President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Its a sad day in American politics when the electorate votes to include the government in more of their lives instead of less of it. This despite the fact the government manages to screw up just about everything it gets into. All I have to say to those of you who supported this man will get exactly what you have asked for. You see, I don't hold conservative ideals because I believe its best for me. I hold these ideals because I know it benefits everyone across this great nation. Socialism doesn't benefit everyone, it only benefits those who are the least productive of our society. Our country is heading into some uncertain times with untested leadership. I just hope our country can weather the storm in order to bring conservative ideas back to the forefront on the national political arena.

I swear....finally a voice of reason from the first few posts of this comic relief of an ostrich laden thread!!!!!!

Holy crrrrap! Hahah


Well-Known Member
I honestly can't understand how or why you guys can still defend this imposter and his cronies. I too was as optimistic in the beginning, "hoping" beyond hope that this typical liberal would at least attempt to live up to SOME of the hype and deliver on some of the campaign rhetoric.

As the first several pages of this thread proves though.....job performance and being the most corrupt administration in modern history matters little to you partisan drones. It really is laughable.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
I honestly can't understand how or why you guys can still defend this imposter and his cronies. I too was as optimistic in the beginning, "hoping" beyond hope that this typical liberal would at least attempt to live up to SOME of the hype and deliver on some of the campaign rhetoric.

As the first several pages of this thread proves though.....job performance and being the most corrupt administration in modern history matters little to you partisan drones. It really is laughable.

You really need a sandbox of your own to play in. You are more like a cat, not a sterile mule.

Can you offer any actual facts to back up anything you spout here, or is it all BS?

Work on the GED. That would serve you better. I have a feeling you will have a short career at UPS, but never fear, the TSA is hiring, if you can pass(unlikely) a background check.


Well-Known Member
Can you offer any actual facts to back up anything you spout here, or is it all BS?

Facts like, liberals had majorities after WWII taking the largest post war surpluses in human history and handed us the state of the union of the 70's? That's over 3 decades of calling the shots, and handing us an "energy crisis" with gas lines. Unparalleled inflation and unemployment rates at 17-18%? A military in such disarray it couldn't even land two helicopters in Granada without crashing and killing our own men? Facts we are repeating the same over inflated proven failed government policies and proven failed ideology all over again?

Shall I go on? Ah but whats the use? You've got your head so far up your ass it wouldn't matter.


Staff member
Lucky for us the staunch tea party members have taken over the Republican party and will continue to decline for the next few national elections. Why? Because they have no interest in governing. Governing for them IS the problem.


Well-Known Member
Facts like, liberals had majorities after WWII taking the largest post war surpluses in human history and handed us the state of the union of the 70's? That's over 3 decades of calling the shots, and handing us an "energy crisis" with gas lines. Unparalleled inflation and unemployment rates at 17-18%? A military in such disarray it couldn't even land two helicopters in Granada without crashing and killing our own men? Facts we are repeating the same over inflated proven failed government policies and proven failed ideology all over again?.

Soooo...Clinton vs. Dubya?


Well-Known Member
Lucky for us the staunch tea party members have taken over the Republican party and will continue to decline for the next few national elections. Why? Because they have no interest in governing. Governing for them IS the problem.

The current spokesman in chief has yet to govern a damn thing. All he's done is campaign from the moment he held his hand on the bible and lied about upholding the Constitution. And you zombies lap it all right up in the name of willfully blind partisanship.



Well-Known Member
Soooo...Clinton vs. Dubya?

Yeah, where shall we begin here? Clinton was a moderate that ran as a democrat, was smart enough to read the writing on the political walls, i.e. when Gingrich and Co. took over Congress in his first midterms. You Effer's always want to pull out Clinton like he was some poster child for what a US president should be....when in fact, all he was was an ivy league shrewd politician with a forked tongue. He was handed Reagan's legacy of far from perfect governing, but he sure as hell fixed one hell of a mess that was handed to him without once blaming previous administrations or congress!

Clinton was handed 12 years of a republican run Executive branch and one of the most robust and thriving economies in American history....HANDED TO HIM! Along with a (for the first time in 30 years) a republican run congress headed by Gingrich, and the first balanced budget in decades! Oh yeah....Clinton is soooooo great.... all he had to do was bomb aspirin factories, pass DOMA, reform a failed liberal policy called welfare and lie about cheating on his wife in the oval office.

