President Obama!


Well-Known Member
There are a gazillion people who would've answered "yes" to the question, "shall I pull the trigger?"

and yet somehow Dubya could never find him to answer yes to the question ,or to give the order(reckon it's cause Osama wasn't in Iraq!)

​Game,Set and Match

But a west hating terror supporter that used WMD's that Rumsfeld gave him on his own was. Key word now being, was. Your welcome.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
Must they ruin everything for us?

Via The Hill:
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Monday she is in talks with the NFL to help promote new insurance options under ObamaCare.

Sebelius said the football league has been “very actively and enthusiastically engaged” in discussions about a partnership to encourage people to enroll in newly available insurance plans.

“We’re having active discussions right now with a variety of sports affiliates” about both paid advertising and partnerships to encourage enrollment, Sebelius told reporters.

HHS is reportedly also in talks with the NBA to promote the law.
Partnerships with sports organizations are especially promising to HHS because the department hopes large numbers of young, healthy men will enroll in the law’s new coverage options.


nowhere special
Its affordable to the welfare freeloaders and the politicians who are too good to be covered under Obamacare. It is sad watching politicians still trying to defend it and still claim it will lower costs for everyone.


golden ticket member
I was reading where he may have ordered the phones bugged for the royal couple when they visited here. He's not suing, so maybe the 'rag' has it right!!


golden ticket member
Obama and his speech today will probably close down the coal industry.......the workers re union and he got their vote, now screw them!!


Well-Known Member

Nixon didn't even do it. But he understood that the buck did stop with him. And with far more moral character than Clintoon rather the drag the tax payer through the impeachment process and having us all wonder what "is" is.... He took it like a real man and resigned. Go figure.