President Obama!


All Trash No Trailer


Well-Known Member
Ha! No, he KNOWS the gullible ignoramuses are the sheep that blindly follow him. And the racists that vote for a man simply because of the color of his skin.


Well-Known Member
Obama to announce new power initiative for Africa

Obama wants to invest billions in African energy while killing coal and non "green" energy in US.

Weird, I was just going to post this and you beat me to it.
He ignores our problems, but is pitching to solve Africa's problems........billions$$$$$ !! It's costing us billions ?? We don't have it to spare.

Hey, nothing can be spared when it comes to an attempt at creating bs legacy as apposed to his actual one of record deficit spending record unemployment record numbers of welfare and food stamp recipients and unprecedented corruption across the board in every aspect of an administration with a proven failed ideology.


Strength through joy
Washington Secrets:
It’s word bubble time at Pew Research Center, and that’s not really good news for President Obama, especially when compared to the one word Americans used to describe former President George W. Bush as this time.
The word “incompetent” is a popular word for both, though Obama just edged Bush in those references, 27-26.
Another shared word is “honest.” Here Bush won with 31 references, Obama just 18.
And “liar” also appears high on both the Bush and Obama list, with Obama collecting the most, 18-13.


UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
According to FOX and other blatant Right Wing sources "Putin has assessed Obama as weak". Did you call him up and get this from Putin directly? If we had a Russian who had done the same thing. perhaps we'd being playing games too. Try thinking for yourself.

A typical fringe liberal comment. Always with the put downs (and I won't make any bones about it, the fringe left comments infuriate me and make my stomach turn). Why is it that you think that because someone does not have the same opinion as you that they are less of a human being than you are. The fringe left justifies the put downs by calling others racists, idiots, mindless FOX viewers, uneducated, etc. etc. This is why you get the labels such as loon or hater especially from me. You always have to lash out at the individual not the concept. Those comments create an opposite reaction right back at you.

How can you think you will be respected when you think you are so much better and smarter than the rest of us?

All you had to do was leave off the comment "Try thinking for yourself."

All on the fringe left are of the same mindset.


Well-Known Member
The amazing part of this decision --put the Companies back one year --but the individuals --working for a Company with over 50 employees --that should have had healthcare because the company was forced to provide it --are now left in the cold --they much purchase individual healthcare or be fined.

If it was not POLITICAL and there truly was a problem with understanding the complexities ---both the Company and the individual mandate would have been moved back.