President Obama!


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

My country is better. No, my country is better. Grow up. People have pride in the country they live in. Period the end!


Staff member
Re: Obamanation here today

My country is better. No, my country is better. Grow up. People have pride in the country they live in. Period the end!
You've been on a roll lately More. The other day you gunned down some of Baba's nonsense with a Snopes link, and now here you are being all objective about nationalism.
Jones is impressed :peaceful:


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama Corrected by Congressman

Rep Randy Forbes

Click on the link and watch.




Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today
Obama Administration Tells Court Government-Run Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Not Subject to Open Records FOIA Law

Judicial Watch Battles in Federal Court to Release Fannie and Freddie Political Contribution Information

Washington, DC -- March 9, 2010
“Apparently, American taxpayers are paying the tab for the collapse of Fannie and Freddie, but are not allowed to ask any questions about why it happened. When it comes to Fannie and Freddie, the Obama administration is saying, in effect, ‘None of your business,’” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Obama administration officials and their lawyers can argue until they are blue in the face that Fannie and Freddie are not federal agencies, but their reasoning is straight out of Alice in Wonderland. There is nothing ambiguous about the government’s absolute control of Fannie and Freddie. Which raises the question: What does the Obama administration have to hide?”


Re: Obamanation here today

No Crosby does not play for Chicago. But, I'll give you a hint, he does play for a US team, the team that won the Stanely Cup last year !
People go where the money is. Don't you know that money talks, yet ? You got Beckham, too. Even had and got Wayne Gretzky. Got many of our doctors and nurses, too. Hollywood Stars, Engineers, even TD Bank locations, (which is short for Toronto Dominion Bank,- Canadian owned).
Tie, if you would have watched just some of the Vancouver Olympics, or heard from a few US Team members, they were all astound of the level of Canadian Pride. They never seen anything like that before in thier own home country USA.

Yes, when large amounts of money is offered, ofcourse Canucks will move south. Esspecially, now our retirees... for us, it's like you going to Mexico. It's dirt cheap in the US now, with the currency exchange.
However, for those Canadians working there, they may have second thoughts now, and may return in the future, since thier income, paid in US dollars, is losing value with every paycheck they receive.
And to recruit new ones to head south, is getting harder by the day, too.

DS lives near the border, less then an hr away, I assume. He chooses not to visit the US for his own personal reasons. The US is not for everyone. I heard that lots here, (and prior in Germany), myself.

Each to thier own. But, the news media, with all those US crimes,guns, murders, bombings, etc, most likely plays a big role.

see thats my point Klein you keep telling us what a great country canada is and yet everyone is fleeing it.

If you fled it.

several times.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

see thats my point Klein you keep telling us what a great country canada is and yet everyone is fleeing it.

If you fled it.

several times.

Yup Tie, even my brother is "fleeing" the country with his family in 3 weeks. He's going to Rome for 10 days.
He "fled" last year to Mexico for 10 days, too.

How many Bc'lers are "fleeing" the good country USA on the cruise ?

You got to stop this madness, Tie !


Re: Obamanation here today

Yup Tie, even my brother is "fleeing" the country with his family in 3 weeks. He's going to Rome for 10 days.
He "fled" last year to Mexico for 10 days, too.

How many Bc'lers are "fleeing" the good country USA on the cruise ?

You got to stop this madness, Tie !

Shame crosby can't earn a decent wage in canada.



Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Shame crosby can't earn a decent wage in canada.

He can, but it goes by draft picks. Some draft picks are bought by cash or trades. Who knows, he may be playing in Canada soon , again ?
The NHL has a market cap now, too.
So, it's more complicated then you think..... Do you want 1 great superstar for the amount of money for 2 good stars ? And not exceed the cap ?

The top 5 richest teams are as follows:
  1. Toronto Maple Leafs
  2. New York Rangers
  3. Montreal Canadiens
  4. Detroit Red Wings
  5. Philadelphia Flyers


Strength through joy


Re: Obamanation here today

He can, but it goes by draft picks. Some draft picks are bought by cash or trades. Who knows, he may be playing in Canada soon , again ?
The NHL has a market cap now, too.
So, it's more complicated then you think..... Do you want 1 great superstar for the amount of money for 2 good stars ? And not exceed the cap ?

The top 5 richest teams are as follows:
  1. Toronto Maple Leafs
  2. New York Rangers
  3. Montreal Canadiens
  4. Detroit Red Wings
  5. Philadelphia Flyers

Klein I have a lot of fun here with this topic as do others. Being serious for a moment I think you lose some credibility when you keep dodging the point that canadians are not totally happy with their health care. Though I thought I actually saw a post where you acknowledged the excessively long wait time in canada for surgery. Its ok for you to acknowledge these points I seriously doubt your acknowledge will in any way affect tourism to canada.


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

anyone check out that Fox interview bho gave, where he interrupts to proudly proclaim that "this will help with the earthquake in Hi."


