not get swept up in the controversies that consumed Washington’s attention this week, the New York Times reported.

According to the Times, McDonough told staffers in the West Wing “that he expects them to spend no more than 10 percent of their time on the controversies.” McDonough met with Democratic strategists on Friday, telling them that Obama intends to renew his focus on immigration, the budget and implementation of the new federal health care law.


golden ticket member
Citing his "munificent compassion...courageous leadership...& adherence to pristine values," Morehouse bestows Honorary Dr of Laws on President.
The pres. certainly has them snowed over!!!

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
WOW! The administration has gone off the tracks. We have a president that regularly lies to the American public. An IRS department that targets organizations because of their political beliefs. We have an A G who has no idea what is going on in his own department (yeah right!) and has no problem quashing the American press and the their 1st Amendment rights. Of course then you have Benghazi....

Stalin has risen and is occupying our White House. The difference between Stalin and the leftist president is, Stalin was not afraid of those who opposed his views.

For those of you who did not understand the term Chicago Politics.... you have been living it for over 5 years now.


Strength through joy
How can certain people still declare bhos and his staff as role models ?
Were they not taught about having a moral compass ?
bhos still claims to always be the smartest one in any room , but his actions to date make he & his staff out to be just a group of dummies .


Well-Known Member
Not from FOX, but NBC News:

First Thoughts: Scandal or bureaucratic incompetency?

Here’s a question for the Obama White House to ponder: What’s worse, for all the controversies -- especially
the IRS targeting conservative-sounding groups -- to be a full-fledged scandal that goes all the way to the top?

Or for them to be the result of bureaucratic incompetence?

You could make an argument that the latter outcome could be just as damaging to the president, because it raises
doubts about his competency and the public’s trust in government.
First Thoughts: Scandal or bureaucratic incompetency? - First Read


golden ticket member
What does the president do with 3 scandals swirling around ??
Golfs with a possible body in a 4th one..........Sebellius was one of the foursome and she's been busy tying to solicit private $$$ for the Obamacare implementation.....which is illegal for her to do.