President Obama!


Well-Known Member
Its affordable to the welfare freeloaders and the politicians who are too good to be covered under Obamacare. It is sad watching politicians still trying to defend it and still claim it will lower costs for everyone.


I agee. What is even sadder on the Union forum there are kool aid liberals that are blaming the Teamsters and the Company on the changes in the Healtcare coverage that is DIRECTLY caused by OBAMACARE.

The Seniors were always covered by Medicare -which is now stripped down--the working poor covered by employers or Medicaid.

Now the illegals, the lazy and takers will receive Obamacare --at the expense of the WORKING PEOPLE. Amazing how blind some people can be. Of course for them --it is the "BUSH SYNDROME"


Für Meno :)
While you guys still fight to keep over 1/3 of all your citizens off healthcare, we're way beyond that, and trying to end homelessness.
Sofar, being pretty successful at it, too ! :)

Report on homelessness says Edmonton and Alberta lead the fight

Edmonton and Alberta ranked at the top of a report examining services for the homeless in Canada.

Photograph by: John Lucas, File , Edmonton Journal

EDMONTON - A national report on the state of homelessness in Canada lauds Alberta and Edmonton as leaders in getting people off the street and into stable housing.
Providing grim estimates that at least 30,000 Canadians are homeless each night, the research report by the Canadian Homelessness Research Network said the “Government of Alberta leads the way with their plan to end homelessness which has resulted in provincewide reductions in homelessness.”


golden ticket member
"keep 1/3 of our citizens off healthcare"........where did you get that figure ????

On July 4, 2012, our population was 313,933,954.


golden ticket member
Go back and revise the numbers downward and no one is paying attention to the revision........typical Obama b.s.

What a mess.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — Uh-oh. The U.S. economy suddenly looks weaker, after the government revised its data for the first quarter.
Gross domestic product — the broadest measure of economic activity — rose at a mere 1.8% annual pace between January and March, marking a sharp downward revision from the 2.4% pace reported by the Commerce Department last month.

The government revises its GDP figures several times, but economists weren’t expecting such a dramatic change from the third estimate.
“This was certainly unexpected and, I believe, rare,” said Jennifer Lee, senior economist with BMO Capital Markets, referring to the revision.
The weaker figures came primarily from revisions to consumer spending, exports and commercial real estate.



golden ticket member
So ?

and roughly 1/3 of those 313,933,944 do NOT have adequate healthcare, atleast so it was before Obamacare.
Obamacare was first designed for the 3 million or 13 million or 30 million who have no health ins.
.....not 100 million people!!
(which is one-third of our population)


Well-Known Member
Our brilliant politicians that have told us we need Obamacare to prevent the millions going to the expensive emergency rooms.

Now they want to give legal status to 12 million plus family --no Obamacare --which will drive them to the emergency rooms ????

Also claim --no food stamps or welfare and they will pay fines.

1. Most are broke --no money to pay fines.
2. No food stamps or benefits ---drive then into crimes and gangs -BRILLIANT !!!!


golden ticket member


Strength through joy
A Louisiana lawman is livid over the federal government’s decision to cut off funds for two programs to help troubled young people, all, he says, because he refused to sign a pledge to bar prayer or any mention of God at their meetings.
Julian Whittington, the sheriff of Bossier Parish, La., told Fox News the Department of Justice Office of Civil Rights defunded $30,000 for their Young Marines chapter as well as a youth diversion program. Federal officials objected to a voluntary student-led prayer in the department’s youth diversion program and an oath recited by the Young Marines that mentions God, according to Whittington, who blasted what he considers the government’s “aggression and infringement of our religious freedoms.”
“We were informed that these are unacceptable, inherently religious activities and the Department of Justice would not be able to fund the programs if it continued,” Whittington told Fox News. “They wanted a letter from me stating that I would no longer have voluntary prayer and I would also have to remove ‘God’ from the Young Marine’s oath.” …
The sheriff was told he would not be given any money unless he wrote a letter pledging not to pray or use the word “God.”
I’m guessing the word “Allah” wouldn’t have caused a problem. Thou shalt have no gods before the federal government, but it’s okay to tip your hat to gods with which the federal government is allied.



golden ticket member
The 12 liberals who watch football reportedly inconsolable.

NFL Says No to Obamacare — Washington Examiner

NFL Spokesman Brian McCarthy emails:
We have responded to the letters we received from members of Congress to inform them we currently have no plans to engage in this area and have had no substantive contact with the administration about PPACA’s implementation.


golden ticket member
Putin has assessed Obama as weak, so he spits in his eye on Snowden, and does what he likes on nuclear weapons.

Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz was a guest on Fox and Friends Friday to discuss the latest news about Russia’s major violation of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with the United States by building a new medium-range missile banned under the agreement.

Gertz said the story had been percolating in intelligence circles and around Capitol Hill for nine months, and he called the development bad news for the Obama


Engorged Member
Putin has assessed Obama as weak, so he spits in his eye on Snowden, and does what he likes on nuclear weapons.

Washington Free Beacon senior editor Bill Gertz was a guest on Fox and Friends Friday to discuss the latest news about Russia’s major violation of the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with the United States by building a new medium-range missile banned under the agreement.

Gertz said the story had been percolating in intelligence circles and around Capitol Hill for nine months, and he called the development bad news for the Obama

According to FOX and other blatant Right Wing sources "Putin has assessed Obama as weak". Did you call him up and get this from Putin directly? If we had a Russian who had done the same thing. perhaps we'd being playing games too. Try thinking for yourself.