President Obama!


Re: Obamanation here today

Well, in all honesty, I misunderstood the news a bit :

just a bit Klein?

I suppose your real point was that I was supposed to feel better about the premature death of my uncle because a premature baby lived? you're killing me with the insensitivity of your logic.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

now as I recall you were glowing about the great Obama and how the world loved him and wanted to buy his tshirts.

what the heck happened to your rock star Klein?

As I told you before, he is not my rockstar, he is America's Rockstar. I didn't and couldn't vote for him. The American people did.
The fact remains, his merchandise does sell. I don't own any of it. What for ?

I know you would rather have Sarah take his place. She would get a long with Paris Hilton very well.
The female version of dumb and dumber !


Re: Obamanation here today

As I told you before, he is not my rockstar, he is America's Rockstar. I didn't and couldn't vote for him. The American people did.
The fact remains, his merchandise does sell. I don't own any of it. What for ?

I know you would rather have Sarah take his place. She would get a long with Paris Hilton very well.
The female version of dumb and dumber !

Actually dumb and dumber may do better then dumbest. but no I'm not endorsing palin for president. I do enjoy tormenting the liberals with her. For some reason they are scared to death of her.

So again can you explain why the world stopped loving Obama and buying his Tshirts or will you dodge the question again. After all you were absolutely drooling over his percieved popularity before even though as you say he is not your president.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

tieguy;697316 [COLOR=#000080 said:
So again can you explain why the world stopped loving Obama and buying his Tshirts or will you dodge the question again. After all you were absolutely drooling over his percieved popularity before even though as you say he is not your president.[/COLOR]

Gee, didn't know you considered Indonesia to be the entire world !!!!!
Maybe, you should wait until he visits another country ? Or better yet, even wait until he pops up in Indonesia. I bet he has supporters there, as well.
Your going a bit over your head on this one. Much too early to come to conclusions.

Kinda reminds me of the first hockey match between Canada and USA.
Since, it was just the pre quailfication round at that time, yet some came to the conclusion, it was all that important, which is was not.


Re: Obamanation here today

Gee, didn't know you considered Indonesia to be the entire world !!!!!
Maybe, you should wait until he visits another country ? Or better yet, even wait until he pops up in Indonesia. I bet he has supporters there, as well.
Your going a bit over your head on this one. Much too early to come to conclusions.

Kinda reminds me of the first hockey match between Canada and USA.
Since, it was just the pre quailfication round at that time, yet some came to the conclusion, it was all that important, which is was not.

Its ok klein a lot of people are turning their backs on Obama . what you do with your t-shirt?


Strength through joy
Re: Obamanation here today

Gee, didn't know you considered Indonesia to be the entire world !!!!!
Maybe, you should wait until he visits another country ? Or better yet, even wait until he pops up in Indonesia. I bet he has supporters there, as well.
Let's see.....he lived there, went to school, and they consider him an outcast. I don't think waiting for him to visit somewhere else is going to change his image there much.


golden ticket member
Re: Obamanation here today

If I had brought home that report card, I'd have a sore butt and be grounded forever !!

Lue C Fur

Evil member


Re: Obamanation here today

Moreluck, I liked that video, it was my intention to watch maybe 30 seconds at the most but I watched the whole thing.t

A few things he didn't mention is that the score really should have been should have been really 4-3 to begin with . But George Bush was born on third and thought he hit a triple. He then stole home with the help of the florida state election officials and his theft was upheld by the Supreme Court. Later in the game Scooter Libby was caught stealing signals , but he was pardoned by the "old boy network".
Also, I noticed something very odd in Palin's glove hand as she was pitching woo. It just looks like writing on that glove, perhaps she needed to write down the signals on her glove, another indication that she is a sharp as a marble sometimes. But lo, if you look closer you will also see a tiny piece of sandpaper, which if she were questioned upon, she might reply was just for filing her nails. But in reality she was using it to scuff the ball and that is why she was able to pitch so well.


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

he was strangely quiet when canada lost the first game but now jumps in to crow over a victory that was supposed to be a shoo in for the canadians.

Please refer to the Vancouver Olympic thread, I'm quite sure I mentioned a golden revenge will take place.....


Re: Obamanation here today

Please refer to the Vancouver Olympic thread, I'm quite sure I mentioned a golden revenge will take place.....

sorry didnt see you posting it here like you did about a victory that should have been a foregone conclusion but was almost given away. was that a canadian socialist thing going on there?
did the canadians think someone was going to hand them the gold medal until they got their buts kicked good by the US?

Is that Crosby playing for chicago? Is there any canadian that actually is happy staying in canada besides DS?


Für Meno :)
Re: Obamanation here today

Is that Crosby playing for chicago? Is there any canadian that actually is happy staying in canada besides DS?
No Crosby does not play for Chicago. But, I'll give you a hint, he does play for a US team, the team that won the Stanely Cup last year !
People go where the money is. Don't you know that money talks, yet ? You got Beckham, too. Even had and got Wayne Gretzky. Got many of our doctors and nurses, too. Hollywood Stars, Engineers, even TD Bank locations, (which is short for Toronto Dominion Bank,- Canadian owned).
Tie, if you would have watched just some of the Vancouver Olympics, or heard from a few US Team members, they were all astound of the level of Canadian Pride. They never seen anything like that before in thier own home country USA.

Yes, when large amounts of money is offered, ofcourse Canucks will move south. Esspecially, now our retirees... for us, it's like you going to Mexico. It's dirt cheap in the US now, with the currency exchange.
However, for those Canadians working there, they may have second thoughts now, and may return in the future, since thier income, paid in US dollars, is losing value with every paycheck they receive.
And to recruit new ones to head south, is getting harder by the day, too.

DS lives near the border, less then an hr away, I assume. He chooses not to visit the US for his own personal reasons. The US is not for everyone. I heard that lots here, (and prior in Germany), myself.

Each to thier own. But, the news media, with all those US crimes,guns, murders, bombings, etc, most likely plays a big role.