President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

I heard on the news that the prez. met with some democrat (didn't catch the name) and told him that as soon as the health bill was passed he would be seeking a public option to be added to it.

He wants this country to be Obamarica!! What a pompous creature! :dissapointed:


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Indonesian students protest Barack Obama's visit

Fri Mar 5, 7:53 am ET
JAKARTA, Indonesia – Scores of Islamic students staged protests outside Jakarta's parliament and in at least three other major Indonesian cities on Friday against President Barack Obama's upcoming visit to this predominantly Muslim country.
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Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Oh my goodness! What happened to the Messiah being welcomed wherever he goes???

Even the world is learning the truth.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Oh my goodness! What happened to the Messiah being welcomed wherever he goes???

Even the world is learning the truth.
Ok, over, now you've got me confused. First it was bad that the world loved him like a "rock-star" now it's bad when he draws criticism from the world. Couldn't possibly be personal bias on your part, could it?


Re: Obamanation here today

Oh my goodness! What happened to the Messiah being welcomed wherever he goes???

Even the world is learning the truth.

Klein you got some splainin to do!!

how will this affect Obamas tshirt sales?

Are the chickens coming home to roost here.

Is this a slap in the face to the president who got a noble peace prize for bowing and kissing but?


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

The pres's stop on TV for today is the anniversary show of America's Most Wanted.......Rock on rock star B.O. !! Guest appearances are much more important than jobs for Americans!


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Klein you got some splainin to do!!

how will this affect Obamas tshirt sales?

Are the chickens coming home to roost here.

Is this a slap in the face to the president who got a noble peace prize for bowing and kissing but?

Tie, it`s your president. Not mine.
And the american people have voted.
Probably is a kick in the butt, as a nobel peace prize winner, to receive that.
But, the history from Bush, can`t just be wiped out in a year or 2.
Main reason for this lies here:

I tell you one thing, the dems won`t be as bad as 2006, when the last presidential visit took place there.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

The pres's stop on TV for today is the anniversary show of America's Most Wanted.......Rock on rock star B.O. !! Guest appearances are much more important than jobs for Americans!

Maybe John Walsh is going to ask if anyone has see the American president because he has been missing for over a year. LMAO!!!!

Seriously though i think AMW is more of a conservative program and Obama is trying to reach out and mend fences. Libs dont like to watch AMW because they hate to see crooks arrested...instead they need to be rehabilitated because they are missunderstood. Also more goverment programs need to be made up to help the poor child molesters, thieves, murderers, etc.


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

Maybe John Walsh is going to ask if anyone has see the American president because he has been missing for over a year. LMAO!!!!

Seriously though i think AMW is more of a conservative program and Obama is trying to reach out and mend fences. Libs dont like to watch AMW because they hate to see crooks arrested...instead they need to be rehabilitated because they are missunderstood. Also more goverment programs need to be made up to help the poor child molesters, thieves, murderers, etc.

Because that's the Democrat voter base.


Re: Obamanation here today

Tie, it`s your president. Not mine.
And the american people have voted.
Probably is a kick in the butt, as a nobel peace prize winner, to receive that.
But, the history from Bush, can`t just be wiped out in a year or 2.
Main reason for this lies here:

I tell you one thing, the dems won`t be as bad as 2006, when the last presidential visit took place there.

now klein sounds like a little moon walk going on.

you're the one that told us that obama was so loved by the world and selling a lot T-shirts.


Re: Obamanation here today

Maybe John Walsh is going to ask if anyone has see the American president because he has been missing for over a year. LMAO!!!!

Seriously though i think AMW is more of a conservative program and Obama is trying to reach out and mend fences. Libs dont like to watch AMW because they hate to see crooks arrested...instead they need to be rehabilitated because they are missunderstood. Also more goverment programs need to be made up to help the poor child molesters, thieves, murderers, etc.

no i'm sure he's going to the lions den to slay more lions. comon backside bring it back?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

now klein sounds like a little moon walk going on.

you're the one that told us that obama was so loved by the world and selling a lot T-shirts.

btw: just watching global news :
The most youngest infant the ever survived, early pre-born at only 25 weeks, weighing less then 1lb, was made possible in Goettingen , Germany. The baby is doing well now, and is healthy.
So much for that nasty german healthcare system, tie thinks exists there.

Oh yeah, sure AMW is republican, like lucerfer says, dems are too soft.
So, does that mean all or most criminals are reps ?


Re: Obamanation here today

btw: just watching global news :
The most youngest infant the ever survived, early pre-born at only 25 weeks, weighing less then 1lb, was made possible in Goettingen , Germany. The baby is doing well now, and is healthy.
So much for that nasty german healthcare system, tie thinks exists there.

Once again Klein, you should have used me as a fact checker. In this link: , there is the small story of a premature child being born and surviving at 21 weeks in your favorite state, Florida. That is the story within the story. The main story is that of a baby being denied intensive medical treatment because of medical guidelines dictated by socialized medicine practices in merry olde England. So you are wrong about the premature german baby being the youngest to survive. You also see what socialized medicine did or didn't do in the case of the English mother and child in the link I sent you.

Also, just as a matter of correction, the "most youngest"?????? Please that is like saying wet water. You don't need the adjective "most" in your statement. No. 2: all babies start out at the same age(from when they are born, that is when the clock starts ticking). You meant to say the most premature baby that was born and survived a considerable time after the crisis point. So you were wrong on terms used and wrong on your facts.

Klein, Klein, Klein. Does it feel better when I do it to you as opposed to Tie Guy doing it to you?
Re: Obamanation here today

If Klein put as much effort into losing his virginity as he does in cooking up trivia he would be a porn star.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Once again Klein, you should have used me as a fact checker. In this link: , there is the small story of a premature child being born and surviving at 21 weeks in your favorite state, Florida. That is the story within the story. The main story is that of a baby being denied intensive medical treatment because of medical guidelines dictated by socialized medicine practices in merry olde England. So you are wrong about the premature german baby being the youngest to survive. You also see what socialized medicine did or didn't do in the case of the English mother and child in the link I sent you.

Also, just as a matter of correction, the "most youngest"?????? Please that is like saying wet water. You don't need the adjective "most" in your statement. No. 2: all babies start out at the same age(from when they are born, that is when the clock starts ticking). You meant to say the most premature baby that was born and survived a considerable time after the crisis point. So you were wrong on terms used and wrong on your facts.

Klein, Klein, Klein. Does it feel better when I do it to you as opposed to Tie Guy doing it to you?

Well, in all honesty, I misunderstood the news a bit : The tiniest, smallest in weight baby boy to ever survive :

Officials from Göttingen hospital said that, having checked all available records of premature births worldwide, they were unable to find a viable birth of a boy at a lower weight. Three girls - including one born in the US at just 244 grams - had survived lower birth weights. The smallest boy previously recorded weighed 10.4 ounces.


Re: Obamanation here today

btw: just watching global news :
The most youngest infant the ever survived, early pre-born at only 25 weeks, weighing less then 1lb, was made possible in Goettingen , Germany. The baby is doing well now, and is healthy.
So much for that nasty german healthcare system, tie thinks exists there.

Oh yeah, sure AMW is republican, like lucerfer says, dems are too soft.
So, does that mean all or most criminals are reps ?

dude you're posting on a us message board try speaking a little english.

now as I recall you were glowing about the great Obama and how the world loved him and wanted to buy his tshirts.

what the heck happened to your rock star Klein?