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

Oh yeah, my hubby & I just looked at each other with ????. The pres just pushed a bunch of his talking points and he did admit to not knowing what's in the bill.

I give the interviewer credit for at least trying to get the questions in.........Odrama would'nt take a breath to let him in.


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

Oh yeah, my hubby & I just looked at each other with ????. The pres just pushed a bunch of his talking points and he did admit to not knowing what's in the bill.

I give the interviewer credit for at least trying to get the questions in.........Odrama would'nt take a breath to let him in.

The truth is that Baier is simply not a bi-partisan journalist.
I challenge anyone to compare the transcript of Baier’s interview of Obama, which can be found here, with the transcript of his interview of an outgoing George Bush, which can be found here. You will notice many interruptions of Obama, very few of George Bush. You will find many leading questions of Obama, and almost all, “what is your opinion,” “how do you feel” types of questions of Bush.
You would think that after eight years of a problematic and controversial presidency, that ended with Bush being about as unpopular as possible, that Baier would have some serious charges to fire off at him.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

That's because Obama gave him like a 15 min. time limit and Bret had 40,000 questions. Someone has to stop that egomaniac from rambling on & on and avoiding answering American's questions!!

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

Obama never answered any of his questions. All the Messiah did was mislead about health care like all his BS campaign speaches. Watching the interview you could see the Messiahs arrogance and im glad he acted the way he did. It just reinforced that he is a socialist radical that wants to take this country the way of Europe.

I look forward to the November elections...atleast that should slow him down or stop his radical "change" of America.


Re: Obamanation here today

The truth is that Baier is simply not a bi-partisan journalist.
I challenge anyone to compare the transcript of Baier’s interview of Obama, which can be found here, with the transcript of his interview of an outgoing George Bush, which can be found here. You will notice many interruptions of Obama, very few of George Bush. You will find many leading questions of Obama, and almost all, “what is your opinion,” “how do you feel” types of questions of Bush.
You would think that after eight years of a problematic and controversial presidency, that ended with Bush being about as unpopular as possible, that Baier would have some serious charges to fire off at him.

how's it feel to have the shoe on the other foot? I think the interview shows the real Obama. Arrogant, argumentative not willing to listen to opposing points of view.

the best interview is one where the interviewer presents opposing points of view and gives Obama the chance to address them. Obama refused to do so.

Lue C Fur

Evil member
Re: Obamanation here today

how's it feel to have the shoe on the other foot? I think the interview shows the real Obama. Arrogant, argumentative not willing to listen to opposing points of view.

the best interview is one where the interviewer presents opposing points of view and gives Obama the chance to address them. Obama refused to do so.

The best interview of Obama from a Lefty point of view is where the interviewer (Chris Mathews) humps the Messiahs leg. The Liberal dominated media are Obamas lap dogs. :pet:


Well-Known Member
Re: Obamanation here today

That's because Obama gave him like a 15 min. time limit and Bret had 40,000 questions. Someone has to stop that egomaniac from rambling on & on and avoiding answering American's questions!!

American's questions ? mean the American Right Wing Fringe...

Obama never answered any of his questions. All the Messiah did was mislead about health care like all his BS campaign speaches. Watching the interview you could see the Messiahs arrogance and im glad he acted the way he did. It just reinforced that he is a socialist radical that wants to take this country the way of Europe.

I look forward to the November elections...atleast that should slow him down or stop his radical "change" of America.

What you witnessed, is why Fox News hacks don't learn a thing on their Network, it's just a bunch of mumble jumble, and people talking over each other....

how's it feel to have the shoe on the other foot? I think the interview shows the real Obama. Arrogant, argumentative not willing to listen to opposing points of view.

the best interview is one where the interviewer presents opposing points of view and gives Obama the chance to address them. Obama refused to do so.

If someone interrupted your darling Reagan 16 times like that partisan hack, you would of dressed up like Braveheart and start slashing the Network's employees into a blood bath......


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

"American's questions ? mean the American Right Wing Fringe..."

No, I meant what I said......the American People !!


Re: Obamanation here today

American's questions ? mean the American Right Wing Fringe...

I'm not sure Chris Mathews telling obama about a tingling down his leg qualifies as an opposing view?

What you witnessed, is why Fox News hacks don't learn a thing on their Network, it's just a bunch of mumble jumble, and people talking over each other....

I think the president would be just as guilty of mumble jumble talking over each other as the fox guy..actually more so. The interview is supposed to be a form of submission where the interviewee answers the interviewers questions. The president instead tried to turn it into another controlled townhall interview.

If someone interrupted your darling Reagan 16 times like that partisan hack, you would of dressed up like Braveheart and start slashing the Network's employees into a blood bath......

actually many tried but Ronnie was way too smart for them. Obama is miles behind reagan in basic common sense smarts