No 911 was laid in his lap just 8 months into his first term like "Dubya." And thank God George W Bush didn't ignore a bunch of radical sand flea's that declared WAR on us decades ago. And if W spent like a drunken sailor....and he did.....this reckless administration is the whole :censored2: FLEET on a binge in VEGAS!


golden ticket member
Via Boston Herald:
President Obama’s second-term campaign slogan was “Forward,” but instead we’ve got cover-ups, congressional investigations and the government persecution of political opponents and reporters.

That sounds like “backward” to me. All the way to, say, 1972.

Who would have guessed that just a few months into his second term, President Obama would be compared to Tricky Dick. And by a liberal Massachusetts Democrat — U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano.

Republicans could not even have scripted this one. The agency most hated by voters, the Internal Revenue Service, admits to going on a Nixonian witch hunt against Tea Party and conservative groups during the re-election campaign.

This is a story even the most partisan Massachusetts liberal cannot defend. It’s so bad that even Ed Markey is calling for heads to roll.
Now we learn that the Justice Department has secretly obtained the phone records of Associated Press reporters and editors in what appears to be an investigation of an AP story that disclosed details of a CIA operation that stopped a terrorist attack.

Going after the Tea Party is one thing, but the media? What an outrage. Who knows, the press may get so mad they won’t laugh at Obama’s jokes during the next White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

This does not bode well for Obama’s second-term agenda. He already had lost a vote over gun control, and the Benghazi hearings didn’t go so well, either.

The focus for the next few months will be on the investigation and likely cover-up of the IRS effort to get dirt on Obama’s political opponents. The initial exp
lanation — that it was the handiwork of just a few rogue IRS workers — sounds about as plausible as blaming the Benghazi attacks on an anti-Muslim video.

Voters should demand to know who was responsible for the IRS witch hunt. If anyone in the White House or Obama campaign was aware of it, then the Richard Nixon and Watergate comparisons will be eerily accurate. It was Nixon, after all, who invented the “enemies list,” and it looks as if someone in the Obama administration’s IRS came up with one.
The disclosures might even trigger a resurgence for the Tea Party movement, which suffered some setbacks in the last election. U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), one of the Tea Party candidates who won, could get a boost all the way to the GOP presidential nomination.
So enjoy the next few months, President Obama. It’s not time yet to get Marine One revved up on the White House lawn, but if you start talking to portraits of dead presidents, then it’s time to get worried.


golden ticket member
What is this now? Scandal 552 of the Obama administration?

Via WFB:

The House Committee on Energy and Commerce sent a letter to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announcing an investigation into recent reports that HHS is soliciting funds to support Obamacare.

The leaders wrote, “Currently, health insurers are seeking HHS approval to qualify for the health exchanges established by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act so that they may attempt to sell their services to the public when enrollment begins in a few months. Your agency also has the power to review the insurance rates that providers wish to charge.”

The leaders requested HHS provide by May 27, 2013, a list of individuals, companies, and organizations that have been received the fundraising pitch, a list of HHS employees that participated, a summary of the communications and information relayed, and detailed information on the funding sources and amount spent/allocated to implement the law.

Sebelius is no stranger to controversy after violating the Hatch Act in 2012. The New York Times reported Sunday that she was fundraising for nonprofits to ensure the success of Obamacare.


Well-Known Member
Now now now let's not be hasty. Lie is such a dirty word and could be false accusation.

He really could just be a :censored2: community organizer after all.


Staff member
LOL. Ted Cruz as GOP presidential candidate! He better start running for the middle now if he hopes to get there by 2016.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
You really need a sandbox of your own to play in. You are more like a cat, not a sterile mule.

Can you offer any actual facts to back up anything you spout here, or is it all BS?

Work on the GED. That would serve you better. I have a feeling you will have a short career at UPS, but never fear, the TSA is hiring, if you can pass(unlikely) a background check.

You could probably throw a couple of more lines of derogatory & hateful remarks about the poster. You didn't hit it out of the park yet.

You fit the group of 4 very well, though. I heard you call yourselves the EELLs. Can you confirm that?
Do you guys get a badge of some sort or maybe private rep points for tearing down those who do not view things your way?

